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ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT WAVE. Group 5 : Ilham Anjassetya Putra Junico Jayadi Mohammad Nizzar Eriawan. Definition. Wavelength and Frequency. Application. Our Presentation Today. Benefits and Damages of UV Light. Discovery. Generaal Type of UV Light. DefInItIon.

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  1. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT WAVE Group 5 : IlhamAnjassetya Putra JunicoJayadi Mohammad NizzarEriawan

  2. Definition Wavelength and Frequency Application Our Presentation Today Benefits and Damages of UV Light Discovery Generaal Type of UV Light

  3. DefInItIon... Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic wave  which can not be visible to the humans but visible light to a number a insect and birds. Has wavelength shorter than visible light, but longer than X-ray.

  4. Wavelength and Frequency Ultraviolet wave ray has wavelength in range : Ultraviolet wave ray has frequency in range : 10 nm to 400 nm 1016 Hz.

  5. Spectrum of Electromagnetic Waves

  6. Discovery... In 1801, the German physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter made the observation by exposed the colours of visible which he created by passing the sunlight through the glass prism, that the silver chloride darkened or reacted more quickly at beyond the end of violet (visible light), and it’s called as Ultraviolet Rays. “Ultraviolet” rays (from Latin : Ultra=beyond)

  7. The discovery of the ultraviolet radiation below 200 nm, named vacuum ultraviolet because it is strongly absorbed by air, was made in 1893 by the German physicist Victor Schumann

  8. How UV Can Appear? The main source of Ultraviolet Rays is SUN


  10. The electromagnetic spectrum of ultraviolet light can be subdivided by the following ranges:

  11. General type of UV light

  12. 1. UV A UV-A is the most UV light radiation. The range of the wavelength is 400-100 nm. UV-A is the most that could damage the skin and form furrow on the face. Radiation of UV-Acould passedtill the dermis layer of skin and trough the glasses.

  13. 2. UV B The range of the wavelength is 315-280 nm. UV-B light usually only damages on epidermis layer of the skin. Has highest intencity between 10:00 and 14:00 o’clock. In a lack of number, the radiation can synthesize Vitamin D in the body. In a high of number, the radiation could caused reddish skin. Free radical could caused cataract. And could damages DNA which can caused skin cancer.

  14. 3. UV C UV-C radiation form highest dangerous effect and caused highest damages. The range of the wavelength is 280-100 nm. Fortunately, majority of this light absorbed on the ozon layer at atmosphere. But because of the ozone layer have became thin, so the UV C may pass to the surface of the earth and could caused a lot of damages.

  15. Benefits of Ultraviolet Light • Can help change colesterol which saved on the skin become vitamin D. • Help body to repair and form bones. • Neutralize the infection and kill the bacteria. • Decrease glucose in blood.

  16. DamAges of Ultraviolet Light • Often have activity in the Sun without protective skin, will cause skin aging faster experience. The skin so quickly furrowed and arise black spots which we know as the black flecks. • UV light radiation on the eye will cause cloudiness in the lens so that it came to be called the disease of cataracts, as well as damage to the cornea and retina. • Green ganggang will decrease • Cause skin cancer

  17. Methods for avoid negatif influence 1. Seek out of the shady place Carilahtempatteduh

  18. Methods for avoid negatif influence 2. Use a long sleeve shirt , trousers, hat or umbrella Kenakan kemeja lengan panjang, celana panjang,topi bertepi lebar atau payung

  19. Methods for avoid negatif influence 3.Use body lotion or suncream Gunakanpelembab (lotion) tabirsurya

  20. Methods for avoid negatif influence 4. Put on sunglasses Pakailahkacamatahitam

  21. Save me…!!! Methods for avoid negatif influence 4.Give extra defense to baby and children Berikanperlindunganekstrapadabayidananak-anak.

  22. Application of Ultraviolet Light • Kill the microorganism. Such as : Laminar Air Flow with Ultraviolet • Spectrophotometer UV • Money detector using UV Spectrofotometer UV Laminar air flow Moner detector

  23. The feast is usually more widespread circulation of counterfeit currency. Well, in anticipation that you could use counterfeit money detector practical. This counterfeit money detector using UV light that is able to distinguish real money with fake money. Under exposure to ultraviolet light, the original serial number will change the color of money. In addition, the real money is also printed using a special ink that will appear invisible when illuminated its nominal value. Thus, counterfeit currency detector is able to work accurately. How to use counterfeit money detector is also very easy. Simply press the button to turn on the UV light, then shine on the money. You can already see the difference even counterfeit money that may be missed by the naked eye. Application Money Detector

  24. Application PendeteksiUangPalsu Pendeteksiuangpalsuinimenggunakansinar UV yang dapatmembedakanantarauangpalsudanuangasli, dibawahpaparansinar UV akanterliharkalauuangasliakanberubahwarnapadanomerserinya. Karenauangasliitudicetakdengantintakhusus yang akanmunculketikadisinaribagiannilainominalnya. Jadidetektoruangpalsuinidapatbekerjasecaraakurat. Cara menggunakanalatpendeteksiuangpalsuinisangatmudah. Hanyadenganmenekantombol “ON” padaalatsinar UV, kemudiansinariuangtersebutdibawahsinar UV. Kita akanmelihatperbedaanantarauangpalsudenganuangasli yang luputdarimatatelanjang.

  25. Conclusion Ultraviolet Light belongs to the electromagnetic wave which has short wavelength range (10 nm-400 nm). So, with the short wavelength the Frequency must be high, with the high Frequency the Energy of the UV light also high so it can give energy for chemical reaction and can destroy DNA structure. Because of it, UV light is so useful in many sector such as medical, analysis, purification system, and other.

  26. Reference Biologi.lipi.co.id Coolpointengineer.com

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