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Charged particle kinetics by the Particle in Cell / Monte Carlo method. Savino Longo Dipartimento di Chimica dell’Università di Bari and IMIP/CNR. The system under examination.
Charged particle kinetics by the Particle in Cell / Monte Carlo method Savino Longo Dipartimento di Chimica dell’Università di Bari and IMIP/CNR
The system under examination A gas can be ionized under non equilibrium conditions (too low temperature for equilibrium ionization) with constant energy dissipation, like in electric discharges, photoionized media, preshock regions, and so on. The result is a complex system where the nonlinear plasma dynamics coexists with chemical kinetics, fluid dynamics, thermophysics and chemical kinetics issues
Basic phenomenology The gas is only weakly ionized Molecules are only partially dissociated and exhibit their chemical properties The electron temperature is considerably higher (about 1eV) than the neutral one (< 1000K) Velocity and population distributions deviate from the equibrium laws i.e. Maxwell and Boltzmann respectively
Items to be included in a comprehensive model Plasma dynamics Neutral particles and plasma interaction Chemical kinetics of excited states
I Plasma dynamics
The problem of plasma dynamics The charged particle motion is affected by the electric field, but the electric field is influenced by the space distribution of charged particles (space charge)
Particle in Cell (PiC) method The method is based on the simulation of an ensemble of mathematical “particles” with adjustable charge which move like real particles and a simultaneous grid solution of the field equation Integration of equations of motions, moving particles E field Grid to particle Interpolation Particle to grid Interpolation t D Charge density solve Poisson Equation for the electric potential
Ideal plasma Vlasov equation Particles propagate the initial condition moving along characteristic lines of the Vlasov equation
Particle/grid interpolation: linear Particle move: “leapfrog”
II Plasma dynamics + Neutral particles and plasma interaction
Lagrangian Particles as propagators Vlasov equation Initial d moves along characteristic lines --> deterministic method (PIC) Vlasov/Boltzmann equation medium Dispersion of the initial d --> “choice” --> stochastic method (MC) tcoll ? v’ ? event “free flight”
(1) Sampling of a collision partner velocity w from the distribution F(r,w)/n (2) rejection of null collisions with probability 1-ngs(g)/amax Statistical sampling of the linear collision operator (3) kinematic treatment of the collision event for the charged+neutral particle system
Test particle Monte Carlo A ‘virtual’ gas particle is generated as a candidate collision partner based on the local gas density and temperature. The collision is effective with a probability For an effective collision the new velocity of the charged particle is calculated according to the conservation laws and the differential cross section A random time to the next candidate collision is generated
Preliminary test: H3+ in H2 reduced mobilities of H3+ ions as a function of E/n compared with experimental results of Ellis2 (dots) mean energyof H3+ ions as a function of E/n 2H. W. Ellis, R. Y. Pai, E. W. McDaniel, E. A. Mason and L. A. Vieland, Atomic Data Nucl. Data Tables 17, 177 (1976)
Example: H3+/H2 transport* in a thermal gradient = 500 K/cm, costant p = 0.31 torr E/N=100 Td f(x,y,0)=d(x) d(y) d(x) * only elastic collisions below about 10eV
7ms no field 7ms with E field 7ms no field E field f(x,y) f(y)
M o n te C a rl o C o l l i s i on s Particle in Cell with Monte Carlo Collisions (PiC/MCC) method Integration of equations of motions, moving particles E field Grid to particle Interpolation Particle to grid Interpolation t D space charge solve Poisson Equation for the electric potential
Making the exact MC collision times compatible with the PIC timestep After R.W.Hockney, J.W.Eastwood, Computer Simulation using Particles, IOP 1988
Plasma turbulence due to charge exchange in Ar+/Ar (collaboration with H.Pecseli , S. Børve and J.Trulsen, Oslo) 2 component (e,Ar+) 1.5D PIC/MC 106 superparticles vx t = 0 Initial beam: r = 4 1013 m-3 < e > = 1eV T = 100 K L = 0.05 m Ar background: T = 100K, p= 0.3torr x The electron density is calculated as a Boltzmann distribution, this produces a nonlinear Poisson equation solved iteratively
electrostatic repulsion inertia collisions vx x The collisional production of the second (rest) ion beam can lead to a two stream instability
Two stream instability v The propagation of two charged particle beams in opposite directions is unstable under density/velocity perturbations and can lead to plasma turbulence r
Low pressure gas Capacitive coupled, parallel plate radio frequency (RF) discharge
strong oscillating field regions (sheaths) negative charge negative charge electrons electron density ambipolar potential energy well = -e
Simplified code implementation for nitrogen 2 particle species in the plasma phase: e, N2+ more than one charged species
Selection of the collision process based on the cross section database Process probability = relative contribution to the collision frequency
ions electrons
electrons ions
ions electrons
III Plasma dynamics + Neutral particles and plasma interaction + Chemical kinetics of excited states
Numerical treatment of state-to-state chemical kinetics of neutral particles (steady state) (1) gas phase reactions: E.g.: are included by solving: (2) gas/surface reactions: E.g.: are included by setting appropriate boundary conditions
j(wall) surface reactions absorption, sec.emission Boundary Conditions Poisson Equation electric field space charge Charged Particle Kinetics Reaction/Diffusion Equations eedf electr./ion density gas composition
M o n te C a rl o C o l l i s i on s Chemical kinetics equations Integration of equations of motions, moving particles E field Grid to particle Interpolation Particle to grid Interpolation Space charge solve Poisson Equation for the electric potential
code implementation for hydrogen 5 particle species in the plasma phase: e, H3+, H2+, H+, H- 16 neutral components: H2(v=0 to 14) and H atoms
Charged/neutral particle collision processes electron/molecule and electron/atom elastic, vibrational and electronic inelastic collisions, ionization, molecule dissociation, attachment, positive ion/molecule elastic and charge exchange collisions, positive elementary ion conversion reactions, negative ion elastic scattering, detachment, ion neutralization Schematics of the state-to-state chemistry for neutrals e + H2(v=0) e +H2(v=1,…,5) e + H2 H + H+ + 2e e + H2(v=1,…,5) e +H2(v=0) e + H2 H2+ + 2e H2(v) + H2(w) H2(v-1) + H2(w+1) H2+ + H2 H3+ + H (fast) H2(v) + H2 H2(v-1) + H2 H2(v>0) – wall H2(v=0) H2(v) + H2 H2(v+1) + H2 H – wall 1/2 H2(v) H2(v) + H H2(w) + H e + H 2e + H+ e + H2(v=0,…,14) H + H- e + H2 e + H + H(n=2-3) e + H2(v) e + H2(v’) (via b1u+, c1u) e + H- 2e + H e + H2 e +2H(via b3u+, c3u, a3g+, e3u+)
secondary ions from: primary positive ions charged particle density Simulation parameters: Tg = 300 K Vrf = 200 V p = 13.29 Pa (0.1 torr) nrf = 13.56 MHz L = 0.06 m, Vbias = 0 V gv = 0.65, gH = 0.02
relatively low T01 (~1000K) plateau due to radiative EV processes
Double layer O. Leroy, P. Stratil, J. Perrin, J. Jolly and P. Belenguer, “Spatiotemporal analysis of the double layer formation in hydrogen radio frequencies discharges”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 28 (1995) 500-507
Bias voltage p = 0.3 torr L = 0.03 m gH = 0.0033gV = 0.02 A. Salabas, L. Marques, J. Jolly, G. Gousset, L.L.Alves, “Systematic characterization of low-pressure capacitively coupled hydrogen discharges”, J. Appl. Phys. 95 4605-4620 (2004)
Conclusion A very detailed view of the charged particle kinetics in weakly ionized gases can be obtained by Particle in Cell simulations including Monte Carlo collision of charged particle and neutral particles.
Items to study in the next future (students) Charge particle kinetics in complex flowfields Collective plasma dynamics in shock waves Development of new MC methods for electrons matching the time scale for electron heating ….