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Battle Date Strategy Union Gen Conf. General Outcome/Significance

Battle Date Strategy Union Gen Conf. General Outcome/Significance. First Bull Run (Virginia) Shiloh (Tennessee) Ironclads Virginia vs Monitor Seven Days (Virginia) Second Bull Run (Virginia) Antietam (Maryland) Fredericksburg (Virginia) C hancellorsville (Virginia).

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Battle Date Strategy Union Gen Conf. General Outcome/Significance

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  1. BattleDateStrategyUnion Gen Conf. General Outcome/Significance First Bull Run (Virginia) Shiloh (Tennessee) Ironclads Virginia vs Monitor Seven Days (Virginia) Second Bull Run (Virginia) Antietam (Maryland) Fredericksburg (Virginia) Chancellorsville (Virginia) July 21 1861 April 6-7 1862 March 8-9 1862 June 25 – July 1 1862 Aug 27-30 1862 Sept. 17 1862 Dec. 13 1862 May 2-4 1863 Union tries to capture Richmond Conf. trying to destroy Union Army and control Tennessee Confederates trying to break Union blockade Union tries to capture Richmond from sea Union tries to capture Richmond Lee invades Maryland to get aid from Border state (Men and Supplies Union tries to capture Richmond Union Tries to capture Richmond McDowell 3,000 Grant 13,000 McClellan 15,000 Pope 15,000 McClellan 12,000 Burnside 12,000 Hooker 17,000 Beauregard 2,000 Johnston 11,000 Lee 21,000 Lee 9,000 Lee 13,000 Lee 5,000 Lee 13,000 -Confederate victory -Union sees it won’t be easy victory -Union Victory -First “big” battle of the war – shows what is to come (casualties) -Changes sea warfare -South fails to break blockade -Lee forces Union retreat -Poor Union leadership -Confederate Victory -South gains confidence -Lee’s rep. grows -Union claims victory and issues Emancipation Proclamation. Bloodiest day -Confederate Victory -Union demoralized -Confederate Victory -Jackson Killed -Lee confident to invade

  2. Battle Date StrategyUnion GenConf. General Outcome/Significance July 1-3 1863 May 19 July 4 1863 May 5-6 1864 June 1-3 1864 Nov 11 – Dec. 20 1864 June 20 1864 April 2 1865 April 2, 1865 Lee tries to win victory on N. Soil and force Union out of war Grant tries to gain control of Miss River and cut Conf. in half Destroy Lee’s Army Destroy Lees’ Army Destroy South’s ability to wage war. Total war (Destroy goods) Cut off Supplies to Lee’s Army and trap him Capture Lee’s retreating Army -Lee Fails and army weakened -Turning pt of war -North gains control of Miss River -South cut in half North loses but pushes South to continue to put pressure on Lee -North loses but pushes South to continue to put pressure on Lee -Destroys much of South (Lee’s) supply base -Total War -Lee is pinned down and army is worn down -Lee surrenders to Grant -Major fighting of the war ends Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) Siege of Vicksburg (Mississippi) Wilderness (Virginia) Cold Harbor (Virginia) Sherman’s March To the Sea Siege of Petersburg (Virginia) Appomattox Court House (Virginia) Meade 23,000 Grant 10,000 Grant 17,400 Grant 12,000 Sherman Grant 42,000 Grant Lee 28,000 Pemberton 40,000 Lee 11,000 Lee 1,500 Hood Lee 28,000 Lee

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