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Developing a Partnership for Higher Education. The Academy/JISC Collaboration Team Jo Smedley, JISC Team Leader Sharon Waller, Academy Team Leader. Background. HEFCE e-learning strategy Aims of collaboration
Developing a Partnership for Higher Education The Academy/JISC Collaboration TeamJo Smedley, JISC Team LeaderSharon Waller, Academy Team Leader
Background • HEFCE e-learning strategy • Aims of collaboration • Achieve effective inter-working and communication between JISC, JISC Services, the Academy and Subject Centres • Provide a shared web presence to offer guided pathways to the work of JISC, JISC Services, the Academy and Subject Centres in various themes and topics that involve e-learning • Inform JISC and the Academy on the development of e-learning within the sector and the needs of institutions to assist planning of future developments
Operationalising the Collaboration • Collaboration Team: 1st March 2007 – 31st March 2009 • Management structure in place • Developing a programme of work and communication vehicles to facilitate effective inter-working within and between the partners • cultivating collaboration networks around themes topics and geographical ‘clusters’ • identifying complementary strengths, areas of best practice and areas that need to be developed as well as recognising new opportunities for development • review of partnership March – May 07 • internal and external events • Facilitating the development of a shared web-based tool to search web pages of both organisations • Keywords and search terms
JISC/Academy e-learning support model Higher Education Institutions Individuals/Groups PVC network, CETLs, NTFS, FDTL etc Subject Centres Advisory and Content Services Learning and teaching practice and research developments Developments Higher Education Academy JISC
Mapping the territory: recognizing respective strengths • JISC and the Academy bring a wealth of complementary expertise and service: • JISC • development programmes, tools, resources, content, repositories, research etc • advisory services • Academy • pedagogy, overarching L&T context, resources, professional development, research, staff development focus etc • discipline focus through subject centre network
Academy + JISC Mapping the territory: recognizing respective strengths = engagement with institutions at all levels i.e. individuals, discipline groups, staff & educational developers, researchers, senior managers (PVCs etc) . . . i.e. horizontal integration
Mapping the territory:existing collaborative activities • Examples of collaborative projects include: • Events: Open Source, Effective Practice, Learning Spaces, Innovative Practice, HE in FE: e-portfolios • Projects: DeL, CAMEL, Benchmarking, Pathfinder, Bologna, AIRDIP (Academy/Intute Resource Database Integration Project) • Special Interest Groups: Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) and e-Portfolio SIGs • Others? • Please take a few moments to think of any other examples that you are involved in and/or aware of
Joint Information Systems CommitteeStrategic Mission 2007-2009 • To provide world-class leadership in the innovative • use of Information and Communications Technology • to support education and research. To deliver • innovative and sustainable ICT infrastructure, • services and practice that support institutions in • meeting their missions
Joint Information Systems CommitteeStrategic Aims 2007-2009 • To promote the development, uptake and effective use of ICT to support learning and teaching • To promote the development, uptake and effective use of ICT to support research • To promote the development, uptake and effective use of ICT within institutions and in support of their management • To develop and implement a programme to support institutions' engagement with the wider community • To continue to improve JISC's own working practices
JISC Advisory Services • Provide the expertise, independent advice, guidance and resources to promote the effective and innovative use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT): • access to high quality resources to support learning, teaching and research • advice on the creation and preservation of digital resources • information about the implications of using ICT, including legal and organisational issues • front-line support for the FE sector through the Regional Support Centres (RSCs) • network services and support • research to develop innovative solutions to fully exploit the potential of ICT
JISC Regional Support Centres • Small multi-disciplinary teams of 6-10 people, based in lead institutions in 13 locations throughout the UK • Support the building of e-learning capacity in their regions • Types of support they can provide: • E-Learning or ICT strategy development • Staff development • Learning and teaching • Technical network infrastructure and connectivity • Online learning resources • Learning platforms and information systems
The Higher Education Academy • An independent organisation funded by grants from the four UK higher education funding bodies, subscriptions from higher education institutions, and grant and contract income for specific initiatives. • Our mission is to work with institutions, discipline groups and individual staff to provide the best possible learning experience for all students.
ESCalate EDINA History, Classics & Archaeology Legal Classics;MEDEV InfoNet, Netskills, PAS ICS CEBE, ESCalate, Materials Palantine, Archaeology Bioscience, Physical Sciences, PRS, Psychology CETIS TechDis Engineering, ICS Law, MSOR, C-SAP OSS Watch BMAF; HLST CEBE AHDS, Collections English, Health, Sciences & Practice TASI Economics, ESCalate Art, Design, Media LLAS; SWAP GEES Academy/JISCGeographical clusters
Activity I (30 mins): Information exchange • In small groups exchange and ‘capture’ information about your respective: • stakeholders – who are they? what are their e-learning needs and expectations? • current and proposed e-learning activities / developments • rationale for undertaking these activities • sources of funding for these activities • challenges/issues in supporting e-learning • support requirements
Activity II (20 mins): Information exchange • Individually, view other groups’ information and using initialled ‘post-its’ make a note of: • anything that interests you - on the groups’ sheet, add your post-it(s) next to the item(s) of interest • common themes and issues • differences • activities/developments being undertaken or planned by others which would benefit your stakeholders • how you might contribute to any of those activities – on the sheet, add your post-it(s) next to those activities
Activity III (10 mins): Information exchange • In your groups make a note of any ‘post-its’ placed on your groups’ sheet • Over lunch make contact with and exchange details with the post-its’ author(s), discuss how you might work together
Activity IV (30 mins): Opportunities for Collaboration • In small groups identify: • examples of good practice which have emerged as a result of collaborations • characteristics of a good collaborative relationship • areas/activities which would benefit from the Academy/JISC collaboration • challenges and priorities in supporting the collaboration • support required
Activity V (10 mins): Opportunities for Collaboration • Individually, view other groups’ work and using initialled ‘post its’ make a note of: • possible Academy/JISC areas/activities that you would like to be involved in • how you might contribute to / participate in such areas/activities • anticipated challenges and priorities to be tackled • support/resources/mechanisms which would enable you to contribute/participate • add your post-it(s) next to the item(s) of interest
Activity VI (20 mins): Opportunities for Collaboration • Plenary discussion • areas/activities which would benefit from the Academy/JISC collaboration • how can we best take these areas forward? • who would like to work with whom? • what can you each contribute? • when can you do contribute? • what support do you need? • what support does the sector need? • what would you like to see happen next?
Dates for your diary • Collaboration workshops: • Autumn 2007 - 24 hour event, date and venue tba Theme: “Communication and culture” • Spring 2008 – date? format? venue? theme? tba
Next steps, issues, questions … • Sharon to collate information and make it available to everyone • Using a wiki to capture information, record progress, store documents? • Funding for collaborative activities • Narrative required to keep everyone informed e.g what mini-projects? • Mapping & scoping, gap analysis – best way(s) to obtain information?
Example of collaboration • Plagiarism advisory service to be split 1st September 2007 • JISC Internet Plagiarism Advisory Service (IPAS) • Advice and guidance using Turnitin software • JISC/Higher Education Academy Academic Integrity Service • Academic advice and guidance • Based at MEDEV, aligned with assessment theme
Further information • Academy • Sharon Waller: sharon.waller@heacademy.ac.uk • http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/learning/elearning/collaboration • JISC • Jo Smedley: j.smedley@jisc.ac.uk • http://www.jisc.ac.uk/aboutus/partnerships/he_academy.aspx