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The NATIONAL NETWORK OF SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINES John Draper, Ph.D. December 5, 2004. WHAT IS? The National Network of Suicide Prevention Hotlines. Funded by SAMHSA—3 year grant Link suicide prevention hotlines across the country --to a 24-7 toll-free number
WHAT IS?The National Network of Suicide Prevention Hotlines • Funded by SAMHSA—3 year grant • Link suicide prevention hotlines across the country --to a 24-7 toll-free number --that routes callers to the nearest crisis call center • Ensure that all hotlines are certified by a recognized accrediting body • Provide for: -- a web-based central database for resource referrals -- training and other technical assistance
THE ROLE OF HOTLINES IN PREVENTING SUICIDE • Provide immediate, anonymous and free access to support • --In the suicidal moment: provide crisis counseling and emergency linkages • --Before the suicidal moment: early intervention for callers with non-immediate crises or emotional problems, referrals to services for ongoing stabilization • Research has shown that: --Hotlines are reaching persons that are suicidal --Hotlines have preventive effects
BRIEF HISTORY OF NETWORK • First SAMHSA grant holder for network in 2001: American Association of Suicidology (AAS) and the Kristin Brooks Hope Center • 1-800-SUICIDE = number from 2001-2004 • 140 centers across U.S., 45 states • Most 24-7, all certified by a credentialing body (AAS, CARF, JCAHO, CoA, etc.) • Approx. 80% of hotlines are a mix b/w professionals and trained volunteers; some large (over 200,000 calls per year), others small (6,000 calls per year); some primarily information and referral, others mostly crisis counseling
CURRENT ADMINISTRATION OF NETWORK • Link2Health Solutions, independent affiliate of the Mental Health Assoc. of NYC; primary investigator • Partner: National Assoc. of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) --Assist in identifying hotlines for network across the country --Assist in identifying existing resource databases for potential use in project --Help promote hotline network among other national, state and local stakeholders • Partners to conduct Project’s Evaluation for Quality Assurance --Columbia University’s Research Foundation for Mental Health --Rutgers Graduate School of Professional Psychology
GOALS OF NEW ADMINISTRATION • Centralized database of resources to be shared by network (web-based) • Clearinghouse function: cross-network sharing of best practices in hotline caller assessment, technology interface (e.g., information and referral software), public education materials, data collected by the network, etc. • National suicide prevention hotline promotion campaigns, support of local hotline efforts • Enhance network coverage in underrepresented areas
POTENTIAL ROLE OF HOTLINES IN SUPPORTING STATE AND LOCAL BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SYSTEMS • Enhance access to services for uninsured and underinsured • Provide free crisis counseling service, vital in resource-diminished rural areas • Data collection from callers can suggest trends in community behavioral health needs • Public Education campaigns with hotline numbers to promote behavioral health awareness • Disaster mental health preparation and response
HOTLINE EXAMPLE: 1-800-LIFENET in New York City • Supported by state and local government funds • 24-7 crisis, information and referral hotline • Multicultural, staffed by mental health professionals • Customized software, over 4,000 resources, writes reports • Approximately 75,000 calls per year; 10% with history of suicidal ideation
DISASTER PREPAREDNESS and HOTLINES 9/11 Children’s Mental Health Campaign 1-800-LIFENET, New York
EXAMPLE: HOTLINES AS VEHICLES FOREARLY INTERVENTION/PREVENTION (LIFENET, NYC) • 40% of callers no prior history of treatment (70% on Asian line) • Reaching more callers prior to crisis/emergency (8-fold increase in calls over past 8 years, only 2-fold increase in crisis and emergency calls) • Follow-up survey of over 500 LifeNet callers affected by 9/11: 77% linked to treatment after calling the hotline
WHAT STATES CAN DO TO ASSIST IN NATIONAL NETWORK’S EFFORTS • Identify key hotlines in State—encourage network partnership • --States west of the Mississippi River are under-represented in the network • --Let NASMHPD and/or Link2Health Solutions know of premier hotlines • Identify database(s) of resource listings, contact NASMHPD or Link2Health
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL HOTLINES! • --stabilize key call centers in your state with funding to provide professional staffing, where needed • --use hotlines strategically to promote community behavioral health awareness campaigns
CONTACT INFORMATION: John Draper, Ph.D., Director National Network of Suicide Prevention Hotlines Link2Health Solutions (212)614-6309 jdraper@mhaofnyc.org