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Vo. C. A. T. S. Q & A. Blueprint Basics. VoCATS Blueprints. What does all of that information mean? How do I use it?. PROGRAM AREA COURSE BLUEPRINT for XXXX COURSE NAME. Type Behavior. Recall of terminology and factual knowledge. C1.
Vo C A T S Q & A
VoCATS Blueprints • What does all of that information mean? • How do I use it?
Type Behavior Recall of terminology and factual knowledge C1 Understanding of important principles, methods, and procedures C2 C3 Application of procedures and principles to new situations
XX02.00 Competency statement. 9% 5% C3P XX02.01 Specific objective. 3% C1 XX02.02 Specific objective. 4% C2 XX02.03 Specific objective. 2% 5% C3P Only C3 objectives can have a P added (C3P) or performance weight.
Blueprint Basics Review
If a competency has 6% cognitive and 10% performance weight, how many questions will be on the state postassessment?
If an objective is 1% cognitive and 9% performance, how should the class spend the majority of the time?
If a behavior type is C1, will students learn vocabulary and basic principles, or will they be involved in performance activities?
Recall C1 Understand C2 Apply C3 Why do C1 and C2 objectives NOT have performance weight?
If an objective is supplementary, how many questions will be on the state postassessment?
Competency 5.00 totals 10%, but the teacher and students especially enjoy the information and activities. Competency 7.00 totals 30%, but is not a favorite of the students and teacher. Should the class spend more time on 5.00 or 7.00?
Performance Assessment Basics *Critical part of CTE
Performance Assessment New Directions in Target 2006/2007
Where can I find performance assessment items that match the curriculum?
What do the classroom item bank performance questions look like?
Pacing Guides ? Please explain... ? ? ? ?
PURPOSE • Improvestudent performance • Assist in instructional planning • Provide school-to-school and class-to-class continuity • Highlight and foster opportunities for integration
Pacing Guide Review
Why do I need a pacing guide? I have always planned my classes without one!
I cannot plan that far in advance and I don’t like being “fenced in” with what I have to do.
Minimum of 300 multiple choice questions provided 300 are not a lot of questions for a whole course. Is this enough? How do I put my own questions into the classroom assessment bank? What should I know about theCLASSROOM ITEM BANK?
Obtain a password for administrative access from your VoCATS Coordinator CMS95 Software
Must be in the DEVELOPMENT tab Select the question Change the answer here To edit the question, double click in this panel
After double clicking, the question appears in Word. Make changes and then close the window.
Are the questions in the classroom assessment bank the same as those in the accountability (secure) bank?
What should I do if I think I find an error in a question or answer in the classroom item bank?
If my students memorize the classroom assessment bank, wouldn’t their scores improve?
Can I give my own postassessments?
Can I talk with students during or after the test about specific questions?
I hear teachers talking about questions on the test, so I think they looked at them. What should I do?
Who decides how postassessment scores are counted in student grades? Is it the folks in Raleigh?
How else can I use VoCATSin my classroom? • Curriculum Product • Content Teaching Outline • Objective Reports
Content Teaching Outline Review
Is it appropriate to use the objective reports and postassessment reports to compare teachers?
What curriculum document provides the most detail about the course?
Do I have to teach what the outline says? I know a lot more about some of the areas than the outline covers.
Will there be questions in the accountability (secure) test item bank for every entry on the course outline?