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Program Manager Betty Schorr Anchorage 269-3054

SECTION MGR. Rebecca Spiegel Anchorage 269-7543. ENV. PGM. SPEC . Graham Wood Anchorage 269-6494. Department of Environmental Conservation - Industry Preparedness Program . Program Manager Betty Schorr Anchorage 269-3054. OFFICE ASST. Caitlin Boehlen Anch.269-3094. INTERN

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Program Manager Betty Schorr Anchorage 269-3054

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  1. SECTION MGR. Rebecca Spiegel Anchorage 269-7543 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Graham Wood Anchorage 269-6494 Department of Environmental Conservation - Industry Preparedness Program Program Manager Betty Schorr Anchorage 269-3054 OFFICE ASST. Caitlin Boehlen Anch.269-3094 INTERN Lisa Griswold Anchorage 269-4198 OFFICE ASST. Emily Fitz Anch. 269-3072 EXPLORATION PRODUCTION & REFINERIES JPO/FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY & PREVENTION INITIATIVES RISK ASSESSMENT PIPELINE & TANK INTEGRITY TERMINALS & TANK FARMS MARINE VESSELS SECTION MGR. VACANT Anch. 269-7680 SECTION MGR. John Kotula Valdez 835-3037 PROJECT MGR. Vacant Juneau 465-6219 Technical Engineer Sam Saengsudham Anchorage 269-3078 SECTION MGR. Bill Steele Anchorage 269-7886 ENV.PGM.SPEC. Dianne Munson Anch. 269-3080 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Vince Kelly Valdez 835-3038 ENV.PGM. SPEC. Martin Farris Anchorage 269-8487 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Clare Pavia Juneau 465-5283 JPO LIAISON Ron Doyel Valdez 787-6707 Env. Engineer Roger Burleigh Anchorage 269-7538 Env. Engineer Tim Law Anchorage 269-7607 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Melinda Brunner Fairbanks 451-2171 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Dennis Hartwick Fairbanks 451-2171 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Larry Brinkerhoff Anchorage 269-3055 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Laurie Silfven Anch. 269-7540 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Sharry Miller Valdez 835-1471 ENV. PGM. SPEC. John Harry Anchorage 269-7566 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Chris Pace Juneau 465-5231 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Chris Pace Juneau 465-5231 ENV. PRM. SPEC. Bill Haese Anchorage 269-6426 ENV. PGM.SPEC. Gary Cook Anchorage 269-0910 ENV. PGM.SPEC. Gary Cook Anchorage 269-0910 Env. Engineer Vacant Anchorage 269-7604 Env. Engineer Beth Nodurft Anchorage 269-7571 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Cheryl Paige Anchorage 269-7679 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Gary Evans Anch. 269-7536 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Dave Pikul Juneau 465-5234 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Leah Vik Anchorage 269-7539 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Christy Terry Juneau 465-5233 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Shauna McMahon Juneau 465-5233 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Tiffany Larson Fairbanks 451-5960 UST INTERN Jarrod Nelson Anchorage 334-4499 Env. Eng. Asst. Beth Nodurft Anchorage 269-7571 Env. Eng. Assoc. Keith Sanfacon Anchorage 269-3052 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Robert Tisserand Anch. 269-3060 ENV. PGM. TECH. Patty Cunningham Anchorage 269-7328 ENV. PGM. SPEC. VACANT Anchorage 269-8149 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Karen McDermott Anch. 269-7569 Env. Eng. Asst. John Burdick Anchorage 269-3051 Env. Eng. Asst. Keith Sanfacon Anchorage 269-3052 OFFICE ASST. Donna Petrillo Valdez 835-4698 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Shannon DeWandel Anch. 269-7541 ENV. PGM. SPEC. Jeanne Swartz Anch. 269-7604 2012 - 6 - 21

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