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Psalm 105 Verses 1-22

Psalm 105 Verses 1-22. Sung to: CAROL “ It Came upon the Midnight Clear ” Trinity Hymnal tune #200 Or Sung to: KINGSFOLD “My God, My God, O Why Have You Forsaken Me?” Trinity Hymnal tune #79 CCLI #977558. O thank the Lord; on His name call; His deeds tell peoples all;

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Psalm 105 Verses 1-22

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  1. Psalm 105Verses 1-22 Sung to: CAROL “It Came upon the Midnight Clear” Trinity Hymnal tune #200 Or Sung to: KINGSFOLD “My God, My God, O Why Have You Forsaken Me?” Trinity Hymnal tune #79 CCLI #977558

  2. O thank the Lord; on His name call; His deeds tell peoples all; O sing to Him, sing psalms to Him, His wonders all recall. Let hearts that seek the Lord rejoice; His holy name adore; O seek Jehovah and His strength; His face seek evermore.

  3. Remember all His miracles; the judgments He has done; On Abrah’m's children, serving Him, all Jacob’s sons, His own. He only is the Lord our God; His judgments fill the land; He keeps in mind His covenant, that it may always stand.

  4. A thousand ages to endure, commanded He His word; With Abrah’m made a covenant, the promise Isaac heard; A law to Jacob He confirmed, a bond for Israel: “I will to you give Canaan’s land, where you as heir may dwell.”

  5. When few in number, scarcely known, they sojourned in the land; From nation on to nation went, a restless, wand’ring band; He let none hurt them; for their sakes, to kings He gave alarm: “Touch not my own anointed ones, nor do my prophets harm.”

  6. When He brought famine on the land, and broke their staff of bread; Our Joseph they sold as a slave; He had sent on ahead. His feet they hurt with fetters strong, and him in irons did bind; Till what he prophesied came true; The Lord’s word him refined.

  7. The king, the peoples’ ruler, sent to loose and set him free; He made him lord of all his house; Guard of his wealth to be. He gave him pow’r to bind at will the princes of the land; To share his wisdom, and to make his elders understand.

  8. Psalm 105Verses 23-45 Sung to: CAROL “It Came upon the Midnight Clear”  Trinity Hymnal tune #200 CCLI #977558

  9. When Is-ra-el to Egypt came, when Jacob journeyed west, To settle in the land of Ham, the Lord his children blessed. He made them stronger than their foes; whose hearts He filled with hate, That made them hunt his people out; His servants chide and cheat.

  10. Then He His servant Moses sent, and Aaron whom He chose; They miracles in Egypt wrought; His signs among their foes. He darkness sent, the land made dark, so they His words might try; He turned their waters into blood, and caused their fish to die.

  11. He made their land to swarm with frogs; Kings’ chambers filled with them; He spoke, and swarms of flies and gnats throughout their country came. He gave them hail instead of rain, flashed lightning through their land; He smote their fig trees and their vines, slashed trees on ev’ry hand.

  12. He spoke, and countless locusts came; Their fruits and leaves devoured; He killed each firstborn in the land; The firstborn of their pow’r. He led His people forth enriched with silver and with gold; And there was none among His tribes who stumbled, young or old.

  13. How glad was Egypt when they went! It shook with dread of them; He spread a cloud to cover them; by night it shined like flame. At their request, He brought them quail; He bread from heav’n bestowed; He split the rock and water gushed; Through desert lands it flowed.

  14. His holy promise He recalled; How Abrah’m served Him long; He led His people forth with joy; His chosen ones with song. The nations’ lands, the peoples’ toil, He gave them for their own; That they should keep and heed his law; O praise the Lord alone.

  15. CCLI 977558

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