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Explore the Leibniz-GEMEINSCHAFT.MIRRI, a research infrastructure addressing global challenges in microbial research. Discover its relevance and deliverables, including high-quality microbiological services and facilitated access to resources and data.
Leibniz-GEMEINSCHAFT MIRRI – the Leibniz Perspective Volker Mosbrugger Braunschweig, 28.11.2012
Leibniz Associationandthe German Research System Universities Non-University Research: Person-driven basicresearch Programme-orientedmegascience Strategy- and topic-drivenbasicand appliedresearch Product-driven appliedresearch
Leibniz Associationandthe German Research System * ohne medizinische Einrichtungen / Gesundheitswissenschaften der Universitäten ** davon € 9,6 Mrd. Personalausgaben (Paktmonitoringbericht GWK 2011, BuFI 2010, www.hrk.de, www.destatis.de)
Leibniz Associationandits Institutes SectionA(16) The Humanitiesand Educational Research SectionB (17+1) Economics, SocialandSpatialSciences SectionC (23+1) Life Sciences and Biomedical research SectionD(21) Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Engineering SectionE(9) Environmental Research
Leibniz Associationandits Research Clusters • Bildungspotentiale (12 Institute aus A,B,C) • Biodiversität (21 Institute aus B, C, E) • Historische Authentizität (18 Institute aus A, B, C) • Nachhaltige Lebensmittelerzeugung und gesunde Ernährung (18 Institute aus A, B, C) • Nanosicherheit (5 Institute aus A, C, D) • Gesundes Altern(22 Institute aus A, B, C, D) • Krisen einer globalisierten Welt (19 Institute aus A, B, E) • Science 2.0 (15 Institute aus A, B, C, D) • Interdisziplinäre Wirkstoffforschung und –Biotechnologie (21 Institute aus B, C, D, E)
Leibniz AssociationanditsCharacteristics Leibniz researchaddressesthe global challengesforsociety: Scientific excellence + societalrelevance Leibniz characteristics: • Independent, flexible, topic-orientedinstitutes • Covering all disciplines • Infrastructure andscientificcollections • Research museums • University cooperation (e.g. „ Science Campus“) • Transdisciplinaryresearchclusters (e.g. researchcluster „Biodiversity“) • Evaluation
Leibniz AssociationanditsCharacteristics Leibniz researchaddressesthe global challengesforsociety: Scientific excellence + societalrelevance Leibniz characteristics: • Independent, flexible, topic-orientedinstitutes • Covering all disciplines • Infrastructure andscientificcollections • Research museums • University cooperation (e.g. „ Science Campus“) • Transdisciplinaryresearchclusters (e.g. researchcluster „Biodiversity“) • Evaluation
MIRRI –MicrobialResourceResearch Infrastructure • General Aspects: • Science is global, competitionis global • Research infrastructures • and • dataaccessibility • needtobecome global • MIRRIis THE European responsetothischallenge in microbialresearch
MIRRI –MicrobialResourceResearch Infrastructure MIRRI Relevance: Microbialressourcesare essential in - human health, - foodsecurity, - biotechnologyresearch - andmanyotherfieldsoflifesciences MIRRI Deliverables - highqualitymicrobiologicalservices - facilitated, legitimateaccesstoresourcesanddata - platformofexpertise - centralgateway do dataandknowledge -resourceanddatahandlingstandards - supportfor excellence in microbial R&D
Leibniz Associationandits Institutes SectionA(16) The Humanitiesand Educational Research SectionB (17+1) Economics, SocialandSpatialSciences SectionC (23+1) Life Sciences and Biomedical research SectionD(21) Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Engineering SectionE(9) Environmental Research
Leibniz-GEMEINSCHAFT MIRRI – the Leibniz Perspective Volker Mosbrugger Braunschweig, 28.11.2012