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Accountability and Assessment: From “A Nation at Risk” NCLB Race to the Top. Framing Questions:. Who can and should be held educationally accountable, for what, to whom, and why? How can we measure student learning in a way that both reflects and promotes concerns about equity?
Accountability and Assessment: From “A Nation at Risk” NCLB Race to the Top
Framing Questions: • Who can and should be held educationally accountable, for what, to whom, and why? • How can we measure student learning in a way that both reflects and promotes concerns about equity? • How did No Child Left Behind (NCLB) change educators’ practices and national conversations about these issues? • How are Race to the Top and current ESEA reauthorization negotiations influencing the national conversation, on the one hand, and educational policy and practices, on the other?
1917, 1946: Federal aid to schools for vocational, agricultural, and home ec education 1958: National Defense Education Act (response to Sputnik) funds improvements in science, math, and foreign language instruction 1965: Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), including Title I funding for disadvantaged children. Requires reauthorization every 5 years. 1964: Title VI of Civil Rights Act 1972: Title IX of Education Amendments 1973, 1975: Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act, Education for All Handicapped Children Act prohibit race, sex, special needs discrimination in education 1980: Department of Education created (at Cabinet level) 1983: A Nation at Risk 1980s – 2000s: States and professional groups develop content standards, assessments, and accountability mechanisms 2002: ESEA reauthorized as No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 2004: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act revamped 2009-??: Race to the Top, ESEA reauthorization 2010: Common Core Standards
Assessment and Accountability: The Early Years 1980s – early 1990s • “Off the shelf” tests: Stanford, ITBS, California Achievement Test • Norm-referenced • Minimum competency tests: e.g. Texas Assessment of Basic Skills (1979), Texas Educational Assessment of Minimum Skills (1984)
Assessment and Accountability: The Early Years 1980s – early 1990s • “Off the shelf” tests: Stanford, ITBS, California Achievement Test • Norm-referenced • Minimum competency tests: e.g. Texas Assessment of Basic Skills (1979), TX Educational Assessment of Minimum Skills (1984) Mid-to-late 1990s • Achievement tests: e.g. Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (1993), Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (1999) • Criterion-referenced • Tests start to be aligned with state standards
Criticisms of StateAssessment Systems • Wildly variable in quality and rigor • Often not aligned with state standards (state standards didn’t always exist) • Student-level accountability (e.g. must pass to graduate) but no teacher, principal, or school-level accountability • Not used to guide instruction
Accountability as… PUNISHMENT
Accountability as… Lever of Change
Pause and think: Pause and Think • How have state assessment and accountability systems changed over the past 30 years? • Do these changes represent progress, regress, or some of both? • What purposes do you think state-level assessment and accountability systems should play in education, if any? • What questions do you still have?
(100%-current % proficient) (2014-current year) = % increase expected Major NCLB Requirements: • All students (100%) at “proficiency” by 2014 – AYP determined for each subgroup: • Failure to make AYP in any subgroup = overall school failure to make AYP • Progressive sanctions, some including increased funding • Reading and math tests every year grades 3-8, once in grade 9 or 10, science at three diff. times • Graduation and attendance rates now part of AYP
How NCLB Promotes Equity: • Disaggregates scores • Judges schools by their least successful students, not their most successful • Establishes clear and common achievement standards; eliminates between-school and even between-district variation in standards for success • Provides strong incentives for school improvement focused on student achievement • Purportedly offers students/families in failing schools additional options, including to transfer to a non-failing school
Challenges to Equity:The Threat of Perverse Incentives • States • Schools • Students
Perverse Incentives for States: Lower Standards to Increase Passing Rates Source for following slides: National Center for Education Statistics (2007). Mapping 2005 State Proficiency Standards Onto the NAEP Scales (NCES 2007-482). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC: Author.
Perverse Incentives for Schools: Don’t Let Students Get to 10th Grade(unless they can pass the test)
District Retention Rates: Evidence of the Urban Ninth Grade Bulge http://www.doe.mass.edu/infoservices/reports/retention/. Updated Apr. 16, 2009. Accessed December 15, 2009.
District Retention Rates by Race/Ethnicity (2007-08) http://www.doe.mass.edu/infoservices/reports/retention/
Perverse Incentives (or at least outcomes) for Students: If You’re Not Passing, Drop Out
Retention and Dropouts • Repeating any grade correlated with and even clearly contributes to dropping out • Persistence to 12th grade dramatically lower for students repeating grade 9 (TX & Philadelphia) • Up to 40% of ninth grade students in cities with the highest dropout rates repeat 9th grade; only 10–15% of those repeaters go on to graduate • 40% of dropouts in low–income high schools left after ninth grade vs. 27% in low–poverty schools Balfanz and Legters 2004, http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/seind08/c1/c1s6.htm, http://www.betterhighschools.org/docs/NHSC_FirstYearofHighSchool_032807_000.pdf,
Cohort 2009 4-year Graduation Rates in Massachusetts: Source: http://www.doe.mass.edu/infoservices/reports/gradrates/ * Limited English Proficient
Pause and think: Pause and Think • What are the strengths of NCLB both overall and particularly with respect to the achievement of educational equity? • What are the weaknesses of NCLB both overall and particularly with respect to the achievement of educational equity? • Is it possible to retain the strengths while overcoming the weaknesses, especially those resulting from perverse incentives? How? • What would you do if you were in the position of reauthorizing ESEA? What would you tell your senator or congressperson, and why?
ESEA Reauthorization:Points of Agreement • Make AYP (or its equivalent) more nuanced, not just yes/no • Measure individual student growth rather than cohort comparisons: “value-added” measurements (VAM) • Incorporate multiple measures into accountability system: e.g. dropout and retention rates, possibly higher-ed access • Do everything possible to avoid perverse incentives • Provide resources (“opportunity to learn”) and not just consequences • Use data to guide instruction and not just guide sanctions and rewards • Promote complex teaching for complex thinking
Value Added Measurements • Track individual student growth under one classroom or in one school, rather than comparing cohorts • Many concerns about wild fluctuations in VAM assessments of teacher effectiveness year-to-year • ~30-40% predictive power: about 1/3 of teachers in top group one year will be in top group next year • But multi-year averages may provide reliable data on individual teacher effectiveness, especially when combined with other data sources Sources: Prof. Andrew Ho and http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/reports/2010/1117_evaluating_teachers/1117_evaluating_teachers.pdf
VAM in Los Angeles: Data-driven teacher accountability at work • Los Angeles Times used seven years of district math and English data to conduct a VAM analysis of LAUSD teachers in Summer 2010 • “Grading the Teachers. Who’s teaching L.A’s kids?” (8-14-2010) published with teacher names and pictures • Full searchable database available to the public online • Protests, rallies, and threatened teacher’s union boycott of Los Angeles Times followed • LA Unified School Board voted soon after to include VAM in teacher evaluations • Male elementary school teacher committed suicide in Sep. 2010. Public VAM data was blamed in media. The Times issued their condolences. Data are still available online.
Race to the Top: Goals $4.3 billion in incentives to get states to: • Adopt standards and assessments that prepare students to succeed in college, the workplace, and the global economy • Build data systems that measure student growth and success and inform teachers and principals about how they can improve instruction • Recruit, develop, reward, and retain effective teachers and principals especially in high-need schools • Turn around lowest-achieving schools
RTTT: Standards & Assessments States must demonstrate their ability to: • Participate in a consortium of states that are working toward adopting a common set of K-12 standards that are internationally benchmarked • Develop & implement common, high-quality assessments aligned with the common standards Common Core Multi-state assessments
RTTT: Data Systems States must demonstrate their ability to: • Implement a statewide longitudinal data system; • Make the data available to those working with local instructional improvement systems Research into risk factors, causal relationships Value Added Measurements Data-Driven Instruction Formative assessment
RTTT: Teachers & Leaders States must demonstrate their ability to: • Allow alternative routes to certification; • Design and implement evaluation systems for teachers and principals that take into account data on student growth; • Develop a plan to distribute “effective” teachers and principals equitably; • Link measures of “effectiveness” to preparation programs and professional development
RTTT: Low-Achieving Schools States must demonstrate their ability to: • Intervene directly in low-performing schools and districts; • Identify the lowest-performing schools; • Implement one of four school intervention models: • Turnaround • Restart • School Closure • Transformation
Pause and think: • Who can and should be held educationally accountable, for what, to whom, and why? • How can we measure student learning in a way that both reflects and promotes concerns about equity? • How did No Child Left Behind (NCLB) change educators’ practices and national conversations about these issues? • How are Race to the Top and current ESEA reauthorization negotiations influencing the national conversation, on the one hand, and educational policy and practices, on the other?