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Bahan kajian pada MK. Pertanian Berlanjut. EFEK PERTANIAN TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN. GENESIS TANAH. Diabstraksikan oleh : smno.jurstnh.fpub.sept2013. PEMBENTUKAN TANAH. Lima faktor pembentukan tanah :. Climate (temp. & precipitation)
Bahankajianpada MK. PertanianBerlanjut EFEK PERTANIAN TERHADAP LINGKUNGAN GENESIS TANAH Diabstraksikanoleh: smno.jurstnh.fpub.sept2013
PEMBENTUKAN TANAH • Lima faktorpembentukantanah: • Climate (temp. & precipitation) • physical & chemical changes in soil/rock (weathering) – clay, leaching • 2) Parent material • - weathering in place or transported • - outwash plain, alluvial, lacustrine, dunes, tephra Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
PEMBENTUKAN TANAH • Lima faktor: • 3) Organisms (macro and micro) • 4) Topography – relation to water movement & soil condition/type • 5) Time • *4.5 - 3.5 billion yrs before present(ybp) • * relation to other 4 factors Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
Proses-prose Pedogenik The pedogenic processes can be grouped into four. These are: • Additions or Gains • Losses or Removals • Translocations or Transfers • Transformations Each major pedogenic process is made up of a number of processes acting singly or in combination DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Additions or Gains • Enrichment • General term for addition of material to a soil body. e.g., adjoining pedons as in depressions. • Cummulization • Aeolian and hydrologic additions of mineral particles to the surface of a soil. The effects are more pronounced in depressions. • Littering • The accumulation of vegetable and associated faunal debris (litter) including humus on the mineral soil surface to a depth of less than 30cm • Melanization • The darkening of light-colored mineral materials which are initially unconsolidated by admixture of organic matter. Melanization involves some translocation. DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
KehilanganatauPengusiran • Erosi • surficial removal of material from the surface layer of a soil This is effected by raindrop splash, runoff waters, wind, creep, and other mass wasting processes. • Pencucian • General term for washing out or eluviating soluble material from the solum. DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Translokasi - Transfer • Eluviation • Movement of material out of a portion of a soil profile as in an albic horizon. • Illuviation • Movement of material into a portion of soil profile as in argillic or spodic horizon • Lessivage • Washing in suspension of fine clay and lesser amounts of coarse clay and fine silt down cracks and other voids in a soil body; leading to the depletion of clay in the A horizon and enrichment of clay in the B horizon. • Pedoturbation • Biologic, physical (freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles) churning and cycling of soil materials thereby homogenizing the solum in varying degrees DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Calcification • Processes including the accumulation of calcium carbonate in a Ck and possibly other horizons of a soil. • Deca1cification • Reactions that remove calcium carbonate from one or more soil horizons. • Salinization • The accumulation of soluble salts such as sulfates and chlorides of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in salty (salic) 'horizons. • Desalinization • The removal of soluble salts from salic horizons. • Alkalization (solonization) • The accumulation of sodium ions on the exchange sites in a soil. • Dealkalization (solodization) • The leaching of sodium ions and salts from sodium-rich (natric) horizons. DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Leucinization • The paling of soil horizons by disappearance of dark organic materials either through transformation to light- colored ones or through removal from the horizons. • Braunification, Rubification and Ferrugination- • Release of iron from primary minerals and the dispersion of particles of iron oxide in increasing amounts; the progressive oxidation or hydration, giving the soil mass brownish, reddish-brown and red colors, respectively. (Also transformation). • Gleization • The reduction of iron under anaerobic water-logged soil conditions, with the production of bluish to greenish-gray matrix colors, with or without yellowish-brown, brown and black mottles and ferric and manganiferous concretions. (Also transformation: • Podzolization (silication) • The chemical migration of aluminum and iron and/or organic matter, resulting in the concentration of silica (i.e. silication) in the layer eluviated. (Also transformation) • Laterization (desilication, ferrugination, ferritization, allitization) • The chemical migration of silica out of the soil solum and thus the concentration of sesquioxides in the solum (goethite, gibbsite, etc.) DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Transformasi • Dekomposisi • The breakdown of mineral and organic materials • Mineralisasi • The release of oxide solids during decomposition of organic. It concerns the biochemical breakdown of dead plant tissues by soil micro-organisms to produce simple-structured soluble organic substances, purely mineral compounds like nitrates, and metal cations and gases (mostly carbon dioxide) • Humifikasi • Transformation of raw organic material into humus. In this the simple structured soluble organic substances are grouped into lager molecules by polymerization They then become poorly soluble and are stabilized to form a major component of humus • Sintesis • The formation of new particles of mineral and organic species. DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Paludisasi • The accumulation of deep (> 30cm) layers of organic matter- as in mucks and peats. • Penuaan – Pematangan (Ripening) • This refers to the chemical, biological, and physical changes in organic soil after air penetrates the organic deposits, making it possible for microbial activity to flourish. DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Proses-prosesnya • Each of the major pedogenic processes may affect many compounds and components which make up the soil. • For example, there may be additions, losses, transfers and transformations of organic matter, soluble salts, carbonates, sesquioxides. • Organic matter may be added to the soil by littering; it may be transformed by decomposition; it may be translocated by podzolization and it may be lost by erosion. • These processes can all be going on singly or in combination with other processes to give rise to the soil profile. • However, not all of the processes will necessarily promote horizon differentiation. • Some of the processes may actually retard or offset differentiation e.g. pedoturbation. DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013 DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Additions Transformations Translocations Translocations Losses Proses-prosesnya DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
Perkembangan Horison Tanah • PerkembanganHorison A • Accumulation of organic matter • Clumping of individual soil particles • Distinct from parent material and other layers • PerkembanganHorison B dan C • Carbonic and organic acids are carried by water into soil where dissolve various minerals (transformations) • Soluble materials (ions –Ca2+, CO32-, SO42-, etc) are carried by water and precipitate in the soil from upper to lower horizons (translocation) • Weathering of primary minerals into secondary minerals • Wetting and drying cracks soils and makes structures. DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
PerkembanganHorison Tanah DIUNDUH DARI: myspace.aamu.edu/users/monday.../soils/Pedogenic%20Processes.ppt ….. 11/2/2013
PROFIL TANAH • soilprofile: cross-section view of soil horizons • horizon: layers of soil that share attributes of texture, structure, etc… Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
PROFIL TANAH • Horizon Utama: • O horizon (organic layer) • A horizon (topsoil, humus, life) • E horizon (leaching zone) • B horizon (subsoil, accumulation zone) • C horizon (parent material, field stone) • R horizon (bedrock) Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
SUMBERDAYA AIR • Kelangkaan air? • 1) Human Population • Consumption - ag.,industry,resident • 3) Efficiency • 4) ProblematikDistribusinya • 5) Pencemaran (udara, tanahdan air) Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
Water Cycle? • replacement period: time to complete cycle (9 days to 37,000 years) • Unequal distribution of precipitation • US 102 cm • MI 81 cm • Death Valley 4 cm • Pacific NW 368 cm • Evaporation & Transpiration Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
AIR PERMUKAAN & Groundwater • Surface water (lakes, streams) • may be potable, municipal use • Groundwater – water infiltrates into soil • percolation into aquifer (porous soil stratum of sandstone or limestone) • zone of aeration: plant roots, capillary water in pore spaces • zone of saturation: pore filled from water table down to bedrock Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI • watershed: area drained stream/river • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • Flood Control • 1) Levees – raise river banks with earthen/stone dikes • develop floodplains • floods prevented, almost • increase flood severity? Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
PengendalianBanjir • 2) Pengerukan (Dredging )– pengambilansedimendanpolutannya • 3) Channelization – straightening streams (NRCS) – floods & drainage, Everglades • 4) Dams – pembendunganalirannsungai– Pekerjaanumum • potable water, irrigation, recreation, energy • loss of habitat, evaporation, sedimentation, $$ Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
Proteksi DAS danLembahsungainya • watershed protection as proactive & sustainable flood control mgt. • Zonasi DAS • Kontrolbanjir nonstructural Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
TIPE-TIPE PENCEMARAN • Sediment • Inorganic Nutrient • Thermal • Disease-Producing Microorganisms • Toxic Organic Chemicals • Heavy Metals • Organic Wastes Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
PENGELOLAAN PENCEMARAN • pollution control: (output control) • manage pollutant post hoc • - pollutant dispersion • pollution prevention: (input control) • avoid pollution a priori Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
PencemaranSedimen • Berkaitandneganerositanahdanpenggunaanlahan • Sources: agriculture, logging, construction, strip mines • Biaya: $1 million per day in US • clog irrigation canals, hydro- electric turbines, harbors, life of dams shortened • - carries toxins • - turbid water & sedimentation “kills” coldwater fish/bivalve habitat Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
PengendalianPencemaranSedimen • - Kontrol input sedimen, termasuk: • conservation tillage • contour-strip farming • shelter belts • terracing • cover crops/increase OM • Kontrol Output, termasuk: • sediment filtration systems (artificial & natural) • dredging Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
2) Pencemaranoleh Hara Anorganik • - Sistemakuatikmemerlukanharakimiatertentuuntukmendukungkehidupanakuatik: • includes C, O, N, H, P among others • N & P often are limiting factors because of their reduced abundance; • P > N in importance as limiting factor • > N & P = > produktivitassistemakuatik Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
GradienProduktivitasDanau • Oligotrophic: Danaumiskinhara • - Productivitasntyarendah • - Biomasatumbuhan/binatang – Rendah • - e.g., Lake Superior = young lake • 2) mesotrophic: moderate nutrient base • - swimming, fishing • 3) Eutrophic: Kayahara • - dense algal blooms • - reduced dissolved oxygen, diminished fishery Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
3) Polusi Thermal • - Peningkatantemperatursistemakuatik • Harmful effects: • reduced dissolved oxygen • reduced fish reproduction • spread of disease • Manfaat: • increase growth rate of some fish • heating homes • Use of coolant towers Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
4) Organismeygmenghasilkanpenyakit • - infectious organisms introduced to water; cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, polio, Cryptosporidium • better sanitation & water treatment can reduce disease • e.g., chlorination for bacteria and oxygenation for enteric disease (intestine-dwelling; anaerobic) • coliform bacteria count: index of microorganism-based water pollution • coliform = usually harmless bacteria in human gut Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
5) Toxic Organic Chemicals • - Carbon-based compounds; synthetic derivatives such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) = toluene • Synthetic Organics = resist decomposition & therefore persistent • Disrupt normal enzyme function in organisms; interfere with normal chemical reactions in cells Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
Polutan air • Pilihlahsatujenispolutandanjelaskan: • a) Namapolutan; • b) provide an explanation of its use; • c) indicate its source & its prevalence in the Great Lakes; and • d) Efekterhadapkesehatanmanusia Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
Logamberat: • e.g., lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium (fundamental chemical elements) • Tambang & groundwater yang tercemar • Mines & tailings (Clarks Fork of Yellowstone) • Mengganggufungsiensim yang normal • lead contamination (soil & water) from paint & plumbing pipe (solder) • mercury contamination (methyl Hg in air & water) from industry; in muscle tissue Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
7) LimbahOrganik: Mengurangioksigenterlarutdalam air • - decomposition of wastes by bacteria uses oxygen; release of nutrients -- cyclic • Oxygen-demanding organic wastes • biological oxygen demand (BOD): index of amount of organic matter in water sample; indexed via rate of oxygen use by bacteria • aquatic indicator species (bio-sentinels or bio-indicators) – also application to other pollutants (may flies, trout, bullheads, carp, sludge worms, mink) Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
Limbahorganik: Mengurangioksigentersedia • - decomposition of wastes by bacteria uses oxygen; release of nutrients -- cyclic • Oxygen-demanding organic wastes • biological oxygen demand (BOD): index of amount of organic matter in water sample; indexed via rate of oxygen use by bacteria • aquatic indicator species (bio-sentinels or bio-indicators) – also application to other pollutants (may flies, trout, bullheads, carp, sludge worms, mink) Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
Gulf of Mexico - Watershed • Zone Hiposik • Konsentrasioksigenterlarutkurangdari 2 mg/L, atau2 ppm Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012
Gulf of Mexico - Watershed Diunduhdarisumbernya: www.cst.cmich.edu/.../lecture%20240-%20lan.... ………… 22/10/2012