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What is this area called?

What is this area called?. Asia Pacific profile page. To introduce you to which countries are part of the Asia Pacific region, you are to Create an Asia-Pacific profile page in your book .

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What is this area called?

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  1. What is this area called?

  2. Asia Pacific profile page • To introduce you to which countries are part of the Asia Pacific • region, you are to Create an Asia-Pacific profile page in your book. • This profile can be used as a reference at any stage of the unit to help you with your work. To do this, Carefully write the following information at the top of your page in bullet points with the short explanation of what each term means. Then write each of the bold words as a heading along the top of you page in separate columns. Write the headings neatly in bold text so that it is easy to read. • Country (name of the country) • Capital City (name of the capital city of each country) • Area (How many square kilometres of land are covered by the country) • Population (How many people live in the country) • Life Expectancy (The average age at which people die in this country) • GNI per capita (The total value of goods and services produced by the country divided by the number of people in the country) • Forests & Woodlands (The total percentage of land in the country that is covered in forests and woodlands) • Use the ‘World Statists’ on pages 244 – 247 in the atlas to help you complete your profile of the Asia Pacific countries.

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