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Week 3B: REVIEW Humanity’s Purpose and Failure (Genesis 2:4–3:24). Genesis: a 12-week study. REVIEW: Structure. Genesis 1:1-2:3 a brief poetic “ establishment shot ” of creation sets the location for the next scene. God is high above .
Week 3B: REVIEW Humanity’s Purpose and Failure (Genesis 2:4–3:24) Genesis: a 12-week study
REVIEW: Structure • Genesis 1:1-2:3a brief poetic “establishment shot” of creation sets the location for the next scene. God is high above. • Genesis 2 a “flashback” to creation of male & female and a “close up” to the “garden-sanctuary” of God. Adam and Eve seen as priests of a garden temple. God is nearby. • Genesis 3 reveals how sin brings judgment and how grace brings the hope of redemption.
REVIEW: God’s covenant name: יהוהYHWH / YHVH / JHVH / Tetragrammaton • Ancient Hebrew of the Old Testament was written only in consonants. • Vowels were added later by the Masoretes (500-950 AD). The text with the ancient consonants and newer vowels is known as the “Masoretic Text”. • People considered God’s personal name so holy that it wasn’t pronounced, to avoid using the LORD’s name in vain. So, they said “Lord” or “God” instead. • When reading YHWH in the text, people said “Lord” (Adonai) instead. The vowels for Adonai were put under YHWH as a reminder to say “Adonai”. • At one point, the true pronunciation of “The Name” was only said in the templeonce each year by the high priest on the Day of Atonement. After the destruction of the temple in AD 70, he pronunciation was “lost”. • In the 16th Century, the consonants for YHWH/JHVH were combined with the vowels for Adonai to create the new word “Jehovah” artificially. • Based on transliterations to other early languages, today most Bible scholars have concluded that YHWH was most likely pronounced “Yahweh”.
REVIEW: Evil is Temporary. Evil is Defeated. Evil will be Destroyed. • Nothing in the Bible suggests the eternal existence of evil. The Fall of Satan happened BEFORE the Fall of Adam. (Isa 14:12-15 “fallen from heaven”, Ezek 28:11-19 “filled with violence…I cast you as a profane thing”) • Satan is defeated by Christ’s work on the cross (Heb 2:14-15) and will later be destroyed (Rev 20:7-10) • Take note: The lake of fire was created for Satan and his fallen angels, not for people. Only humans (not fallen angels) have the option to accept Christ and to avoid Hell.
How did Satan change God’s word?(Genesis 3:1-5) • The serpent deliberately misquotes God. Satan’s question casts doubt on God’s command. • Eve misquotes God by adding the human interpretation “neither shall you touch it.” Human additions aren’t required. • The serpent avoids using God’s personal name YHWH/LORD.
How does Satan sow seeds of doubt about God’s character? (Gen 3:1-5) • Satan suggests that God was hiding something good. • The serpent speaks half-truths, making self-destructive behavior sound attractive. • Adam & Eve are already made in the image of God. They don’t need anything in order to be “like God”. Instead of obeying the creator, they obeyed a creature.
Commandments, sin, & consequences(Genesis 3:7-13) • Breakdown of relationship with God: • Innocence turns to shame. Fear! Hide! • “Where are you?” “Have you eaten of the tree…?” God asks questions, knowing the answers. He’s giving an opportunity to confess and repent. • Breakdown of relationship with people: • Innocence turns to blame. • Adam: “She gave me fruit of the tree…” • Eve: “The serpent deceived me…” • God confronted Adam, as head of the wife. Instead of accepting responsibility as leader of the new family, Adam blames his wife. • God confronted Eve, as having dominion over the beasts of the field. Instead of accepting responsibility, Eve blames the serpent. • God doesn’t even ask the serpent. Only Adam & Eve, made in the image of God, have the privilege of discourse with God concerning their own sin. Even in our sin, we can still talk to God.
Punishment & Calling Connections,Judgment & Mercy (Gen 3:14-19) • Serpent: The “more crafty” (arum) becomes “more cursed” (arur). (belly, dust) (enmity/hostility: bruise heel, bruise head) Dominion over beasts turns hostile. • Eve: The call to “be fruitful and multiply” now includes a curse to “multiply” her pain when she “bears fruit” of children. Procreation turns painful. • Adam: The call to collect food from vegetation now includes a curse of thorns, thistles, and increased labor. • God didn’t take away dominion, procreation, or vegetation. That’s mercy in judgment. The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable. (Rom. 11:29)God’s judgment anticipates the final day of judgment in Christ (John 5:22).
God’s Grace, Christ’s Sacrifice(Genesis 3:20-21) • God’s Grace: Adam & Eve are still able to “be fruitful & multiply”. “Eve” means “life-giver”. • Christ’s Sacrifice: God made garments of skin for Adam & Eve to cover their nakedness. • Where did the skins come from? A dead animal. This indicates that God made the first animal sacrifice. It foreshadows the sacrificial system as a covering for sin, and Christ as the lamb of God. • What happened to the animal meat? Just as the temple priests would later eat the meat of the sacrifices, did Adam & Eve eat it as the priests of God’s garden temple? (It’s just a thought.)
Death • Adam & Eve • died spiritually right away and were in need of a savior. • were clothed by God with animal skins, indicating that death had entered the world. • were immediately exiled from the garden. We don’t read about God walking among them after that. • could no longer eat from the tree of life, so they eventually died physically as well. • went from immortal to mortal. The resurrectionreverses that: the mortal puts on immortality.
Proto-Euangelium: First Gospel • Genesis 3:15 …he shall bruise your head …you shall bruise his heel • An “early gospel” foretelling grace to come. • Satan can only “bruise the heel” of Adam & Eve’s offspring, which he does to Christ on the Cross. • Adam & Eve’s offspring, Jesus Christ, will “bruise the head” of Satan at the resurrection. The death that Satan brought into the world at The Fall of Adam & Eve is now conquered for all believers in Christ’s resurrection!
First Adam, Second Adam: Jesus • Conquer The Serpent (Satan): Adam failed.Jesus succeeded on the Cross! • Temptation: Adam yielded. Jesus quoted God’s word. • Wisdom: Adam is the wisdom of this world. Jesus, the wisdom of God, accepted the Cross. • Death: Adam brought sin and death.Jesus brought grace, life and resurrection. • Origin: Adam was from earth.Jesus is from heaven. (1 Cor. 15:47) • Soul/Spirit: Adam was a living being (“soul”/life).Jesus is a life-giving spirit. (1 Cor. 15:45)
Spirit, Soul, and Body (3, 2, 1?) • spirit = life-giver (also: breathing, blowing) • soul = life, living, alive, that which is alive (person/animal Genesis 1) • body = body of a human / animal / plant, or a whole group of people • Natural (“Soulish”) body: body as we have it now • Spiritual body: glorified body after resurrection (1 Cor. 15) • Soul as life: 100 souls were lost when the ship sank. (older English) • English often uses soul/spirit synonymously today. • The idea that a person is 3 parts has its origins in pagan Greek philosophy. (Louis Berkhof) Today, some people try to impose a trichotomy on humanity, thinking that’s what “image of God” means. • Most Christians today view a person as 2 parts: material (body), and immaterial (soul/spirit). 3-part view often groups it this way also. • Resurrection views a person as an integrated whole. The body is neither evil nor temporary, but necessary to complete the whole person. Jesus was incarnated and resurrected in a body.
Nature of Humanity (4, 3, 2, 1?) • person ≠ body + soul + spirit • Luke 10:27 …love…God…heart…soul…strength…mind (4 parts???) • Matthew 22:37 …love…God…heart…soul…mind (3 parts???) • 1 Thessalonians 5:23 soul/spirit: synonyms used for emphasis (not 3 parts) • Hebrews 4:12 soul/spirit, joints/marrow: inner person (not 4 parts) • soul ≠ mind + will + emotions • Even some animals demonstrate that. Do they have an eternal soul? No. • A “spirit” also has insight, will, & emotions. (Acts 17:16, John 13:21) • soul ≠ mind • Mark 10:45 Son of Man came to give his “soul” (life) (i.e., not his “mind”) • Rev 6:9 “souls”…slain under the altar (i.e., not the “minds” of the slain) • soul ≈ spirit • Everything that the soul is said to do, the spirit is also said to do. • Everything that the spirit is said to do, the soul is also said to do. • person = soul/life = body + spirit • James 2:26 body apart from the spirit is dead (no mention of “soul”)
Final Thoughts • Worshipand serveGodwith ALL that you are and with ALL that you have! • The Old Testament and New Testament are speaking to each other. Learnto listen to their conversation!
THIS WEEK • Week 3B • Humanity’s Failure (Genesis 3) • Start in the MIDDLE of PAGE 21. • If you finish the questions, start reading the “Gospel Glimpses” and other sections, discussing each as you go.