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Some Algorithms in Smart Home

Some Algorithms in Smart Home. Speaker:chun-yao Wang Date: 2012-11- 21. Outline. Dominating Set NP Problem Connected Dominating Set (CDS) Smart Home Wireless Mesh Networks CDS in Wireless Mesh Networks Three Different Approaches Simple Count CDS (SC-CDS)

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Some Algorithms in Smart Home

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Some Algorithms in Smart Home Speaker:chun-yao Wang Date: 2012-11-21

  2. Outline • Dominating Set • NPProblem • Connected Dominating Set (CDS) • Smart HomeWireless Mesh Networks • CDSin Wireless Mesh Networks • Three Different Approaches • Simple Count CDS (SC-CDS) • Link Bandwidth-based CDS (LB-CDS) • Link Quality-based CDS (LQ-CDS) • Conclusion • Reference

  3. Dominating Set =>支配集 • NP-HARD問題 • 無向圖G上,一集合選定數點,使G所有點不是在此集合裡就是與集合理的點相連,此集合稱做「Dominating Set」

  4. NP Problem • Non-deterministically polynomial-time solvable =>非確定性多項式時間可解問題 • 1.NP是P(多項式限定時間可解問題)的反義詞? • 2.NP-HARD是NP問題怎樣的分類?

  5. Connected Dominating Set (CDS) • 從無向圖G上來看Dominating Set問題

  6. Smart HomeWireless Mesh Networks • 智慧家庭無線網狀網路 • 一種特別的Wireless ad hoc network =>無線隨意網路 • 3個主要領域 • 服務(包含APP和網路框架) • 傳感器(sensors)和執行器(actuators) • 通訊(communication) • 本次主題將針對communication,即網路拓墣去做探討

  7. CDSin Wireless Mesh Networks • 節點? • 邊? • Dominating Set在無線網路的角色? • 接下來簡述論文 Link Quality-based CDS (LQ-CDS) Construction inSmart HomeWireless Mesh Networks的解決的方式

  8. CDSin Wireless Mesh Networks(cont.) • 定義問題 (1)節點的三種型態(支配)DOMINATING、 (覆蓋)COVERING、(起始)INITIAL (2) DOMINATING節點範圍內的INITIAL節點 =>轉變成COVERING (3) DOMINATING節點範圍內原有的COVERING節點 =>下一個DOMINATING候選 (3) Meshclient必須透過gateway連上無線網路 (4)問題是-那些點應該是gateway(DOMINATING)

  9. CDSin Wireless Mesh Networks(cont.) • 初始化:一開始所有點,狀態都為INITIAL (1)本問題即循特定目的,將INITIAL的節點全部轉變為DOMINATING或COVERING • (2) DOMINATING點的數量,即CDS的大小, 找尋一個最小值

  10. Three Different Approaches • 今假設有一個節點A已經是DOMINATING • 3種方式:Simple Count CDS (SC-CDS)、Link Bandwidth-based CDS (LB-CDS)、Link Quality-based CDS (LQ-CDS)

  11. Three Different Approaches(SC-CDS) • 目的:減少一個網路中被干擾的可能性

  12. Three Different Approaches(LB-CDS) • 目的:增進網路的吞吐量(throughput)

  13. Three Different Approaches(LQ-CDS) • 目的:兼顧上述兩種考慮的做法

  14. Conclusion • 這次本來是想介紹UnitDisk Covering Problem,不過這篇論文的觀點-不會所有網路上的節點傳輸範圍一樣,所以用UnitDisk去分析Smart Home就有點不太好 • CDS是一個NP-HARD問題,所以基本上目的不同,Dominating Set也不一樣

  15. Reference • [1] Yang, J., Kim, B., You, S.: Link quality-based CDS (LQ-CDS) construction in smart home wireless mesh networks. In: Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2007), (2007) • [2]演算法筆記,http://www.csie.ntnu.edu.tw/~u91029/Pack.html • [3] Chih-hung Lin, A Hierarchical Energy Conservation Protocol for Wireless,2006 • [4]無線網狀網路簡介http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E7%B7%9A%E7%B6%B2%E7%8B%80%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF • [5]無線隨意網路簡介http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E7%B7%9A%E9%9A%A8%E6%84%8F%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF

  16. Q&A

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