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Learn about President Washington and other leaders' efforts to solve the new nation's economic problems and the rise of political parties in this chapter.
Chapter 6 – Forging the New Republic Section Notes Video Forging the New Republic Washington Becomes President Challenges of the 1790s Jefferson’s Presidency The War of 1812 Maps Northwest Territory Battles The Louisiana Purchase Lewis and Clark’s Journey to the Pacific The War of 1812 Quick Facts The Cabinet, 1789 to Today Hamilton’s Economic Plan Reactions to the XYZ Affair The Election of 1800: Power Changes Hands Causes and Effects of the War of 1812 Visual Summary: Forging the New Republic Images The President’s Cabinet Washington Reviewing the Western Army at Fort Cumberland, Maryland The Election of 1800 Political Cartoon: Alien and Sedition Acts
Washington Becomes President • Main Idea • President Washington and other leaders tried to solve the new nation’s economic problems. This led to the rise of political parties. • Learning Targets: • Describe the steps Congress and the president took to organize the new government • Explain Alexander Hamilton’s plan to settle the nation’s debts • Understand both sides in the debate over the national bank • Explain how the first political parties form • Define cabinet, tariff, excise tax, precedent, strict and loose interpretation
Organizing the Government • February 1789—Washington was elected president; John Adams became vice president. • Congress created the first executive department: state, treasury, and war. The department leaders became known as the president’s cabinet. • Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson • Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton • Secretary of War: Henry Knox • Federalists: led by Hamilton, wanted a strong central government • Jeffersonian Republicans: led by Jefferson and Madison, wanted a smaller central government, more rural than urban, with powerful states
The first Congress Only 10 states had joined the government; presided over by Vice President Adams Sent proposed amendments to the states (Bill of Rights) The Judiciary Act of 1789 organized the judicial branch. It had a six-person Supreme Court with one chief justice and five associates. John Jay named as first chief justice Organizing the Government
Settling the Nation’s Debts • Hamilton’s Plan to Pay Debt • Federal government should take on all the debt from the war • Find ways to bring revenue to government • Establish national bank to control credit and make loans to government • New taxes • Tariff of 1789 taxed imported goods • Excise tax, 1791, taxed the production or sale of liquor, sugar, snuff, and carriages • Hamilton compromised with Jefferson and James Madison, who led the opposition to his economic plan. • The capital would be moved to the South by 1800. In return, the southerners would allow Hamilton’s debt bill to pass. • Washington chose the area; Pierre L’Enfant planned the city.
Most controversial part of Hamilton’s plan was the national bank Two views of the Constitution: Strict construction: the government should do only what the Constitution specifically states it can do Loose construction: the government can take reasonable actions that are not outlined in the Constitution—as long as those actions are not specifically prohibited. Hamilton pointed to the “necessary and proper” clause of the Constitution when he proposed a national bank. That was a prime example of loose construction. Debating a National Bank
Jefferson was only lukewarm to the Constitution in its final form. He favored a smaller national government. A strict constructionist, he felt that Hamilton’s interpretation of the “necessary and proper” clause was going beyond the powers that the Constitution specifically allowed. Jefferson opposed a national bank. Congress passed the bill, and Washington signed it to charter the first Bank of the United States in February 1791. Debating a National Bank
First Political Parties Form • The excise tax led to a violent clash between supporters and opponents of strong government. • Settlers in the western frontier felt their interests were ignored by the government. • In 1794 farmers on the western Pennsylvania frontier objected to the excise tax on whiskey. Their livelihoods depended on turning surplus grain into rye whiskey. • Uprising known as the Whiskey Rebellion • Farmers attacked tax collectors and burned barns of people who gave away the locations of their whiskey stills. • A crowd of more than 2,000 angry farmers threatened Pittsburgh. • There was talk of setting up an independent nation.
First Political Parties Form • After the farmers ignored Washington’s orders to stop the rebellion, Washington and Hamilton led a force of some 13,000 or more men into Pennsylvania. • The farmers scattered in all directions instead of resisting the militia. • They were caught and arrested; two were convicted of treason, but Washington eventually pardoned them. • Federalists established local associations, gave political offices and other favors to their supporters. • Jeffersonian Republicans influenced elections in various states by working together. • A two-party system was on its way. • Jeffersonian Republicans became Democratic Republicans.
Learning Target: To analyze the differences between the first political parties. Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Democratic - Republicans Federalists
Hamilton and Jefferson: Differing Views Thomas Jefferson Alexander Hamilton • Favored farmers and rural communities • Favored trade, manufacturing and cities • Believed that states should have more power than the federal government (state’s rights) • Believed that the federal government should have more power than the states • Believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution • Believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution • was pro-British • was pro-French
First Political Parties Federalists Democratic Republicans • led by Alexander Hamilton • led by Thomas Jefferson • strong state governments led by the “common man” • strong central government led by industry and the wealthy • emphasis on agriculture • “Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens.” – Thomas Jefferson • emphasis on manufacturing, shipping, and trade • loose interpretation of the Constitution • strict interpretation of the Constitution • favored the national bank • opposed the national bank • opposed protective tariffs • favored protective tariffs • pro-British • pro-French
Am I aFederalistor aRepublican? • Francois Goulet • Farmer from Georgia • 5th grade education • 2. Brandon Smith • Lawyer from Boston, MA • College graduate • 3. John Marshall • Virginia planter • College graduate • Future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court • Believed that the judicial branch was too weak • 4. Hans Gruber • German immigrant • Pennsylvania farmer • 5. Sally Moore • Mother of five • Employee of a Massachusetts textile mill • 6. James Prescott • Banker from Delaware • Member of the Delaware state legislature • 7. Mary Worthington • Merchant from South Carolina • Sells mainly European products
Am I a Federalistor aRepublican? • Francois Goulet • Farmer from Georgia • 5th grade education Republican • 2. Brandon Smith • Lawyer from Boston, MA • College graduate Federalist
Am I a Federalistor aRepublican? • 3. John Marshall • Virginia planter • College graduate • Future Chief Justice of the Supreme Court • Believed that the judicial branch was too weak Federalist • 4. Hans Gruber • German immigrant • Pennsylvania farmer Republican
Am I aFederalistor aRepublican? • 5. Sally Moore • Mother of five • Employee of a Massachusetts textile mill Federalist • 6. James Prescott • Banker from Delaware • Member of the Delaware state legislature Republican
Am I a Federalistor aRepublican? • 7. Mary Worthington • Merchant from South Carolina • Sells mainly European products Republican
Challenges of the 1790s • Main Idea • The United States faced many challenges during the 1790s. It tried to remain neutral in European wars while dealing with conflicts with Native Americans in the Northwest Territory. • Learning Targets • Explain why Washington wanted to remain neutral in response to events in Europe • Identify the conflicts that took place in the Northwest Territory • Describe the challenges did John Adams face as president, and explain the XYZ Affair
Remaining Neutral • In 1789 the French monarchy was overthrown. Austria, Prussia, Great Britain, and Spain declared war on the new French government. • Democratic-Republicans feared that if the French Revolution failed, republican governments everywhere would fail. • Federalists had respect for French monarchy. • France and Britain tried to draw the United States into their war and force it to take sides. • Washington wanted to remain neutral. He issued the Neutrality Proclamation in April 1793. • Edmund Genet, the new French ambassador to the United States, enlisted an American crew to fight on a French ship against the British. • Washington demanded that Genet be replaced.
Remaining Neutral • In early 1794 the British began seizing American merchant ships. • British claimed the ships carried French goods or were sailing to a French port. • American sailors were thrown into British prisons. • The British were stirring up trouble among the Native Americans in the Northwest Territory. • John Jay negotiated Jay’s Treaty with the British. • British would pay for damages to American ships. • British would leave their forts in the Northwest Territory. • The United States would pay debts owed to Britain. • Thomas Pinckney negotiated Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain and settled many border disputes between the United States and Spain.
In 1790s violence broke out when Native American nations resisted white settlement. Little Turtle led Miamis, Shawnees, and Delawares against St. Clair’s army and won. American army returned in force and built forts and brought in supplies. Conflicts in the Northwest Territory • Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794: American forces won over the Miamis • Treaty of Greenville: the Miamis gave up large territories in Ohio and parts of Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan • The treaty also recognized the Miamis’ claim to the land they still had.
President Adams and the XYZ Affair • Presidential election of 1796 • Washington retired after two terms. • Thomas Jefferson was the Democratic-Republican candidate. • John Adams was the Federalist candidate. • Though Adams became president, he did not have the full support of the presidential electors. • Because of sectionalism, the southern Federalists preferred his running mate, Thomas Pinckney of South Carolina. • Thomas Jefferson came in second with 68 votes to Adams’s 71 votes. • Jefferson became vice president.
XYZ Affair France had attacked American merchant ships. French agents (referred to as X, Y, and Z) demanded bribes of the American diplomats who went to France to negotiate an end to the ship seizure. President Adams and the XYZ Affair • As a result, Congress: • Cut off trade with France • Canceled wartime treaties it had made with France • Authorized building warships • Allowed the U.S. navy to capture French vessels at sea The XYZ Affair brought a general resentment of foreigners, which led to passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
President Adams and the XYZ Affair • Alien Acts: three laws that allowed the president to order foreigners considered to be a threat to national security to be jailed or deported. • Targeted French and Irish refugees, most of whom supported the French • Increased the period of residency required for citizenship from 5 years to 14 • Required foreigners to register with the government • Allowed the president to jail or expel any foreigner thought to be “dangerous to the peace and safety” of the country • The Sedition Act outlawed any opposition to government policies by actions or by “false, scandalous, or malicious writing.” • Targeted the Democratic-Republicans, who historically supported the French
President Adams and the XYZ Affair • Nine Democratic-Republican newspaper editors and a member of Congress were convicted under the Sedition Act. • Jefferson and Madison drafted the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, where they argued that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. • They hoped states would nullify the laws. • Only Virginia and Kentucky passed the resolutions. • In the end, there was a deeper and more bitter political divide in Congress and the country.
Jefferson’s Presidency • Main Idea • The rise of political parties influenced the election of 1800, bringing Thomas Jefferson and a new outlook to the presidency. • Reading Focus • Explain why was the transfer of power in the election of 1800 was significant • Describe the changes Jefferson made when he took office • Analyze the impact of the Louisiana Purchase • Describe how the role of the Supreme Court changed
The Election of 1800 • This contest marked the first time that power passed from one American political party to another. • Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson against Federalist John Adams • The campaign was vicious. • Supporters of each side made their arguments in letters and newspaper editorials, which often made wild accusations and spread scandalous stories.
The Election of 1800 • Federalists claimed that • Jefferson was dangerously pro-French. • Jefferson wanted to destroy organized religion because of his interest in science and philosophy. • Democratic-Republicans claimed that • Adams wanted to crown himself king. • The Federalists would try to limit Americans’ rights (using the Alien and Sedition Acts as proof of their claims).
The Election of 1800 • Problems • The election ended in a tie between Jefferson and Burr. • Political parties did not specify who was the party’s preferred candidate for president. • The House of Representatives was deadlocked for 35 votes. • Hamilton urged Federalists to vote for Jefferson. On the 36th vote, Jefferson was chosen president. • These problems with the voting system led to the passage of the Twelfth Amendment (1804), which said that electors must cast separate ballots for president and vice president. • Burr held a grudge against Hamilton for supporting Jefferson and for preventing him from winning the governor’s race in New York in later years. In 1804, Burr killed Hamilton in a duel.
1800 Election Results (Into the House of Representatives!!) 1 vote for each State
Succeeded in reducing government Only customs duties and the sale of lands produced revenue for the government. Reduced the size of the executive department staff Jefferson Makes Changes • Succeeded in reducing size of military • Reduced the size of the army and navy • However, built up navy to help merchant ships when attacked by pirates
General Napoleon Bonaparte wanted to build a French empire. Bonaparte to regain France’s former lands called the Louisiana Territory Those lands had gone to Spain in the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The Louisiana Purchase • In 1800 Spain returned Louisiana to France. • Spanish officials closed the lower Mississippi and New Orleans to American shipping. • Spain turned over control of the area to France.
The Louisiana Purchase • Jefferson sent James Monroe to Paris to try to purchase New Orleans and West Florida. • At the meeting, France offered to sell the United States all of the vast Louisiana Territory. • On April 30, 1803, they signed an agreement with France to buy the land—final price about 80 million francs, or $15 million • Almost doubled the territory of the United States • The Constitution did not directly give Jefferson the authority to buy new territory for the nation. • Jefferson and his fellow strict constructionists decided that the right to acquire territory was implicit in the president’s constitutional power to make treaties.
The Louisiana Purchase • Jefferson sent the Corps of Discovery, usually called the Lewis and Clark expedition, to explore the land of the Louisiana Purchase. • Led by Meriwether Lewis, Jefferson’s secretary, and William Clark, an experienced frontiersman • Their ultimate goal was to reach the Pacific Ocean. • They mapped the country and surveyed its natural history, including plants, animals, and landforms. • Were helped by their guide, a Shoshone woman, Sacagawea • Zebulon M. Pike led an 1805 expedition that traveled 2,000 miles to explore the upper Mississippi Valley. • In 1806 he explored the Southwest and gathered information about the economy and defenses of Spanish New Mexico and Texas.
In 1803 President Jefferson sent James Monroe to Paris to negotiate with Napoleon (French ruler) for the Louisiana territory For $15 million the U.S. purchased the territory, about 4 cents/acre Largest land deal in history! The Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson assigned two skilled frontiersmen, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark the task of mapping the Louisiana Territory Lewis & Clark traveled with a crew of 45 explorers and kept detailed journals Lewis and Clark
Sacagawea • Wife of a French-Canadian fur trader • Hired by Lewis & Clark as guides and interpreters • She showed explorers where to fish, to hunt, and to find wild vegetables • She also helped trade supplies with American Indians
Federalist legislators in Congress passed the Judiciary Act of 1801, whichcreated new positions in the judicial branch. Departing President John Adams hurried to fill them with Federalists. Adams’s signed documents had to be delivered to each man to make the appointments official. Not all were delivered before Jefferson took office the next day. James Madison, the new secretary of state, refused to deliver the remaining commissions. The Role of the Supreme Court Changes