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Where to get samples (for now). Files are in /castor/cern.ch/user/s/stradlin/: BeamHalo - contains all evgen, simul and reco files for halo, from either side A or C.
Where to get samples(for now) Files are in /castor/cern.ch/user/s/stradlin/: BeamHalo - contains all evgen, simul and reco files for halo, from either side A or C. BeamGas_1.1 - contains all evgen, simul and reco files for beam gas, in many flavors. Some flavors are only generated (smaller contributions). AVOID the pileup and reconstructed pileup samples in this folder MinBias - Copies of the Grid-visible minbias datasets - Pileup - Pileup RDOs of minimum bias primary events (four flavors, including empties), with one of three combinations: halo, gas, empty -- all including normal minimum-bias pileup in the background as well. - PileupNM - Pileup RDOs of minimum bias primary events (four flavors, including empties), with one of three combinations: halo, gas, empty -- NO minimum-bias pileup in the background. - PileupReco and PileupNMReco - Simple ATLAS CSC reco of the above files, with the following command in 13.0.30: csc_reco_trf.py \ inputRDOFile=${RDO_NAME} \ outputESDFile=${ESD_NAME}\ outputAODFile=${AOD_NAME}\ ntupleFile=${NTUP_NAME}\ maxEvents=-1\ skipEvents=0\ geometryVersion=ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00\ triggerConfig=DEFAULT \ DBRelease=/xdata02/stradling/db/DBRelease-4.3.1.tar.gz - MBTS and MBTSNM -- RDO values of the TileTTL1 containers in the MBTS system, extracted to ROOT ntuples, for the above datasets - ESDTracks, ESDTracksNM -- Ntuples of track containers extracted from the ESDs created by the standard reco cited above