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Variability of young stars with LSST Gregory J. Herczeg KIAA

Variability of young stars with LSST Gregory J. Herczeg KIAA. Star Formation: ISM/Molecular Clouds. Pre-main sequence stellar evolution (low-mass case). Classical T Tauri Stars. HD141569, Clampin et al. From Visser et al., in prep. Morphology of a classical T Tauri star.

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Variability of young stars with LSST Gregory J. Herczeg KIAA

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  1. Variability of young stars with LSSTGregory J. HerczegKIAA

  2. Star Formation: ISM/Molecular Clouds

  3. Pre-main sequence stellar evolution(low-mass case) Classical T Tauri Stars HD141569, Clampin et al.

  4. From Visser et al., in prep

  5. Morphology of a classical T Tauri star Dullemond et al., PPV

  6. Morphology of a classical T Tauri star

  7. Luminosity Problem (Kenyon et al. 1990; Dunham, Evans, et al. 2009/2010) Lbol Tbol • Luminosities much lower than predicted from steady infall • Possible solution: most stellar mass accretes during rare outbursts

  8. Young Star Outbursts • FUors and EXors • Very rare • ~10 confirmed FUors • 5-8 magnitude increase in luminosity • EXors: 1 year duration • FU Ori: 1937 outburst is still ongoing Miller et al. 2010 Palomar Transient Factory

  9. Accretion Variability: EX Lup 1893 11 14 1941 McLaughlin (1946)

  10. 2008 Outburst of EX Lup • 5-magnitude brightness • 2 x 10-7Msol/yr • 100 times higher than quiescence • Lasted about half a year • Similar strength, duration as 1955 outburst Aspin et al. 2010

  11. Accretion-powered jets • Episodic mass ejection: related to accretion events? (e.g., Reipurth et al. 1989)

  12. Accretion Histories • Rate and strength of FUOr/EXOr outbursts • Limited to end state of accretion • Class 0/I: JCMT/SCUBA2? • Identify physical cause of outbursts • Gravitational Instability + MRI (Zhu et al. 2010) • Multiple star/disk interactions (Reipurth et al.) • Thermal Instability (Martin et al. 2010) • Gravitational Clumping (Vorobyov & Basu 2005)

  13. Optical accretion diagnostics

  14. Accretion columns of AA Tau (Bouvier et al. 2007) V-band periodicity H-alpha line profiles

  15. Variable accretion onto young star with disk(Herczeg et al. in prep)

  16. COROT observations of NGC 2264(Alencar, Bouvier, et al. 2010) DISK ACCRETION NO DISK Stochastic variability: changes in star-disk interaction Longer term variability: disk instabilities

  17. DisksWarps(e.g., Herbst et al. 2000s; Plavchan et al. 2008) I-magnitude through 5 different seasons

  18. Ongoing SF variability programs • COROT observations of NGC 2264 (Alencar et al.) • YSOVar: Warm Spitzer near-IR monitoring (Stauffer et al.) • Palomar Transit Factory (Hillenbrand, Covey) • VYSSOS: daily monitoring of many SF regions (P.I. Reipurth; not yet ongoing, uncertain future) • PAN-STARRS

  19. Young star variability • Accretion history (for optically visible objects) • Accretion variability: unbiased assessment, timescales • Rotational modulation (space-based monitoring best) • Disk warps: planet-induced, star/disk interactions • Light echoes: outburst bouncing off envelope, disk • Hot spots of magnetically active M-dwarfs • Eclipsing binaries as test of stellar evolution tracks LSST, not variability (covered by VISTA?) • Low-metallicity galactic star formation (Yasui et al. 2009) • Extinction mapping • Young populations/IMF (need complementary spectra)

  20. Formation of youngest disks(Herczeg et al. 2011) • VLT/CRIRES M-band spectra of CO emission • R = 100,000 • Usually behind AO • Measure CO emission/profiles from disks around protostars • Disks: either present or absent

  21. Searching for growth of disks(Herczeg et al. 2012) Watson et al. 2007, Nature Spitzer/IRS spectra: hot water emission from envelope/disk accretion shock? Herschel far-IR spectral imaging: hot water emission from the outflow, not the disk

  22. UV Excess Measures of Accretion(Herczeg, in prep) • Low-resolution optical spectra of 300 T Tauri stars • Palomar and Keck • 3200-9000 A, R=1000 • Largest U-band spectroscopic sample of T Tauri stars to date • Most accurate method to measure accretion rate • Simultaneous extinction, spectral type • 80 more spectra from VLT/X-Shooter • 3000 A – 2.5 microns at R=10,000

  23. Disks, Accretion and Outflows from T Tauri stars (DAO of Tau)(P.I. Herczeg) • HST/FUV spectra • 1150-1800 A • R=20,000 • 30 stars, 111 orbits total) • Hot emission from accretion shock • Molecular emission from disks • Wind absorption lines Discovery of FUV CO Emission from T Tauri stars, France et al. (2011)

  24. Variability of young stars • Accretion history for visible objects • Accretion variability: unbiased assessment, timescales • Rotational modulation (space-based monitoring best) • Disk warps: planet-induced, star/disk interactions • Light echoes: outburst bouncing off envelope structures • Hot spots of magnetically active M-dwarfs • Eclipsing binaries as test of stellar evolution tracks LSST, not variability • Low-metallicity SF (e.g., Yasui et al.) • Extinction mapping • Young populations: need spectra (SpT, gravity, better ages)

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