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Supplement or Supplant. Was it in place last year?. Was it affected by cuts in unrestricted funding?. No. Yes. Yes. No. Is it part of the district’s core program?. No. Yes. Is it aligned to a SPSA /LEAP goal?. Yes. No. Is it included within the approved SPSA and or LEAP?. Yes. No.
Supplement or Supplant Was it in place last year? Was it affected by cuts in unrestricted funding? No Yes Yes No Is it part of the district’s core program? No Yes Is it aligned to a SPSA/LEAP goal? Yes No Is it included within the approved SPSA and or LEAP? Yes No Likely to be supplemental Meets the major requirements- check the program funding rules to ensure this is an allowable use Likely to be supplanting or disallowed Proceed with caution
Allocation Plans- What Programs Need Them? Is it a program included in the current Tier III flexibility provisions? e.g., GATE or SIP Yes No An Allocation Plan is not required Is it a federally funded program? e.g., Title l, or Migrant? No Yes An Allocation Plan is required for Title l funds (other federal funds do not require Allocation Plans) Is it Title l funding? No Yes Is it restricted state funding ? No Yes Is it EIA? No Caution Allocation Plans need to align to LEAP and SPSA Caution districts are required to demonstrate adequate and appropriate support for ELs Yes An Allocation Plan is required for EIA . Thought needs to be given to the appropriate split between SCE and LEP
85/15 Rule-What is a Direct Service? Was the service in place last year? Yes No Was the service affected by unrestricted funding reductions? No Yes Are the services based at a school site? e.g., extended learning time? Yes No Are students the direct recipients of the services? e.g., hands on instruction? No Yes Do the services contribute to the quality of the program ? e.g., professional development or academic coaches No Yes Are services aligned to the SPSA Do the services contribute to administrative functions? e.g., evaluating ,or supervising ? No Yes Yes Proceed with Caution!! Likely to be counted toward the 85% requirement of direct services to students Likely to be counted toward the 15% limit for indirect and administrative costs
Centralized Services Compliant or Not? Is it a type of service that lends itself to be organized centrally? e.g. , summer school or academic coaches Yes No Likely not a good fit as a centralized service Proceed with Caution! Is the service considered a direct services/support to students? e.g., academic intervention counseling Yes No Is it an administrative service? e.g., clerical support for the program Yes Possibly eligible as a centralized service if there is “room” in the districtwide15% administrative cost limit Have the sites been involved in the process of selecting the support/services? Yes No Has the “centralized” service been approved by the site council? Compliance with regulations necessitates site council involvement in the selection and subsequent approval of centralized services Yes No Caution ensure service is an allowed use Caution ensure documentation of involvement and approval Likely to be in compliance and eligible to be classified as a centralized service
Library Services; Are They a Supplemental Service? Were the library services in place last year? Yes No Were they affected by unrestricted funding reductions? Yes No Are library services part of the defined “core” services i.e., supported on a district- wide basis from general funds? Likely to be supplanting or disallowed if library services are supported with restricted funds No Yes Proceed with caution if using restricted funds Caution ensure library services align to the SPSA Do the sites have discretion to run library services? e.g. some sites have services others don’t No Yes Do the library services support student achievement? i.e., offer instruction on specialized curriculum? Yes No Likely to be considered a “place” and not a supplemental service Likely a supplemental service that can be supported with restricted funds
Counselors; Core or Supplemental? Were counseling services in place last year? No Yes Were counseling services affected by general fund reductions? Yes No Likely to be supplanting or disallowed if counseling services are supported with restricted funds Are counseling services considered part of the core program? e.g. counselors supported by general funds Yes No Do sites have discretion in planning counseling services/support? Yes No Are counseling services provided for specific populations? e.g. at risk or low performing students Caution ensure counseling services align to the SPSA Likely services are supplemental and can be supported with restricted funding. Consider using Title l , EIA, ASES or Migrant funds Yes
Extended Learning Opportunities Funding Options Are the learning opportunities offered district-wide? i.e., to all students? Yes No Likely general funds are needed to support the extended learning opportunity Is the curriculum offered for core subjects or credit recovery? Yes No Caution ensure grant proposal matches the program that is offered Is the curriculum for a targeted population? i.e., ELs or Migrant? Yes No Is the program offered at a SIG School? Likely SIG funds can be used No Yes Is the school Title l SWP or EIA/SCE Likely Title l EIA/SCE funds can support the opportunity No Yes Caution supplanting issue if program is supported with general funds at other sites Is the schools Title l targeted population or EIA/LEP? Yes No Caution! ensure program is aligned to SPSA & LEAP Likely general funds are needed to support the extended learning opportunity Likely Title l or EIA/LEP can support targeted students
Instructional Supplies—Supplemental or Core? Were the supplies affected by cuts in the unrestricted general fund? Were the supplies purchased with general funds last year? No Yes Yes No Are the supplies basic or core supplies? Paper, or pencils Yes No Likely to be considered core supplies. Use general funds to support the purchase Are the supplies only used by a specific population? At risk students Yes No Are the supplies aligned to goals in the SPSA/LEAP Yes No Are the supplies included in the SPSA and SPSA budget? Yes No Caution check program funding rules to ensure supplies are an allowed use Caution have Site Council approve budget revision before purchase Likely can be considered supplemental instructional supplies If supplies are aligned to the SPSA revise the SPSA budget
Technology Equipment Supplemental or Core Is the equipment in place now? No Yes Is this a routine equipment upgrade or periodic replacement? Does the equipment require infrastructure or capital improvements before installing? Yes CAUTION infrastructure costs are generally not allowable with federal funds No Yes Is the equipment part of a technology retrofit? i.e., bringing all sites up to a specific standard? Likely to be core and included in a Facility Master Plan or Technology Replacement Plan Yes Proceed with CAUTION if using restricted funding!! No Does the equipment enhance core curriculum? CAUTION If it doesn’t enhance curriculum delivery don’t purchase Yes No Possibly supplemental. Check specific program funding rules to ensure allow ability Likely supplanting use general funds or possibly e-rate funds to support purchase
Technology Equipment Standards Is technology equipment replaced or upgraded per an established schedule? No Yes No Are technology purchases centrally managed? Yes Can sites or departments make their own technology equipment selections? Are there technology equipment “packages” based on user type? e.g., student or staff No Yes Are there dedicated funding sources for equipment replacement? Consider establishing technology equipment standards that include user levels for students and staff Yes No Yes Establish a dedicated funding source for equipment replacement Is there a review process for technology purchases? i.e., annual review of user satisfaction of equipment or software effectiveness? Likely an annual review process for technology equipment and software would increase satisfaction and effectiveness No Congratulations!! Sounds like you have technology equipment standards under control. Yes
Technology Software Core or Supplemental? Refer to standards to determine core versus supplemental software Are there established core software standards? No Yes Is the software used on a grade span basis districtwide? i.e., K-12, K-8 or 9-12 No Yes Likely a core expense; use general funds or possibly Prop 39 Lottery funds Is the software utilized for extended learning? Yes No Caution! if software is used at targeted Title l or EIA/LEP sites ensure use is for targeted students only Is the software used at a SIG school? Likely supplemental and might be considered a SIG expense. Check to ensure the software is included in the SIG plan No Yes Is the software used at a SWP Title l or EIA/SCE school? Yes No Likely supplemental ; Title l and EIA/SCE are possible funding sources. Ensure software is referenced in SPSA plan and budget Likely would be supplanting; proceed with caution if using restricted funds Is the software aligned to SPSA/LEAP goals? Yes No
Professional Development Options to Consider Do the LEAP and SPSA outline current professional development plans? No Yes *Best Practice* Update plans to include relevant, quality P.D. opportunities Is professional development included as a component of the “core” program? No Yes Likely supplanting or disallowed if using restricted funds to support P.D. Is there time embedded in the collective bargaining agreements for professional development? Yes No Proceed with caution if using restricted funds for salary Are staff members willing to participate in after school or summer opportunities? Yes No *Best Practice* Reach out to staff with alternative options. e.g. buying prep periods or online/webinar training Likely supplemental; restricted funding could be used to support staff compensation, materials, contracts or travel/conference Possible funding sources: Title l, Title ll or EIA
Food and Refreshments; Best Practices? Does your agency have a policy that supports food/refreshment purchases? No Yes *Best Practice* Establish a Board Policy that represents the agency’s culture and climate and Wellness Policy Has past practice allowed food and refreshment purchases anyway? Are requests for food and refreshment reviewed prior to purchase? Yes No Yes No *Best Practice* Provide healthy reward alternatives e.g. sports activities Is food used as a student reward? i.e. pizza party for increased test scores Yes *Best Practice* Requests should be reviewed to ensure purchases made restricted funds align with SPSA/LEAP goals No Is food used as an enticement to encourage adult attendance at meetings? *Best Practice* Encourage a culture of adult improvement and involvement Congratulations! Best Practices Appear to be in place Yes No