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Children’s Prayer Breakthrough GBI Salt and Light Comunity Church Children in Prayer (CiP). JESUS LOVES CHILDREN 耶稣爱小孩子. Become intimate with God 24/7. 全天候 24/7 與主親密 Become the children who love to praise, worship, and pray with the Father in Heaven. 成為愛敬拜、愛讚美並禱告天父的孩子
Children’s Prayer Breakthrough GBI Salt and Light Comunity Church Children in Prayer (CiP)
Become intimate with God 24/7. 全天候 24/7與主親密 Become the children who love to praise, worship, and pray with the Father in Heaven. 成為愛敬拜、愛讚美並禱告天父的孩子 Become the army of God. Become blessings for family, church, and nations. 成為神的軍隊、成为家庭、教会和列國的祝福 GOALS 目標
SESSION 5 OVERLAYING PRAYER第五課 :按手禱告 • If you are given • chance to pray for other: • If you have the time, do a quick check for yourself (as in the steps of Powerful Prayer). 如果你有機會為别人禱告,請先按大能禱告提及的步驟檢視自己 • Ask that person whether they have a specific request that they wish you can prayed on. 詢問對方有沒有特別禱告事項 Ask for their names.詢問對方姓名
按手禱告 SESSION 5 OVERLAYING PRAYER • Ask if they would mind if you put your hands overlaying theirs. (eg. Their Hand, shoulder) • 先問他们會否介意讓我们按手在他們身上(如手或者肩上) • Ask for the Holy Spirit to help you during praying, and listen to God’s words. 求聖靈在禱告中幫助你,並聆聽神的話 • Pray on all necessary issue but also listen towards God’s direction for He might show you some matters to pray upon.為對方需要祷告,也同時聆聽神有没有特別啟示禱告方向 • It is possible for you to hear insightful words, a picture may appear in your mind, or a specific biblical verse arose for that person.留意 :也許你會有智慧的言语,靈裡看到圖像,或腦海會湧起某段適切對方的經文。
Sometimes you may not need to say anything. 有些時候甚至你不用說任何話 #Sometimes you are just atool, in which the Holy Spirit will speak directly to that person. 有时你只是一个工具,讓聖靈直接跟他說話。 If you can speak in spirit’s tongue, this is the perfect moment to use them. Especially when you do not know what to pray upon.若你能說方言,特別在未有禱告方向的時候,最好便是先用方言祈禱 Romans 8:26-27 says that the Spirit will bless for us, according to God’s will.羅馬8:26-27說聖靈將按神的旨意賜福與我們
LET’S PRACTICE !!!! • 操練時間 • Do an Overlaying Prayer in turn with a friend. • 彼此按手為對方禱告
FASTING禁食 • Who誰? Me是我? • You are kidding me你在開玩笑嗎?! • Matthew馬太17:20-21 says that if we have faith as a mustard seed, then nothing is imposibble for us if we pray, but praying accompanied along with fasting will be a mighty and powerful weapon against the enemies.倘若我們有芥菜種般的信心,在我們 • 便沒有難成的事!!而禱告加上禁食是抵擋 • 仇敵的大能武器!!
Fasting means NOT EATING, but if you are not allowed to fast for a certain reason , you can substitute it with not doing SOMETHING YOU LIKE THE MOST, such as watching TV, eating junk food (lollypops, chocolate, candies, etc.), playing nintendo, playstation, etc.禁食代表不進食。但如果有特定原因不能不吃,可以以放棄做你最喜歡做的事來替代,如看电视 • ,吃点心,玩游戏等。 • Characters in the Bible • do them too! • 聖經上的人物也是這樣做
Many people fast for different reasons and for different period as they are led by the Holy Spirit. • 许多人为不同原因和时间段由圣灵的带领而禁食
A.TYPES OF FASTING禁食的种类 1. HALF FASTING 半禁食 Avoiding a certain kind of food not for the cause of diet.不是為了減肥而避免進食某些食物(1Kings列王纪上17; Daniel但以理1:12;10:2-3 ) 2. FULL FASTING全禁食 Not eating/drink不進食不喝水 (Deuteronomy 申命记9:9, 18;Ezra 以斯拉10:6; Esther以斯帖4:16; Acts使徒行传9:9; 27:33)
FASTING CORPORATE AND INDIVIDUAL個人和集體禁食 SAMPLE OF CORPORATE/COLLECTIVE FASTING集体禁食例子: 1 Samuel 撒母耳記上7:5-6 II Chronicles歷代志下20:34 Ezra 以斯拉8:21-23 Nehemiah尼希米9:1-3 Joel 约珥2:15-16 Jonah 约拿3:5-10 Acts 使徒行傳27:33-37 SAMPLE OF INDIVIDUAL FASTING個人禁食: II Samuel 撒母耳記下12:15-16,22-23 I Kings 列王記上21:27-29 Psalm詩篇35:13 Daniel 但以理9:3 Luke 路加2:36-37
HOW LONG SHOULD I FAST? 我該禁食多久 • BIBLE tells people who fast to search for God relentlessly until they receive what they yearned for • 圣经告訴我們要禁食到得著所求的 • Eg.: Hannah 哈拿(I Samuel撒母耳记上1:6-8, 17-18); Paul 保罗(Acts使徒行传9:9,17-19) • OR或者 • Until God signals that whatever they wished for will not be received. 直到神提示他們所求的並不會實現 • (As in David’s case大卫王: II Samuel 撒母耳記下12:15-23).
B.LENGTH OF FASTING VARIES禁食时间有长短 1. ONE (1) NIGHT一夜 Daniel 但以理6:19 2. ONE (1) DAY 一天 I Samuel 撒母耳记上7:6 II Samuel 撒母耳记下1:12; 3:35 Judges 士师记20:26 3. THREE (3) DAYS AND THREE (3) NIGHTS三天三夜 Esther 以斯帖4:16 Acts 使徒行传9:9,17-19 4. SEVEN (7) DAYS七天 I Samuel 撒母耳记上31:13II Samuel 撒母耳记下12:16-23 • 5. FOURTEEN (14) DAYS 十四天 • Acts 使徒行传27:33-34 • 6. TWENTY ONE (21) DAYS 21天 • Daniel 但以理10:3-13 • 7. FOURTY (40) DAYS 四十天 • Moses摩西(2 different occasions两个不同情况): • Exodus 出埃及记24:18; 34:28; Deuteronomy 申命记9:9, 18, 25-29; 10:10 • Elijah 伊利亚: I Kings列王纪上19:8 • Jesus耶稣: Matthew 马太4:2; Mark 马可1:13; Luke路加4:2
Below are few sample cases以下是禁食例子: • MOSES摩西fasted for 40 days before receiving the 10th Commandments and also to ask God’s to spare the Israeli from being destroyed. 摩西在領受十誡前禁食40天求神要救以色列 – Deuteronomy申命记9:9-18 • DANIEL 但以理fasted for 3 weeks to ask for God’s interprtation of a vision – Daniel 但以理10 :13 但以理禁食3星期求神講解異象 3. ESTHER 以斯帖fasted for 3 days to be given strength to face the King – Esther 以斯帖4:15-16. • 以斯帖為能在王面前有能力禁食了三天 • FASTING WHICH CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY禁食能改變歷史的進程- Esther 以斯帖4:15-17
Don’t forget what Jesus said about fasting Matthew 6:16-18不要忘记耶稣在马太6:16-18有關禁食的教導– Do not want people to see you fast.不要讓人看到你禁食 • The facts say that the more you are unseen the more you will be rewarded. • 你更多的隱藏,得著更多賞賜 • Do not fast if the appeal does not come from the God alone through the Holy Spirit.如不是從神藉著聖靈的工作。就不要禁食 • Jesus was filled and compelied towards the Holy Spirit when He was taken to the desert after 40 days of fasting.耶穌經過 40日禁食後便被聖靈充滿及推動(Luke路加4:1-2)
Matthew馬太6:16-18 • “Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.”你 們 禁 食 的 時 候 、 不 可 像 那 假 冒 為 善 的 人 、 臉 上 帶 著 愁 容 . 因 為 他 們 把 臉 弄 得 難 看 、 故 意 叫 人 看 出 他 們 是 禁 食 . 我 實 在 告 訴 你 們 、 他 們 已 經 得 了 他 們 的 賞 賜 。6:17 你 禁 食 的 時 候 、 要 梳 頭 洗 臉 、6:18 不 叫 人 看 出 你 禁 食 來 、 只 叫 你 暗 中 的 父 看 見 . 你 父 在 暗 中 察 看 、 必 然 報 答 你
PLEASE祈求 • I think I do not like to pray! • 我觉得自己不喜愛禱告。 • Why not為甚麼不愛? Just do what Jesus do in – Matthew 6:5-13 – go into your room, shut the door, and pray to your Father in heaven.讓我們學效耶穌。耶稣在马太6:5-13叫我们去房间里,把门关上,向天父祷告
OUR FATHER PRAYER主祷文 • Our Father in heaven, • Hallowed be Your name. • Your kingdom come. • Your will be done • On earth as it is in heaven. • Give us this day our daily bread. • And forgive us our debts, • As we forgive our debtors. • And do not lead us into temptation, • But deliver us from the evil one. • For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. • Amen. 所 以 你 們 禱 告 、 要 這 樣 說 . 我 們 在 天 上 的 父 、 願 人 都 尊 你 的 名 為 聖 。6:10 願 你 的 國 降 臨 。 願 你 的 旨 意 行 在 地 上 、 如 同 行 在 天 上 。6:11 我 們 日 用 的 飲 食 、 今 日 賜 給 我 們 。6:12 免 我 們 的 債 、 如 同 我 們 免 了 人 的 債 。6:13 不 叫 我 們 遇 見 試 探 . 救 我 們 脫 離 兇 惡 。 〔 或 作 脫 離 惡 者 〕 因 為 國 度 、 權 柄 、 榮 耀 、 全 是 你 的 直 到 永 遠 、 阿 們 。 〔 有 古 卷 無 因 為 至 阿 們 等 字 〕 • Matthew 马太6:9-13
PSALM 诗篇23: • The Lord is my sheperd; • I shall not want. • He makes me to lie down in green pastures; • He leads me beside the still waters. • He restores my soul; • He leads me in the paths of righteousness • For His name’s sake. • Yea, though I walk through the valley of • the shadow of death, • I will fear no evil; • For You are with me; • Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. • You prepare a table before me in the presence • of my enemies; • You anoint my head with oil; • My cup runs over. • Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me • All the days of my life; • And I dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.
LET”S PRACTICE!!!! • 操練時間 • Pray Our Father Prayer • all together!!!一起誦讀主禱文 • Write Our Father Prayer on a paper and hang it in your bedroom or on your desk. • 把主祷文寫在纸上,並放在你的房间裡
I AM NOT A GOOD KID 我不是個好孩子 • I am not a good kid!我不是個好孩子 • No one loves me!没人會愛我 • I am useless!我没有用 • I cannot do that!我不能做到 • DO NOT LISTEN TO THE DEVIL’S DECEPTIONS!不要聽魔鬼的欺騙
READ THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORDS TO REMIND YOU AND THE DEVIL THAT YOU ARE ALSO IN CHRIST神的道提醒你: • I am saints我是聖徒– Ephesians以弗所书1:1 • I have been accepted by God to be His child 神已接受我成為他的兒女– Ephesians以弗所書1:5, John约翰1:12 • God has created me神創造了我– Ephesians以弗所书2:20 • I belong to God, He has bought me at a price 我是属神的,他把我重價贖回– 1 cor 哥林多前書:19-20 • I am Jesus friend 我是耶稣的朋友– John 约翰15:15 • All of my sins have been forgiven 我的罪都被洗净了– Colossians 歌罗西1:14 • God is on my side, I am freed from all things 神站在我旁,我從所有轄制中得自由– Romans羅馬8:31-34 • I am born of God, the wicked cannot touch me 我是神的儿女,魔鬼不能踫我– 1 John约翰一書5:18 • I am inseparable from the love of God神的恩典永不離開我– Romans羅馬8:35 • I am the citizen of heaven 我是天国的子民– Philippians 腓立比書3:20 • I am God’s working partner 我是神的同工– 2 Corinthians 哥林多後書6:1 • Christ strengthen me to do all things基督加力給我去做所有事 – Philippians 腓立比书4:13
HOMEWORK功课 • Do an Overlaying Prayer towards Dad, Mom, Brothers, Sisters, Grandparents, etc. 给你家人按手祷告 • Regularly fast once every week, every Friday or Saturday.坚持每周五或六禁食 • Fast over watching and playing games for a full whole week.整周禁止看电视或玩游戏 • Practice Our Father Prayer every day. 每天练一练主祷文
TEACHER’S PREPARATION老师预备 • Pray and fast before tutoring讲课前禁食祷告 • Be creative创意 • Learning by doing边学边做 • Prepare paper & strings for writing the Our Father Prayer准备纸张和线条用来写主祷文 • Food, Toys, Toy Television, Nintendo DS, Games 食物、玩具、电视、电脑游戏等 • Share the paper “Spend time with God” for homework分发“与神交流”功课 • Prepare rewards for pupils who complete all of their home works给完成作业的孩子准备奖励