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Data Mining&Business Planning of Engineering/Research Projects. Presentation 11 Dr. Gá bor Pauler , Associate Professor Faculty of Sciences, University of Pécs Tel:30/9015-488 E-mail: pauler@ t-online.hu. Content of the Presentation. References. Presentation Structure.
Data Mining&Business Planning of Engineering/Research Projects Presentation 11 Dr. Gábor Pauler, Associate Professor Faculty of Sciences, University of Pécs Tel:30/9015-488 E-mail:pauler@t-online.hu
Content of the Presentation • References
Presentation Structure As principles of content design of course material may vary field by field, PSS Presentation Template will not contain such a strict rules here as at formatting, we just give some recommendations: • Basic structure of a Session (Előadás): • Table of contents (TOC) slide, with animated pointer frame (see Appendix) • It should be repeated at the beginning of each main chapter (Fejezet) of presentation • Learning objectives (Az előadás célja) (you can use the icon there): • In this part you should describe, which competences the student will gain learning the presentation: which practical problems in his/her professional carreer can be solved with this knowledge, it is important motivating the student as hard learning is always a pain! • What is the estimated time requirement of learning it (the session itself, the group project, the assignments, etc.) • Description of topics: at each topic you should follow the following sequence of detailing called the Object-Property-Method Principle (Objektum-Tulajdonság-Metódus hármas) in information theory: • Basic definitions (Definíciók): first you should describe the boundaries of the current topic/system/object and how it is related to the environment: former topics/systems/objects. This will allow the student immediately place the new object into the right place in his/her knowledge base. Lets see a bad example: • eg. you start to talk about „competitively clustered space structures” but what is that is only described at 5 slides later – hard to follow, student has to search forth and back • Don’t forget to underline defined terms and making hyperlinks to that later slides if you do not use it continuously
Chapter building When building a chapter of the presentation, you should build a hierarchy of topics/objects/systems/model. It has 2 basic methods: • Top-down: First you define the complex main topic and then detail its part topics going downward in topic hierarchy. In this case description of sub-topics should be indented, and in more complex hierarchies it should be decimally numbered, eg: • 1 Main topic • 1.1 Subtopic • 1.1.1 Sub-subtopic • 1.1.2 Another sub-subtopic • 1.2 Another subtopic • Down-top: First you define simple components and radually build up more complex ones until completing the whole topic/object/system moving upward in topic hierarchy • Never mix the two methods because it will totally confuse students When you describe in a chapter more – partially conflicting – methods/ models/ approaches/ theories, there are two methods to compare them: • You go through theories linearly, mainly in historic sequence and describe definition, properties and methods of each theories separately. This is the conventional method • When you have lot of theories to compare and comparison is difficult, you can compare them partially: • Compare their definition, scope of area, basic constraints first • Then compare their properties used • Finally compare their methods • Sessions should be closed by summary (Összegzés) of their chapters, which should be consistent with learning objectives • It can be in a form of series of steps: eg. Step1: Lock target .. Step10: Get her laid • You can create an acronym of steps easily memorizable: eg. SCUBA: Select feasible target, Catch eye movment, Utilize oral skills, Bold introduction, Access her phone number/e-mail, etc.
Slide layout 1 Page breaking and layout: One big difference between Word and PowerPoint that here text and other contents does not flow freely from one slide to another, and text cannot be flown around graphics, so you have to control allocating the content among slides manually: • A tipical mistake in default PowerPoint templates that they leave huge margins around objects (slides, slide titles, textboxes, charts etc.), reducing their maximal size, thus their visibility in projection • Always utilize every last square milimeters on your slide to maximize content size: reduce margins to minimal, do not use too much space for slide title, etc. • We help this in the slide template shownig guidelines where to place slide title and bullets of lists, and positioning placeholders accordingly • Never use separate textboxes for paragraphs of the same text! Instead of it, always use the default textbox placeholder on the slide template: • First, it is recommended to edit and align graphics on slide • Then align textbox to remaining slide area
Slide layout 2 • Unnecessary usage of multiple textboxes will make animating the slide more difficult There is one exception from the single texbox-rule: • Flowing text around graphics some-times can save considerable space on the slide, enabling us to show a complex procedure together in one slide • However PowerPoint cannot flow text around pictures automatically, like Word does it • There are two methods to do it manually: • If flowaround takes only small part of the textbox, we can solve it using line breaks at the over-floved part. Be aware of that broken lines appear as separate paragraphs for PowerPoint, and it will animate them separately by default, which you have to correct later • If the flowaround is large compa-red to the textbox, it is better to use 2 textboxes. Please note that always copy the default place-holder textbox on the slide to creat a second one, instead of drawing a separate textbox with View|Toolbars|DrawWTextbox(Nézet|Eszköztárak|Rajzoló|Szö-vegdoboz) as it treats indentation of paragraphs differently than the placeholder
Formatting rules: Text 1 Text rescaling: after editing and aligning graphics on the slide, the intended text to explain it frequently may not fit in the textbox space. Lets see how to allocate text within a textbox more efficiently: • Doubleclick textbox frame to show for-matting panel|Textbox (Formázás| Szövegdoboz), where set margins all around to 0, and inactivate resize to fit text (átméretezés a tartalomhoz) • At Format|Row spacing (Formátum| Sorköz) menu, set pre-paragraph spacing (bekezdés előtti) to 0, row spacing (Sorköz) to 0.65..0.8 • Break long words with „-” into 2 lines: this can save 30-35% of space! • Just in final case, reduce font size with Format|Font (Formátum|Betűtipus) to min. 17-18 pics, or shift default font type of Arial to more compact but less rea-dable Arial Narrow Text breaking and align inside textboxes: • Align text left, justified text does not show up very well in presentation • Do not break lines within 1 paragraph with Enter/line break except if you: • Make 1-textbox flowaround picture • Want to fill indentation with text • Do not use extra line breaks between paragraphs, instead of it increase paragraph spacing if you want more separated paragraphs. Click • Here I wanted to utilize full text- box space, even indentation!!!!!!!!! Click Except if you want to create a wide gap between 2 paragraphs to place picture over that Do not use multiple spaces to make gaps in text, instead of it, use Tab characters Except when you want place tiny pic-tures of icons( ), symbols, pushbuttons over the textbox, aligned with the text
Formatting rules: Text 2 Formatting definitions and professional terms in text: whenever an important professional term comes out first in the course material, it should be marked with underlining, and including the therm on a second language. For example: Activex control (ActiveX vezérlő): is an independent object of Windows installed by several applications (office products, media players, etc.) with programmable functionality through setting its property values Literature references in text: we recommend using the following format: • Within text, you place this: (FirstAuthorSurname[et al], Year DifferentiatingCharacter), for example (Smith et al, 2000 b). Differentiating characters „a”, „b”, „c” etc. are used when you have identical surnamed authors with identical year of issue in the list of references • At the end of presentation, there is a References slide, where references are listed alphabetically ordered by first authors surname in the following format: FirstAuthorSurname, Initial., SecondAuthorSurname,Initial., (Year) „Title”, JournalName, Vol.XX p.XXX, Publisher, Publisher’s city For example: Smith, J., Robins, W., (2000) „Target acquisition techniques”, Journal of targeting, Vol.27, p.298, Wiley&Sons, NY Making hyperlink from text pointing to another slide of presentation: whenever you use an important professional term in text you already defined earlier in the presentation, but you did not use it requently, it is very useful if reader can quickly jump back its slide and read its definition again. This helps the students using the course material presentation as an electronic handbook: • Type text intnded to be hyperlink, then select it • At Insert|Hyperlink (Beszúrás|Hiperhivatkozás) menu, select target presentation file from list • At Bookmark (Könyvjelző) button, select the tar- get slide from list. For example: see text flow-around Advantages-disadvantages lists in text: „:-)” and „:-(„ character sequences are translated automatically into smileys and , which are used to mark advantages disadvantages. Eg.:Evaluation of Hungarian Government: • It organizes spectacular luxury deer hunting for ministers in Gemenc forest • It does it from public money Click Click Click
Animation rules 1 Click We already mentioned that as PSS Template uses complex and relatively dense slides, they cannot appear in one step, as it will confuse reader. Instead of it text and graphics should come up in synchronized animations by-paragraphs: Custom animations: they can be added to slide with Slideshow| Custom animations (Diavetítés|Egyéni animációk) panel: • You can add/modify animations with Add/Modify(Hozzáad-ás/Módosítás) button in 4 categories: Appear/Disappear/ Highlight/Move(Megjelenik/Eltűnik/Kiemel/Mo- zog) and several types in each • Avoid fancy fly-in animations, because they eat up lot of time and machine resources, use simple Ap- pear/Disappear-type except when you need moving • Animations can be sorted in the list with Drag&Drop and you can set them in Effect setting(Effektus beállításai) menu: • At Effect(Hatás) panel, you can set Sound(Hang) and individual charcters of Text animated(Szöveganimálás) • At Timing(Időzítés) panel, you can set start mode(Indítás) to With/After previous/Click(Előzővel/Után/Kattra) Delay(Késleltet.), Speed(Sebesség), Repeat(Ismétlés) • At Animate text(Szöveganimálás) you can set textbox animation: As one object(Egy objektumként)-this is the default for general textboxes – or by paragraphs(bekez-désenként) it is default for main textbox of slide template Rules of designing animations: as a complex slide can contain 40-50 animated text and graphic objects, it is very easy to con- fuse them up in a lenghty list. Therefore: • Always finish layout design and editing of slide completely before doing animations • Always animate main textbox(es) first.By de- fault they are animated in slide template, but if you put there extra line breaks because of Click Click Click Drag Drop Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click
Animation rules 2 • Making text flow-around of graphics, you should modify their animation to With previous. This way, On-click animations are left only at para-graph starts • If there are multiple graphic objects which should come together with a text paragraph in one step: • Group graphic objects together first in View|Tools|Drawing| Drawing menu|Group(Nézet| Eszköztárak|Rajzoló|Rajz menü|Csoportosítás) menu to reduce number of animated elements • Always add with previous-type animation to object group and move it in the animation list AFTER text animations of the given paragraph. This way text animation will „lead” correspon-ding graphic animations in list, making it more understandable. (Otherwise, it is not very easy to dezipher what does „Group 104” mean in a lenghty list of animations, as names of graphic objects/groups are allocated automatically, and you cannot change them to any meaningful) Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Drag Drop Click
Animation rules 3 Pull If there are multiple steps of pure graphics animations (without any text) for one paragraph (eg. several menus, submenus, panels, mose symbols should appear step by step): • Select graphic objects/groups with Shift+Click in their sequence of appearence/disappearence • Add simple Appear animation to them setting its start with previous. The new animation sequence is created at the end of animation list. • Modify animation start to On Click at mouse symbols. They will break up animation sequen-ce into understandable parts • Modify animation type to Disappear at disap-pearing elements • Select the animation sequence again and move it from the end of animation list after text anima-tions of its corresponding paragraph • Then, add Moving path-type animations of mo-ving elements after their Appear animation star-ting with previous (moving itself does not in-duce appearing, you need 2 separate anima-tions!!!). When creating moving animations: • Place starting point animation path to center of moving object. This way, center of object will be at path’s endpoint at the end of move • You can adjust wether movment should start/stop gradually or sudden • Do not try to modify a created moving path pulling with the mouse. This will mess up its alignment with the moving object and you will get faulty results. • Faulty moving paths should be deleted and recreated instead Click Click Click Click Click Click Drag Drop Shift Click Click Pull Click Click Click Click Click
References • PowerPoint Tutorials: • http://www.bcschools.net/staff/PowerPointHelp.htm • http://oregonstate.edu/instruction/ed596/ppoint/pphome.htm • http://www.fgcu.edu/support/office2000/ppt/ • http://www.actden.com/PP/ • Effective presentation techniques: • http://dcc2.bumc.bu.edu/prdu/Session_Guides/oral_presentation_techniques.htm • http://www.lkka.lt/~r.gulbinas/Pristatymo%20metodika.pdf • Other slide templates: • http://desktoppub.about.com/od/templatespowerpoint/Free_Microsoft_PowerPoint_Templates.htm • http://groups.ucanr.org/posters/Templates_for_Slide_Shows/ • http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/CT101172621033.aspx