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Private Health Sector Recommendations for Francophone Africa

Regional and country-specific recommendations from macro-level private sector assessment for enhancing public-private collaboration, developing standards for policies and strategies, and increasing community-based services in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Mauritania, Niger, and Togo.

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Private Health Sector Recommendations for Francophone Africa

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  1. Regional and country specific recommendations from macro-level private sector assessment Bettina Brunner Regional Manager, Francophone Africa, SHOPS

  2. Regional Recommendations • Improve the public-private landscape across the region through collaboration with WAHO as catalyst, convener, and connector • Develop a regional dialogue platform • Develop standards for private sector policies, reporting, disease surveillance • Develop private health sector strategies for each country • Resource mobilization strategies

  3. Develop a Regional Total Market Approach to FP • Include private for-profit sector in contraceptive security (CS) committees • Conduct a market segmentation exercise in CS committees • Use Ouagadougou Partnership as platform for TMA in each country • Work with WAHO to standardize TMA activities

  4. Increase CSR Opportunities within the Region • Work through CSR associations and business councils in each country to identify company partners • Using tools from HANSHEP’s Mining Initiative, work with companies to expand HIV offerings and include FP

  5. Document and Develop PPPs in West Africa • Document current PPPs • Go beyond service level agreements to consider innovative PPPs with private for-profit sector at national, regional and district level • Determine strategy for health PPPs in collaboration with WAHO

  6. Recommendations: Burkina Faso • Streamline import regulations and value-added tax exemptions that impede growth of the private health sector. • Collaborate with WBG on private sector initiatives (policies, private sector federation) • Increase the role of FBOs in provision of HIV services to most-at-risk populations such as Union des Religieux et Coutumiers du Burkina pour la Promotion de la Santé et du Développement.

  7. Recommendations: Cameroon • Increase coverage in rural areas through Community Pharmacies • Develop tax incentives with MOH to increase private for-profit provision of HIV services • Add HIV services to ProFam FP network & expand to Bafousam, Douala, & Yaoundé • Work with Cameroon Business Coalition Against AIDS on prevention & education campaigns

  8. Recommendations: Côte d’Ivoire • Revise Reproductive Health Law to include private health sector • Work with the Africa Center for Information and Development to provide HIV and FP services in mining companies such as Newmont Overseas Exploration and Occidental Gold • Work with Association des Cliniques Privées de Côte d’Ivoire to integrate FP services into the SHOPS-sponsored pilot network of private HIV service providers

  9. Recommendations: Mauritania • Increase role of private sector in strategic documents (Plan National de Developpement Sanitaire, Plan to Reposition FP 2014–2018) • Community-based distribution of FP products, in partnership with the Association Mauritanienne de Planning Familiale

  10. Recommendations: Niger • Support community-based FP extension services through partnerships with ANBEF and ANIMAS SUTURA for Maradie and Zinder • Work through community radio stations to disseminate FP messages to men • Partner w/Nigerien chapter of Society for Women and AIDS in Africa to support preventive HIV services for sex worker populations • Disseminate FP messages at the community level via Asusu’s microfinance groups for women

  11. Recommendations: Togo • Work with Plateforme des Organisations de la Société Civile contre le VIH/SIDA and Fédération nationale des ONG/Associationsde lutte contre le VIH/SIDA/ISTet de planification familiale to train private sector facilities on reporting and monitoring and evaluation. • Expand existing partnerships with community-based organizations with Espoir Vie Togo & Médicales et Charité • Implement ILO model for HIV prevention at the workplace w/Association of Employers & Chamber of Commerce.

  12. Thank you Bettina_Brunner@abtassoc.com

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