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教学目标:. 学习人类发展报告,对发达国家和发展中国家的情况进行对比和分析,并总结出自己观点. Period 1. Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Introduction Reading & Vocabulary.
教学目标: 学习人类发展报告,对发达国家和发展中国家的情况进行对比和分析,并总结出自己观点
Period 1 Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries Introduction Reading & Vocabulary
发达国家和发展中国家是世界银行的两分法。发达国家包括发达、中等发达、初等发达和欠发达四分类。对于发达国家的定义,有多种说法,但公认的标准是:较高的人均GDP(不是GDP总量)和社会发展水平。按1995年前后的标准,人均GDP在8000美元以上(按名义汇率计算)加上一定程度的社会发展水平就可基本定义为发达国家。近10年的发展,使8000美元这个标准已经落后了,2005年应提高到10000美元左右。目前发达国家也就20个左右,而发展中国家有100多个,笼统的讲发展中国家,对发展中国家自身来说,在政策上参考意义比较小。我们把中等发达、初等发达、欠发达国家统称为发展中国家。 2005年世界发达国家新名单(括号里面的是按名义汇率计算的人均GDP):1.原有的发达国家(共24国) (1)欧洲(18国): 卢森堡(69,056) 挪威(53,465) 瑞士(49,246) 爱尔兰(46,335)丹麦(45,015) 冰岛(44,133) 瑞典 (38,451) 英国(36,977)奥地利(35,861) 荷兰(35,393) 芬兰 (35,242) 比利时(34,081)法国(33,126) 德国(33,099) 意大利(29,648)西班牙(24,627)希腊 (18,995) 葡萄牙(16,658)(2)美洲(2国): 美国(42,076) 加拿大(32,073)(3)亚洲(2国): 日本(36,486) 新加坡(25,176)(4)大洋洲(2国):澳大利亚(29,761) 新西兰(23,276)
2.近10年新增的发达国家(8国) 塞浦路斯(19,008) 巴哈马(18,190)斯洛文尼亚(17,660) 以色列(16,987)韩国 (14,649) 马耳他(13,144)匈牙利(10,896) 捷克(10,708)从新增的8个发达国家来看,大多是原有发达国家的近邻,如斯洛文尼亚、马耳他、匈牙利、捷克、塞浦路斯是欧盟成员国的近邻,韩国是日本的近邻,巴哈马是美国的近邻。只有以色列是例外。在发达国家之中,卢森堡仍位居榜首,而且与第二名的差距继续拉大;爱尔兰的人均GDP在20年前只是发达国家中的中下水平,2005年已跃居世界第5名,是过去20年中经济最成功的发达国家。另外,阿联酋、科威特等产油国人均GDP很高,但社会发展程度低,文盲率在30%以上,不能列入发达国家之中;摩纳哥、列支敦士登等微型国家也不列入其中,香港、台湾、荷属安的列斯等未获国家地位的经济体也不列入其中。值得一提的是,东欧国家在经历了90年代初转型期的阵痛之后,在过去10年间纷纷走出低谷,成为经济增长最强劲的国家。东欧国家中转型最顺利且最靠近欧盟的斯洛文尼亚、捷克、匈牙利已经进入发达国家行列,而爱沙尼亚、斯洛伐克、克罗地亚、立陶宛、波兰、拉脱维亚等国也发展势头良好,已经加入了发达国家的预备梯队中。3.有希望成为发达国家的下一梯队国家(人均GDP 5500-9000美元)以下国家如能保持发展劲头,有可能在未来10多年内成为新增的发达国家: 塞舌尔(8,892) 爱沙尼亚 (8,885) 斯洛伐克 (7,963)克罗地亚(7,764) 立陶宛(6,796)墨西哥(6,566) 波兰(6,373) 拉脱维亚 (6,150)智利(5,742)对于中等发达国家的理解,学术界的观点并不完全一致。中科院可持续发展研究课题组将每年世界发达国家8大类发展指标数据进行计算,得出的平均值即为中等发达国家水平。中科院现代化报告课题组则认为,第二次现代化评价的综合指数达到世界各国的平均值即可视为中等发达国家。《中国城市年鉴》总编组参照中等发达国家水平提出的城市现代化评价体系人均GNP的现代化标准为5000美元以上。
duction-1 SpeakinIntrog (5m) Do you know the places? Arctic Ocean North America Europe Asia Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean South America Australia Antarctica
Introduction-2. Filling (5m) complete the table with the words from Activity 1, Page 11 the US Japan France, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK Australia
developed country economy: People have higher______. Less people live in_______. ________: Most people are well educated. medical care: Many _______can be cured. food: Few people lives in_______. income poverty education diseases hunger
developing countries underdeveloped countries income economy: People have low_______, most of them live in_______. education: Many people can not afford to go to school. medical care: Many _______can not be cured. food: There is not enough food. Many people suffer from_______. poverty diseases hunger
Developing countries Imbalance Developed countries People’s attention Most Asian countries America Africa Europe A meeting about human development
Human Development Report (HDR) The Human Development Report (HDR)
Fast reading (5 minutes) Read the text and answer the questions 1,what did world leaders agree to do in 2000? They agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or earlier. 2,what does the Human Development Index measure? It measures a country’s achievement in three ways: life expectancy, education and income 3,what do developed countries need to do? They need to give more money.
Read the passage,finish activity2 on page 13(5m) Human Development Index Norway US The UK Sierra Leone
Read the passage carefully and find out the main idea of each paragraph(8 minutes) Para.1 Examples of successful development in 2003 Para.2 Developed countries should give more financial help Para.3 The H.D Index measures a country’s achievement. Para.4 How the Human Development Report came out. Para.5 The most five important goals of the report
Read the text again and complete the chart with figures from the passage.(5 minutes) Increase in life expectancy in china(1953—1962) 13years Number of people moved out of poverty in china(1993—2003) 150million Number of hungry people in developing countries 799million Number of children not receiving education in developing countries 115million Number of people without safe water in developing countries 1billion
Post-reading Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words and phrases. One of the most important _______ of the Human Development Report is the Human _____. The Index ________ a country’s achievements in three ways: life expectancy, education and ______. The list has some ________. Norway is __________ the list, _____ the US is at number 7. The ______ ten countries are all African countries. sections Index measures income surprises at the top of while bottom
China is ______________ the list. It is one of the examples of successful ___________. China increased life expectancy ___ 13 years. In the last ten years in China, 150 million people ____________ poverty. However, a great many people in _________ countries are hungry. in the middle of development by moved out of developing
Over ____ of these are in South Asia or Africa. In developing countries about 115 million children are not being ________, and more than 1 billion people do not drink safe water, so the report suggests that we need to __________________ in the future. half educated make greater efforts
discussion Imagine you are volunteers just came back from some poor places in china . Now your organization is having a discussion about the problems in these poor places and how to solve them. Choose one topic to discuss.(4 students a group) education, pollution, hunger, disease, fresh water, population,
Home work: Choose one of the most important goals and write down your ideas about it.