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Forsaits Latvijā: sākumposma pieredze. Foresight in Latvia : first experiences. FORESIGHT – A NEW VISION BUILDING PROCESS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE – BASED SOCIETY IN THE E U ROPEAN UNION , Conference in Riga, November 1, 2004. Forsaits Latvijā: sākumposma pieredze.
Forsaits Latvijā: sākumposma pieredze Foresight in Latvia : first experiences
FORESIGHT – A NEW VISION BUILDING PROCESS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE – BASED SOCIETY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION, Conference in Riga, November 1, 2004 Forsaits Latvijā: sākumposma pieredze Foresight in Latvia : first experiences
Presentation by Dr Arturs Puga Forward Studies Unit Nākotnes studiju darba grupa http://nsdg.blogspot.com
It's probably best to get started as soon as possible, laying out the problem in all its complexity and mapping out some strategies for tackling it. Teresa Amabile
Outline • Structures and projects • Research findings • KM - a key component • Conclusions
The recent publication of the Handbook of Knowledge Society Foresight adds a powerful guidance for foresight exercises in Europe.The establishment of the Foresight Unit has been emphasised in the book as one of subjects serving as a possible repository of knowledge and agent for training and advice. It may organise small-scale foresight exercises and provide training activities for particular sets of users. The Unit can support network activities, organise meetings of stakeholders, "to maintain Foresight activities in a given community" in the long run. (37) A.Puga. Social challenges facing Latvia: problems of identification. Foresight research outputs.2003.
The recent publication of the Handbook of Knowledge Society Foresight adds a powerful guidance for foresight exercises in Europe.The establishment of the Foresight Unit has been emphasised in the book as one of subjects serving as a possible repository of knowledge and agent for training and advice. It may organise small-scale foresight exercises and provide training activities for particular sets of users. The Unit can support network activities, organise meetings of stakeholders, "to maintain Foresight activities in a given community" in the long run. (37) The paper, included in this collection of articles on Latvia's future, provides insight into activities performed by the Forward Studies Unit (38) affiliated to the Latvian Union of Scientists. In February 2003, the Board of the LUS adopted the programme proposal of its members to establish the Forward Studies Unit, to start futures studies and foresight activities and to become involved in European research. Since its beginning, the Forward Studies Unit, LUS has been, in fact, a community of practice conducting studies, publications, and dissemination of information free of charge. http://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/projects3/foresight.html A.Puga. Social challenges facing Latvia: problems of identification. Foresight research outputs.2003.
BCSS LASLatvia in Europe: visions of the future Collection of articles Published in Latvian and English Riga, 2004
HANDBOOK OF KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY FORESIGHT Prepared by PREST and FFRC for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions October 2002 PREST authors: Ian Miles & Michael Keenan FFRC authors: Jari Kaivo-Oja
HANDBOOK OF KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY FORESIGHT Prepared by PREST and FFRC for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions October 2002 PREST authors: Ian Miles & Michael Keenan FFRC authors: Jari Kaivo-Oja http://les.man.ac.uk/PREST/euforia/handbook.htm http://les.man.ac.uk/PREST/euforia/documents/EFL_Handbook_April_2003.pdf
BCSS LASLatvia in Europe: visions of the future Collection of articles Published in Latvian and English Riga, 2004 In first time, a discussion (2003-2004) in scientific publications about Foresight terminology in Latvian
BCSS LASLatvia in Europe: visions of the future Collection of articles Published in Latvian and English Riga, 2004 In first time, a discussion (2003-2004) in scientific publications about Foresight terminology in Latvian Forsaits vai Nākotnes “paredzēšanas” joma
November, 2003 Related to the Congress of the Latvian Union of Scientists E - žurnāls "Forsaits Latvijā" (2003) http://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/lat/home.html
Foresight in the Enlargement Countries - Meeting in Nicosia – Position-papers - LATVIA Latvia Background Paper (2000) Latvian foresight and forecasting before accession to the European UnionNew foresight culture is on agenda in Europe challenging the industrial society
Maz izredžu realizēt Lisabonas stratēģiju, ja tas darbs tiks atstāts tikai Valdību ziņā Norises pasaulē rāda, ka daudzviet un t.sk. mūsu kaimiņzemē Somijā, "foresight" metode ir palīdzējusi iesaistīt, mobilizēt institūcijas, intelektuālo kapacitāti unresursus. Tas ir tas, kas Latvijai patlaban visvairāk ir vajadzīgs. Izglītība Kultūra 22.01.2004. Dr. Phys. Arnolds Ūbelis, Head of EC 6th Framework Program National Contact Point System of Latvia
“LATVIA TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE SOCIETIES OF EUROPE: new options for entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals of the Lisbon strategy”
“LATVIA TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE SOCIETIES OF EUROPE: new options for entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals of the Lisbon strategy”
Research objectives, activities, outputs • http://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/merki2.pps • http://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/fostering.ppt • http://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/FSsitemap2004.html
WHAT ARE KEY FEATURES, DRIVING FORCES, CHALLENGES OF THEPROCESS ? Platform for understanding and research Findings in project panels
LATVIA TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE SOCIETIES OF EUROPE: The used methodsEnvironmental scanningBackground intelligence gatheringLiterature analysisPersonal interviewsStakeholders' mappingConferences/WorkshopsBrainstormingDelphiEuropean foresight best practice learning
RIS Latvia foresighting The used methods in: FOR-RIS Environmental scanningBackground intelligence gatheringLiterature analysisPersonal interviewsStakeholders' mapping: Latvian experienceConferences/WorkshopsBrainstormingDelphiEuropean foresight best practice learning
Reflection on interrelated trends and issues (we are within their intersection)can help to guide decision making related to the entrepreneurial mindset development, innovative learning and entrepreneurial actions to manage knowledge
Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed expertise, values, contextual information and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates from and is applied in the minds of knowers. In organisations it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organisational routines, processes, practices and norms.
Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed expertise, values, contextual information and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates from and is applied in the minds of knowers. In organisations it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organisational routines, processes, practices and norms. Davenport T. & Prusak L, 1998: Working Knowledge: Harvard Business School Press
On a such foundation as EFB, developing KSF outputs, activities and targets, we create the new virtual entity process of interaction between individuals, organizations, enterprises; opportunities to develop communities of practice; innovative application of the Basics framework for thinking, knowledge (tacit and explicit) sharing, knowledge fusion and management aiming at possible futures for policies and strategies at all levels.
Tuesday, June 1, 2004 The Latvian Parliament Priekšlasījums: Forsaits un zināšanu vadīšana Lisabonas procesā Saeimas Nākotnes attīstības apakškomisijāhttp://www.geocities.com/forwardstudies/saeima.pps
July , 2004 About the blog objectives The Network (EFN) idea comes from knowledge sharing with European friendsandcolleagues in the EU conference "FORESIGHT FOR INNOVATION - THINKING AND DEBATING THE FUTURE; SHAPING AND ALIGNING POLICIES" (Dublin, June 14-15, 2004) and from research on LATVIA TOWARDS KNOWLEDGE SOCIETIES OF EUROPE: NEW OPTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND EMPLOYMENT ACHIEVING THE GOALS OF THE LISBON STRATEGY (Forward Studies Unit (Riga), Foresight project,2003-http://uk.geocities.com/arturspuga/EFN/augsa.html).
http://arturspuga.blogspot.com/2004/07/blog-discourse-framework.htmlhttp://arturspuga.blogspot.com/2004/07/blog-discourse-framework.html the blog discourse framework http://arturspuga.blogspot.com/2004/07/about-blog-objectives.html about the blog objectives http://arturspuga.blogspot.com/
KS, knowledge management & foresight conference • Knowledge Society and Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and LatviaOctober 14 - 15 2004, Riga • Conference organized by the Banking Institution of Higher Education (Latvia) in cooperation with the UNDP Latvia, the Municipality of Riga, SPACE International Association - Network for Language and Business Studies, the Forward Studies Unit (Latvia), "Consort Ltd." (Latvia) • Foresight methods and activities in the Lisbon process http://www.lba.lv/conference2004/index.php?page=resources&lang=en http://www.knowledgeboard.com/cgi-bin/item.cgi?ap=1&id=130717&d=pnd&dateform
Workshop : main findings – KM is an imperative for foresight activities
"From “what a knowledge society is and why it is necessary”, towards how “how to become a knowledge society”, knowledge management is the foundation.What should be included in the KM “to do” list:- To develop a vision and a strategy for a knowledge - based organization is a must.- The mindset needs to be changed from managing information in the traditional way to the modern way which leads to effective knowledge management systems, namely, IT supported systems.- It is pivotal to develop incentives and personal development opportunities for information management in an organization.- To manage knowledge via networking." Workshop : main findings – KM is an imperative for foresight activities http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/apcity/unpan016893.pdf
Foresight = creativity, innovation New knowledge creation for individuals and societal future Knowledge discovery process
We need To start consultation with all levels of government, businesses, academia, local communities to involve the interested stakeholders and to draw on their collective knowledge of the problems to be addressed to foresight exercises
We need To develop Multi-Stakeholder Partnership for foresight research and activities in Latvia
We need To develop Personal Knowledge Management, Organizational Knowledge Management processes in Latvia
We need To identify, understand and minimize impediments to launch foresight programs and research
We need To identify, understand and minimize impediments to launch foresight programs and research and to apply their outputs in strategies and decision-making in Latvia
The Three Components of Creativity Dr. Teresa M. Amabile Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School Expertise/ Knowledge Creative Thinking Skill Creativity/ Innovation Motivation