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Fighting breaks out and NC secedes.

Fighting breaks out and NC secedes. When and where did fighting begin?. The first fighting took place at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. U.S. troops controlled this area even though S.C. had seceded. Jefferson Davis ordered the troops to surrender, and they did not. Confederates opened fire.

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Fighting breaks out and NC secedes.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fighting breaks out and NC secedes.

  2. When and where did fighting begin? • The first fighting took place at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. • U.S. troops controlled this area even though S.C. had seceded. Jefferson Davis ordered the troops to surrender, and they did not. • Confederates opened fire.

  3. Have you ever been given an ultimatum? • “Do this or else….”

  4. What was Lincoln’s reaction? • When the Confederates opened fire in Charleston, President Lincoln ordered loyal state militaries to become part of the U.S. army. • North Carolina governor John Ellis was outraged, and it was clear NC was headed for secession.

  5. How did NC citizens view the war? • Most were excited about the war. • Almost all young men flocked to join the military. • Some 16 year olds even lied about their age to join! • Southern Slaves were excited because a Union victory would mean the end of slavery.

  6. How did NC leaders view the war? • NC’s leaders were less excited about the upcoming war. • They knew the Union was a powerful army and the war would bring death, turmoil, and money problems.

  7. What caused NC to secede? • One main reason North Carolina seceded was that they didn’t want the Union telling them how/who to fight! *important* • Left with no other choice, North Carolina’s leaders voted unanimously (all voted the same) to secede and join the Confederacy.

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