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Legislative Update. Peter Spadafore Assistant Director, Government Relations Michigan Association of School Boards. Agenda. School Aid Budget Union Dues Governor’s Council Questions and Comments. It could be worse; schools won’t see a direct dollar cut in the foundation allowance.
Legislative Update Peter Spadafore Assistant Director, Government Relations Michigan Association of School Boards
Agenda • School Aid Budget • Union Dues • Governor’s Council • Questions and Comments
It could be worse; schools won’t see a direct dollar cut in the foundation allowance. Outlook
Highlights Good News Bad News Additional dollars require more substantial check-offs Foundation remains the same as FY 2012 MPSERS rate set to increase to 27.37% for 2012-13 ($170 per pupil) Cuts still in store at local level • Additional money allocated to K-12 Education* • Foundation remains the same as FY 2011-12 • MPSERS offset has been increased by about $15 per pupil • The process is just beginning
The kindergarten requirement has been maintained Kindergarten
Sec. 22f Up to $100 for Academic Progress • $30 per pupil for grade 3-8 math • $30 per pupil for grade 3-8 reading • $40 per pupil for high school in all tested areas • Based on a point system Up to $75 for Best Practices (5 of 6) • District allows schools of choice under Sec. 105 or 105(c) • Assess student growth in each subject area at least twice annually using competency-based online assessments • Supports opportunities for students to receive post-secondary credits while in high school • Offers online instructional programs or blended learning opportunities • Provides a dashboard (last year’s provision) • Policy holder of insurance plans Best Practices A new section added to the budget last year to encourage a set of policy initiatives through incentives. Last year’s requirements have been modified and new requirements have been added to emphasize best practices and student performance growth. Total: $190 million
Sec. 22g Consolidation Grants A new section added to the budget this year to assist in the transition costs associated with the consolidation of services, operations or boundaries of local and/or intermediate school districts. The department will develop an application process for these grants and any effort that takes place after Oct. 1, 2012 will be eligible for consideration. This line item is on MASB’s 2011-12 Legislative Priorities Total: $10 million
Sec. 81(7) ISDs must meet 4 of the 5 • Develop a service consolidation plan under Sec. 11D in effect for 2010-11 • Obtain a competitive bid for one or more non-instructional service for ISD or locals of at least $50,000 • Develop instructional technology plan on behalf of all constituent districts • Provide a dashboard for the most recent three years. • ISD works in a consortium with one or more ISDs to develop information management system requirements ISD Best Practices A new section added to the budget that takes 5 percent of Sec. 81 (1) money and implements a set of policy initiatives through incentives. These are new requirements that ISDs will be required to meet in order to qualify for 5 percent of last year’s money. ISDs must meet these requirements by June 1, 2013. Total: $3.1 million
Sec. 95 (1) In order to be a department approved program it must: • Contain instructional content on methods of evaluating teachers consistently across multiple grades and subjects • Include training on evaluation observation that’s focused on reliability, bias awareness and instills skills needed for consistent, evidence based operations • Incorporate online resources and the use of videos of actual lessons for applying rubrics and consistent scoring • Align with recommendations of the Governor’s Council on Educator Effectiveness • Grants can’t exceed $350 per participant Principal Professional Development This is a new section added to the budget that deals with professional development for principals and assistant principals. This money will be used to train administrators in effective and consistent teacher evaluations to accommodate changes in law under Sec. 1249 that require annual evaluations. The department of education will develop a method for awarding dollars to pay for approved professional development. Total: $1.75 million
Sec. 147a MPSERS This is a new section added to the budget last year to help offset costs of the Michigan Public School Retirement System. This money is allocated on a per pupil basis and based on each participating district’s percentage of total statewide payroll for all participating employees for the directly preceding year. Last year this averaged to be $100 per pupil; this year it’s expected to average $115 per pupil Additionally, the MPSERS rate is expected to go up to 27.37 percent for 2012-13 ($170 per pupil). The governor’s recommendation also includes another rate increase to 31.21 percent for 2013-14. Total: $179 million
Legislation on the Fast Track Union Dues Collection
HB 4929 Bans the Collection of Union Dues • Prohibits public employers from collecting and remitting union dues. • Allows for collection of dues through the expiration of current collective bargaining agreements. • Creates a mandated audit report for unions that represent public employees. The audit must include expenditures attributed to: • Collective bargaining • Contract administration • Grievance Adjustment • $100,000 appropriation to MERC to make it initiative-proof. Ban on Collection of Dues Passed by the Senate Reforms and Restructuring Committee March 7, and passed by the full Senate later in the morning. MASB Opposes
What happens next? Governor’s Council
Governor’s Council on Educator Effectiveness • The Council has five voting members: • Governor Snyder appointed Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Dean of the University of Michigan School of Education and Chair of the Council, Mark Reckase from Michigan State University's College of Education and Nick Sheltrown from National Heritage Academics in Grand Rapids. • Majority Leader Richardville appointed David Vensel, Principal at Jefferson High School in Monroe. • Speaker Bolger appointed Jennifer Hammond, Principal at Grand Blanc High School. • Joseph Martineau, Executive Director of BAA, serves on the Council as a non-voting member and is the designee of the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Governor’s Council on Educator Effectiveness • Council must submit by April 30, 2012: • Student growth and assessment tool • State evaluation tool for teachers • State evaluation tool for administrators • Recommended parameters for effectiveness ratings • Recommendations for changes in requirements for professional education teacher certificates • A process for evaluation and approving local evaluation tools for teachers and administrators
Important Dates - Overview • During school years 2011/12 and 2012/13, Educator Evaluation Systems are locally determined, but evaluations must be based on student growth measures in significant part. • Report one of four labels required by legislation: • Highly effective • Effective • Minimally effective • Ineffective • The Governor’s Council will develop a tool to be used by districts beginning in 2013-14.
Who MUST be evaluated? • Based on the code used to report the employee in the REP. • Visit www.michigan.gov/CEPI. • Click on CEPI Applications on the left • Then, click on Registry of Educational Personnel on the left • Scroll down to EOY 2012 REP Preview • Click on EOY 2012 REP Data Descriptions and go to page 71.
The Governor’s Council Tool • Legislation specifies that the Gov’s Council will recommend “a student growth and assessment tool” that: • “Is a value-added model” • Includes at least a pre- and post-test • Can be used in all content areas and grades, including currently non-tested grades and content areas. • Meets all requirements for students with disabilities
Growth “tool” • Governor’s Council has to make a recommendation about the tool • Language implies ONE tool • It is possible the Council will recommend more of a “toolbox” • Including state, approved national, and approved local assessments; districts must use a combination of those tools • Other states have done this
Governor’s Council Update • It is likely that the Council will only have an interim report ready for the April 30, 2012 deadline. • The interim report is likely to include a teacher evaluation model and it will include a growth measurement component. • The other required components will still be in development. • Legislation may be needed to satisfy statute
Peter Spadafore Assistant Director, Government Relations Michigan Association of School Boards 517.327.5912 Questions/Comments