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A World of (Im)Possibilities Nancy Lynch Celebration: Sixty and Beyond. Hagit Attiya, Technion Jennifer Welch , Texas A&M University. Introduction. One of the main themes of Nancy's work has been proving lower bounds and impossibility results for problems that arise in distributed computing.
A World of (Im)PossibilitiesNancy Lynch Celebration: Sixty and Beyond Hagit Attiya, Technion Jennifer Welch, Texas A&M University
Introduction • One of the main themes of Nancy's work has been proving lower bounds and impossibility results for problems that arise in distributed computing. • Overview some of Nancy's results • Less known results, hidden gems closer to our hearts • Emphasize their meaning and implications • How they influenced the development of the field and of distributed systems • Concentrating on their positive impact World of (Im)Possibilities
Best-Known Example: FLP Impossibility of asynchronous fault-tolerant consensus [Fischer, Lynch, Paterson] Motivated work on • strengthening models of computation • partially synchronous models [Dwork, Lynch, Stockmeyer] • unreliable failure detectors [Chandra, Toueg] • weakening the problem definition • k-set agreement [Chaudhuri] • renaming [Attiya et al.] • condition-based approaches [Raynal, Rajsbaum et al.] World of (Im)Possibilities
FLP: Impact • Related practical problems: • transaction commit • leader election • atomic broadcast • maintaining consistent replicated data • The wait-free hierarchy (classify concurrent abstract data types) [Herlihy] • Attempts to solve k-set agreement and renaming led to the application of topology in distributed computing. [Chaudhuri] [Borowsky, Gafni][Saks, Zaharoglou][Herlihy, Shavit] World of (Im)Possibilities
2nd Example: Brewer's Conjecture [Brewer, PODC 2000 invited talk] A web service cannot provide all three guarantees: • Consistency • Availability • Partition-tolerance World of (Im)Possibilities
What Does This Mean? [Gilbert, Lynch, SIGACT News 2002] A web service cannot provide all three guarantees: • Consistency: atomicity of (read / write) operations • Availability: request by nonfaulty client gets response • Partition-tolerance: even when lost messages create two partitioned components in the network World of (Im)Possibilities
p1 p0 writes 1 p0 writes 1 Exec 1: Exec 2: look same to p1 p1 reads 0 Exec 3: Proof Idea X adapted from [Attiya, Bar-Noy, Dolev] p0 X X X p1 reads 0 contradiction World of (Im)Possibilities
Brewer's Conjecture: Implications • Traditional database services maintain the consistency and fail to provide availability in the face of partitions • Relax the consistency guarantees of the web service • Sometimes miss values or return stale data (Internet queries) [PIER: Huebsch, Hellerstein, Lanham, Loo, Shenker, Stoica] • Allow partitions to evolve separately, and build mechanisms to cope when this happens (stream processing) [Medusa: Balazinska, Balakrishnan, Stonebraker] • Sacrifice availability, but not often (stream processing)… [BOREALIS: Balazinska, Balakrishnan, Madden, Stonebraker] • Assume a mechanism to guard against partitions… [CQ: Shah, Hellerstein, Brewer] World of (Im)Possibilities
3rd Example: Best-Case Cost of Fault-Tolerant Algorithms Does making an algorithm be fault-tolerant incur a cost even when the system is well-behaved? • Previous investigation focused on the synchronous case • early stopping algorithms for consensus: 2 rounds vs. 1 round for non-fault-tolerant algorithm [Dolev, Reischuk, Strong] [Dwork, Moses] [Moses, Tuttle] • non-blocking commit: twice as many rounds as for blocking commit [Dwork, Skeen] • What about the asynchronous case? World of (Im)Possibilities
Are Wait-Free Algorithms Fast? [Attiya, Lynch, Shavit] • Studies the best-case complexity of an algorithm • When there are no failures, although algorithm can tolerate any number of crashes (is wait-free) • When the execution is synchronized, although the algorithm works in asynchronous executions also • Complexity measure of interest is running time • Time is measured by synchronized rounds • Problem of interest is approximate agreement n = 6 World of (Im)Possibilities
Wait-Free Algorithms are not Fast • A non-fault-tolerant algorithm takes O(1) time • one process writes its input and the rest read it • achieves perfect agreement ( = 0) • Prove an Ω(log n) time lower bound for wait-free approximate agreement • So there are problems for which being wait-free in the asynchronous model imposes more than constant additional cost even when failures do not occur. World of (Im)Possibilities
< log n Proof Idea this process cannot influence the decision 0 0 0 0 0 < n 0 0 0 decide0 0 World of (Im)Possibilities
0 0 0 0 < n 0 0 0 0 < log n Proof Idea < 1 decide1 1 decide0 World of (Im)Possibilities
The Best-Case Cost of Fault-Tolerance • Formalize the idea of "designing for the normal / common case" and show its cost [Lampson, "Hints for computer system design"] • The idea of accommodating the worst case & measuring the best / normal / common case has become standard. • message cost of consensus in failure-free runs [Halpern, Hadzilacos] • contention-free step complexity [Alur, Taubenfeld] • obstruction-free step complexity [Ellen, Luchangco, Moir, Shavit] World of (Im)Possibilities
Interleaving Algorithms • Also an approximate agreement algorithm matching the (log n) time lower bound • Interleaves two algorithms: • One guarantees fault-tolerance • Another guarantees best-case time complexity • Need to coordinate results… • Using a “virtual” two-process approximate agreement algorithm • Similar applications of interleaving, especially in randomized consensus [Saks, Shavit, Woll] • E.g., this morning session [Aspnes, Attiya, Censor] World of (Im)Possibilities
Application: Replicated Storage [Yu and Vahdat] • Emulates a shared memory • Replication-based implementation of wide-area data access services • need automatic regeneration of failed replicas and reconfiguration of groups • Probabilistic guarantee: reads may return stale values with a small probability • Optimizes for best case: • Failure-free reconfiguration is quick and cheap • Failure-induced calls a consensus protocol [Saks, Shavit, Woll]for replicas to agree on next configuration World of (Im)Possibilities
4th Example: Clock Synchronization • In a distributed system with n nodes that experiences variable message delays, how closely can the nodes' clocks be synchronized? World of (Im)Possibilities
p0 d-u d p1 p0 d d-u p1 Clock Synchronization Lower Bound [Lundelius, Lynch] • No algorithm can synchronize n clocks closer than (1-1/n)uFor a clique with same message delay uncertainty uon all links (u = max delay - min delay) • Even if no failures and no clock drift • Proof introduced the shiftingtechnique shift p0 backwards by u World of (Im)Possibilities
What About Other Topologies? [Halpern, Megiddo, Munshi] • Arbitrary topologies and nonuniform uncertainties • Adversary's optimal strategy is to maximize a certain quantity • involving neighboring nodes' initial clock values and the delays between them • subject to constraints on message uncertainty • Bound is expressed as a system of equations, and this linear program is solved using optimization techniques • Shifting notion is captured in the linear program • Not in closed form except for a few special cases • Bound is tight World of (Im)Possibilities
What About Closed Form Bounds? [Biaz, Welch] • If uncertainties are symmetric (same in both directions of a link), then lower bound is diam/2 where diam is diameter of the graph w.r.t. uncertainties c d b 1 2 5 diam = 9 3 3 2 4 a 4 f 5 e World of (Im)Possibilities
Arbitrary topology G with arbitrary uncertainties is equivalent to clique G' with same nodes where uncertainty between any two nodes is length of shortest path between them in G (w.r.t. uncertainties) [Halpern, Megiddo, Munshi] Shift a carefully chosen execution on the clique, for 2 nodes diam apart to get the diam/2 lower bound. Shifting Equivalent Clique 3 a a b 5 6 6 3 4 3 2 9 f f c 4 2 5 1 5 e d 3 World of (Im)Possibilities
c d b 1 2 5 3 3 2 4 a 4 f 5 e What About Upper Bounds? • For arbitrary graph and arbitrary topology, the radius is an upper bound [Halpern, Megiddo, Munshi] • Since radius ≤ diam, within factor of 2 diam = 9 radius = 5 • Tight & almost tight closed form upper bounds for some specific common topologies with uniform uncertainties [Biaz, Welch] World of (Im)Possibilities
External Clock Synchronization • What about external synchronization, when some clocks have outside time sources? • Previous results for internal synchronization • The tight bound on how close a node's clock can get to the source time is half the shortest path distance (w.r.t. uncertainties) from the node to a source [Attiya, Hay, Welch] c d source b 1 2 bounds are: b: 3/2 c: 1/2 e: 3/2 f: 5/2 5 3 2 4 source a 3 4 f 5 World of (Im)Possibilities
Optimal Synchronization Per Execution • Given information collected in a specific execution,by some algorithm strategy, find the tightest possible synchronization • internal synchronization, offline algorithm [Attiya, Herzberg, Rajsbaum] • external synchronization, online algorithm [Patt-Shamir, Rajsbaum] • extended to handle clock drift [Ostrovsky, Patt-Shamir] World of (Im)Possibilities
Gradient Clock Synchronization • The clock skew between any pair of nodes should be a function of the distance between them [Fan, Lynch] c d b clocks of a and d need not be as tightly synch'ed as those of a and b a f e World of (Im)Possibilities
Gradient Clock Synchronization • motivated by problems in sensor networks, or more generally, large scale networks, where nodes in the same locality need to be more tightly synchronized • data fusion • target tracking http://www.mikalac.com/mis/missile.html World of (Im)Possibilities
Gradient Clock Synch Lower Bound • Closest that two nodes' clocks can get (in worst case) is (log D / log log D) • D is diameter of network global influence • Algorithms requiring a fixed maximum skew for nearby nodes may not scale well • E.g., TDMA http://www.dsna-dti.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/actualities /revuesgb/revue64gb/64pgarticle2gb/telecom_c2gb.html World of (Im)Possibilities
hardware clock 1+ max slope < 1+ min slope < (1+)-1 clock time (1+)-1 real time Gradient Clock Synch Lower Bound: Assumption 1 Nonzero clock drift: (hardware) clocks can run fast or slow, within known bounds World of (Im)Possibilities
Gradient Clock Synch Lower Bound: Assumption 2 Algorithm must ensure that (logical) clocks always increase at some minimum positive rate logical clock min slope < clock time real time World of (Im)Possibilities
pn p3 p2 p1 Gradient Clock Synch LB: Simple Case • Consider a simple algorithm in which the clock value of p1is periodically propagated down the chain • Can construct execution in which pn-1's new clock value is larger than pn's old clock value by an amount depending on D • carefully choose message delays • manipulate clock drift rates • cause nodes to suddenly jump to higher values without synchronizing with their neighbors • Insight in the paper is generalizing this to any algorithm World of (Im)Possibilities
Is the Lower Bound Tight? • Recall lower bound is (log D / log log D) • Several pre-existing algorithms have O(D) • Then upper bound improved to O(√D) [Locher, Wattenhofer] • Recently upper bound improved to O(log D) [Lenzen, Locher, Wattenhofer] • Still a small gap; can the lower bound be improved? World of (Im)Possibilities
How Long Can Large Difference Last? • In the simple diffusion algorithm on the chain, large difference between pn-1 and pnonly lasts while message is in transit • Perhaps difficulties could be avoided by keeping track of “generation” of clock value and only comparing apples with apples (clocks of the same generation)? • but this could be complicated World of (Im)Possibilities
And There’s a Lot More… • Lower bounds on space for mutual exclusion [Burns, Lynch] • Lower bound on number of messages for leader election in synchronous rings [Frederickson, Lynch] • Impossibility results for data link layer and connection management [Fekete, Lynch, Mansour, Spinelli] [Kleinberg, Attiya, Lynch] • Lower bound on time for consensus in partially synchronous models [Attiya, Dwork, Lynch, Stockmeyer] • Lower bound on time for synchronous k-set agreement [Chaudhuri, Herlihy, Lynch, Tuttle] • Tradeoff between safety and liveness for randomized coordinated attack [Varghese, Lynch] • Impossibility of boosting fault tolerance [Attie, Guerraoui, Kouznetsov, Lynch, Rajsbaum] • … World of (Im)Possibilities
Final Observations • Strive to make the results relevant • Natural problems • Practical architectural assumptions • Realistic performance measures (for lower bounds) • Crisp arguments (ingenious but clear) • Easy to understand and verify • Simple to extend and lead to follow-ups World of (Im)Possibilities
Take-Home Message • Impossibility results help the development of the area • Understanding inherent limits guides efforts in the appropriate directions • And setting boundaries is good for everyone… World of (Im)Possibilities
Thanks for your attention Thank you, Nancy!