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Project: 2018-1-EL01-KA201-047861. C L I C H E. C apitalizing on L ocal I ntangible C ultural H eritage around E urope. C. +. C apitalizing on L ocal I ntangible C ultural H eritage around E urope. Who are we? Greece 1 st General Lyceum of Levadia Vivi
Project: 2018-1-EL01-KA201-047861 C L I C H E Capitalizing on Local Intangible Cultural Heritage around Europe
C + Capitalizing on Local Intangible Cultural Heritage around Europe
Who are we? • Greece • 1st General Lyceum of Levadia • Vivi • 3rd Junior High School of Levadia • Vicky • Cyprus, Acropolis Lyceum • Maria • Bulgaria Razlog Vocational High School 'Nickola Stoychev' • Elena • Slovenia • Srednjašola Črnomelj • Marta • Lithuania, Kedainiai Sviesioji Gymnasium • Gitana • Estonia • TallinnaTõnismäeReaalkool • Maria
Valorized region Networking Entrepreneurship Vision, Perspective ICH in the school Curriculum/ ESD Capitalization of ICH • Quality of life • Cultural wealth • Products, services • Economic opportunities, resources • Startups, apps • Low ecological impact Discovering & Safeguarding ICH region today
INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS IDENTIFICATION O1 Joint Participatory Wiki O2 Blended educational packages around the topic ‘'Education for Sustainable Development’ (ESD) O3 Ted Talks about the valorization of ICH. Guidelines. O4 Transmedia Stories about local ICH
ACTIVITIES 1st year 1. Baseline assessment of the current situation We will try to identify best methods of upskilling students and teachers. 2. Hands-on research and documentation of ICH i. Research tools will be used to identify innovative ICH in our regions. More specifically, a questionnaire will be made with survey questions. Students will use it to interview ICH bearers/practitioners or local entrepreneurs that are already into the capitalization of ICH. The questionnaire will be available in electronic format and produced in such a way that it can be adapted by others wishing to use it in the future as part of our sustainability plan. ii. The data will be verified and documented in video recordings, photo diaries and a participatory wiki-inventory will host them. A glossary of terms and abbreviations will also be created. 3. ICH in the school curriculum Education has an important role in safeguarding the ICH, transferring it to the next generations. We intend to: i. prepare blended educational packages around the topic ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ that integrate ICH into the teaching of different subjects and extra-curricular activities using an interdisciplinary approach, ii. organise fairs and talks with ICH experts to draw the attention of the whole school and the wider community, raise involvement and encourage conservation ethic, taking into account the ICH of immigrant students and communities.
4. Making a SWOT analysis. Writing a future-oriented vision - action plan. In the context of ICH valorization, our goal is to make regions more competitive by making regional products, attractions and services a driver of sustainability and also safeguard and transfer this legacy to future generations. For this reason, we will need to: i. Make a SWOT analysis. It will help us analyze the actual situation, focus on our strengths and weaknesses, take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities and look for concrete activities, which will get us closer to our vision. ii. Write a feasible vision. It's envisaged that a strong vision will result in a vital communal life, an augmented sense of identity and continuity, a pro-entrepreneurship climate, while in the long run, it can help with reduction of unemployment or brain drain. Things to take into consideration are: What kind of ICH do we have? / Does it highlight the character and strengthen the image of our region? /Does it support the local markets, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit? /Where do we want to be in 10/20 years? /What are the activities which will integrate it into modern life? 2nd year 5. Valorization of the local heritage i. Teachers will guide students how to become young sustainability entrepreneurs. By suggesting state-of-the-art ideas about startups, mobile apps etc. that promote innovative local products, attractions and services, students will try to create a dynamic regional image and brand and add a long-term value to it. ii. Teachers will upskill students to prepare and deliver ‘Ted Talk' style presentations with the outcomes of their work. The presentations will be recorded in videos by subcontracted specialist filmmakers ensuring a quality product.
3rd year 6. Awareness-raising - Visibility within the region - Extra-Regional communication - Dissemination Schools will try to communicate the intangible unique selling points (USPs) of their region through: i. Transmedia storytelling. Based on the concept of safeguarding and promotion of local ICH, schools can use 2-3 devices or screens each to tell connective and separate stories. They can choose to create QR codes, hashtags, video games, web comics, a YouTube channel etc.,thus becoming curators of an online gallery and ambassadors of their local ICH. They will display their work in paper or online portfolios. Associated partners in each country will help schools in this effort. ii. A unique cultural route. Focusing on a common theme of shared ICH, students from partner schools will develop a cultural route that connects their 6 cities/countries starting from Cyprus in the south and ending in Estonia in the north, in order to celebrate their common European identity and promote sustainable cultural development. iii. A multiplier event will be organized by the coordinator of the programme. Greek and international students, in the role diplomats, will present the results of their research and innovative tools for safeguarding and using ICH sustainably. Tradition bearers and practitioners, producers and entrepreneurs (SMEs), Local/Regional Authorities and people from the wider community will have the chance to participate too. Leaflets prepared by the students will be provided. iv. Compiling information about our training materials in a manual. vi. Writing press releases, highlighting successful stories, reviewing project assets, future use/disposal, ‘Grow a Learning Tree’ activity.
Our proposal consists of 4 modules: Module 1 Baseline assessment of the current situation- identifying best methods of upskilling students and teachers; Doing research into the local ICH field; Inventorying ICH in a participatory wiki; A glossary of terms; Module 2 Compiling a Blended Learning package for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development); Module 3 Valorization of the local heritage; A SWOT analysis and a future-oriented vision - action plan; Students become would-be sustainability entrepreneurs promoting innovative local ICH and delivering ‘Ted Talk' style presentations which are video recorded and uploaded on You Tube; Writing guidelines about how to deliver Ted Talks; Transmedia storytelling. Students become curators of an online gallery and ambassadors of their local ICH. Students develop a cultural route that connects their 6 cities/countries through a shared element of ICH. Module 4 Disseminating project outcomes Organising workshops/seminars, a multiplier event promoting the project outcomes.
3 TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETINGS: 1. (M1--November 2018; Bulgaria) The 1st project meeting is to be devoted to elaborating project contents in greater detail, as before this meeting everything is discussed over the Internet. We have to elaborate on the workplan, specify the list of the project activities and distribute the tasks among the project partners. Before the meeting, Erasmus Clubs will have been established at schools with students writing personal statements saying why they consider themselves appropriate to work on this project and school coordinators will have been appointed. (A1) During this meeting we intend to draw up the baseline assessment of the current situation to identify best methods of up-skilling groups and/or individuals. (A2) There will also be a series of short workshops on how we do research on ICH using questionnaires. (A3) We will create our participatory wiki inventory and decide how we will upload the data of our research on it. (A4) As this will be the first project meeting, our students are to present their countries/regions/schools to the partners. 2. (M2 --November 2019, Slovenia) The 2nd project meeting is to focus around the topic ‘Education for Sustainable Development’ (ESD). There will be a workshop about how to make blended educational packages for ESD and general guidelines around the issue and partners presentations/reports devoted to their experience on the topic. (A8) Every partner will prepare and present their countries' experience in this sphere. 3. (M3 --April 2021, Greece) The 3rd project meeting is to be devoted to the final stage of the project. We will measure the project impact on students/teachers/stakeholders and decide on dissemination issues: writing press releases, highlighting successful stories, reviewing project assets, future use/disposal, ‘Grow a Learning Tree’ activity (A20) The multiplier event will also take place where partner schools will present good practices regarding the capitalization of their local ICH with innovative character. Students will TED Talk their state-of-the-art ideas for startups/apps, transmedia stories and cultural route for the sustainable use of ICH. It will be attended by 20 international students and 20 international teachers as well as representatives of other schools and authorities. (A18)
2 SHORT-TERM JOINT STAFF TRAINING EVENTS (C1 AND C3) AND 1 SHORT-TERM EXCHANGE OF STUDENT GROUPS (C2). C1 --Lithuania, April. 2019, In C1 we will find out how to write a strong vision or mission statement that explains our aspirations for the sustainable use of our ICH (A6) after making a SWOT analysis focusing on what is really important and developing aspects of their action-oriented plan.(A5). We will also open our e-twinning space. (A7) C2 --Cyprus, April., 2020, In C2 through a series of short workshops we will guide students to: -think about start-up, mobile apps ideas, etc. to promote innovative local products, attractions and services and become young sustainability entrepreneurs, (A11) -Ted Talk, presenting their ideas and explain their creation process to an audience. (A-12) -Ted talks will be video recorded (A13) -Guidelines about ‘How to Ted Talk’ will also be developed. (A14) Also the Cypriote partner will organise a students’ conference to which the local authorities, associated partners as well as the representatives of the Ministry of Education, colleagues from other schools and the media are to be invited. All partner schools will make presentations at the conference about ways they use to draw the attention of the whole school and the wider community, raise involvement and encourage conservation ethic concerning ICH, taking into account the ICH of immigrant students and communities. (A16) C3 --Estonia, Oct, 2020 In C3 we will learn through a series of short workshops how to make up connective and separate stories regarding local ICH based on the concept of transmedia storytelling. (A15) Also, we will find out about European cultural routes and focusing on a common theme of shared ICH, we will develop a unique cultural route/itinerary that connects our 6 cities and countries starting from Cyprus in the south and ending in Estonia in the north. (A17) We will also compile information about our training materials in a manual. (A19)
Take into account for the trip Flat rate depending on the distance “unit cost”