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Marginal Teachers Workshop for Effective Classroom Practices

Join this workshop to learn about marginal teachers, identify markers of marginal performance, and design improvement plans. Interactive sessions by experts in the field. Actively participate and enhance your teaching skills.

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Marginal Teachers Workshop for Effective Classroom Practices

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  1. Marginal Teachers A Workshop By Mr. Ayman Abdul Fatah Mr. Khaled Fouad Ali Salah Al-Deen Sec. Sch. for Boys Supervised By Mr. Ahmed Khalil

  2. Objectives of the workshop • To be aware of theThe definition & types of a marginal teacher • to be able to design an improvement plan for a struggling teacher. • to have the courage to amend our performance in class

  3. Regulations for the workshop • Our workshop is divided into three parts : Part 1 by Mr. : Ayman Abdul-Fattah Part 2 by Mr : Khaled Fouad A commentary by Mr Ahmed Khalil • Your active participation is kindly required • We are here to share experience , not to lecture • If you have any questions , PLEASE keep them till the end of the workshop to be discussed • Each question shouldn’t exceed two-minute talk time • Your attendance is our pleasure

  4. Task 1

  5. MANAGING DEFICINCIES IN TEACHER’S PERFORMANCE Head of dept. Mohamed Suliman Supervisor : Ahmed Khalil Material compiled & presented by Ayman Esaily & Khaled Fouad Fully-supported by the principal Mr : Hussin Dashti


  7. Throughout this workshop we will discuss: • The definition & types of a marginal teacher. • Markers of marginal teachers’ performance. • The results of marginal teaching. • Confronting marginal teaching practices. • Designing an improvement plan for a struggling teacher.

  8. Who is to be considered a marginal teacher?

  9. One who manages to perform just well enough to keep his or her job to the detriment of student learning. He will pass evaluations required by the ministry, but funk in the classroom. • An individual who is consciously or unconsciously losing faith in the belief that every child can learn. • He / She appears to have sufficient command of subject matter but whose lack of class management skills gets in the way of student learning

  10. Types of marginal teachers Those with inadequate teaching skills Those with personal problems Those with attitude problems

  11. Task 2

  12. What are the makers of marginal teacher performance?


  14. Knowledge of Subject Matter • Shows no transfer of content / concept to everyday life. • Does not demonstrate depth of subject knowledge. • Does not communicate content in a logical and sequential manner. • Does not use words and content appropriate to subject area and students’ ability.

  15. Effectiveness of Instructional Strategies • Uses limited instructional approaches • Cooperative groups are poorly organized • Wait time is limited • Yes/No responses are sought. • Drilling is a predominant instruction

  16. Classroom Management • Routines are not evident. • Classroom instructions are not clear. • Rules and procedures are not enforced. • Teacher does not monitor student behaviour. • Beginning and ending class procedures are not in place. • Does not care much about the physical environment. • Rewards and consequences are not in place.

  17. Teacher / student Rapport • Is more teacher than student – centered • Closed climate • Interactions with students are not positive • Does not demonstrate enthusiasm, patience and understanding. • Does not use specific praise; uses harsh criticism and sarcasm. • Does not generate excitement for learning

  18. High Expectations For All Students • Does not establish expectations for success. • Does not give varying opportunities for success. • Does not encourage each student to function at appropriate level. • Does not begin instruction at level of the learner and does not plan for cognitive growth. • Does not provide the students with the proper remediation.

  19. Technology & Communication • Does not use technology as a learning tool but rather as reward. • Does not use standard English in written and spoken communication

  20. Task 3

  21. Why is not it easy to detect a marginal teacher?

  22. Marginal teachers often stay off the radar because they can put on the “ dog-and-pony ” show for yearly evaluation. They are not necessarily marginal in all areas. The value of the HODs being visible in classrooms cannot be dressed enough.

  23. The Results of Marginal Teaching

  24. Students • Adversely affects the ability of students to learn. • Impacts the students’ test scores. • Affects the quality of their effort and work. • Discipline referrals • Parent & student complaints

  25. School • Contaminate the culture of your school • Inhibit school improvement efforts • Working with a marginal teacher takes efforts away from working with other teachers. • It diverts attention from class-based improvement efforts. • ( 25x3=75) a year & 75x25= ????

  26. HOD & Supervisors • A marginal teacher jeopardizes your effectiveness as an instructional leader. • Working on marginality does not leave you enough time & efforts to follow the other members of the staff. • A marginal teacher may negatively affect his colleagues .


  28. How do you confront marginal teaching practices? • Those who are in charge prefer to play it safe and rely on strategies such as: • Transferring the teacher referred to in practice as “ passing the trash”. • Moving high-maintenance students. • Tailoring classes and the master schedule so the mediocre teachers does less harm. Are these strategies effective?

  29. Aspects to be examined before confronting marginal a marginal teacher. • The teacher’s history in the school and area. • What have prior reports on the teacher’s performance indicated. • What has brought to you this teacher’s performance? • Sudden shifts ( grade level ) • How often has he been observed? By whom? • Any previous remediation plans.

  30. Guidelines for confrontation • Conduct the discussion as soon as possible. • Focus on the behaviour or action not the person. • Be specific. • Give the person an opportunity to respond and grant the benefit of the doubt. • Avoid sarcasm and words such as “ always” and “ never “ • Affirm the person.

  31. Why is it difficult to deal with marginal teachers? • Some marginal teachers do not want to improve. • They not accept they have a problem that requires improvement. • They become defensive. • Their attitude will be “YOU are doing TO ME because you just DON'T LIKE ME.” • They may justify their behaviour instead of agreeing to make change. • Helping marginal teachers improve requires a lot of time and documentation.

  32. Task 4

  33. The main steps of an improvement plan:

  34. Designing Improvement Plan For Struggling Teacher Step 1 Collecting Data Step 3 Design an Improvement Plan Step 2 Describe Strengths & Weaknesses

  35. Tips for confronting marginal work • Start by defining the acceptable performance. • Remove the emotion from the discussion. • Stay on track. • Solicit a commitment to change.

  36. Components of a Plan of Remediation • Identification of the problem. • Communicating the problem to the teacher both orally and in writing. • Develop strategies to remediate the marginal performance. • Timelines must be included in the plan of remediation. • Progress toward the goal of improvement must be documented.

  37. Remediate or Terminate Documentation Time to improve Improvement plan Frequent observations

  38. Ultimate Target

  39. Above all else, remain cautiously optimistic while working with marginal teachers …. You can make the change.

  40. A very Special “ Thank you “

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