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Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legumes-Livestock Farming Systems in Eastern and Southern Africa. Outline. Process Context CN: goals, objectives, outputs Geographic focus: constraints Research Impact pathway: hypotheses Operationalization. Process.

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  1. Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legumes-Livestock Farming Systems in Eastern and Southern Africa

  2. Outline • Process • Context • CN: goals, objectives, outputs • Geographic focus: constraints • Research • Impact pathway: hypotheses • Operationalization

  3. Process • USAID planning meeting for ESA, Addis Ababa, 17-18 October 2011: research agenda • Input from researchers: Hombolo Agriculture Research Institute: mid Nov 2011 • Writing team e-mail exchange: end Nov 2011

  4. Context • FtF Tz reducing poverty & improving nutrition key investments: Morogoro (rice); Manyara and Dodoma (maize); Arusha, Kilima, Tanga, Zan, Dar, Morogoro, Iringa, Mbeya (hort) • FtF Global transformation of agricultural systems through SI • Proposed research links to CGIARs international research: CRP 1.1 and 1.2 integration of components for SI • Research builds on SIMLESA

  5. Goal, purpose • Increase agric. productivity growth, economic growth, food production, food and nutrition security, NRM and reduce poverty: in FtF areas (Gvt/CAADP) • Increase productivity of maize-legume-livestock production systems, resilience and agro-ecosystems services • Services: provisioning food/non-food; water; soil conservation, soil nutrient supply and cycling; soil health and structure; carbon sequestration; biodiversity; climate change

  6. Objectives, Outputs • Participatory diagnosis, characterization of agro-ecologies, farming systems, land use, gender, market; research priorities (O1) • Integrated options for assembling crop, agro-forestry, livestock technologies for SI (O2) • Integrated options for value chains, institutional, policy innovations for SI (farm-market) (O3) • Marketing and institutional/policy options for scaling up and out SI (village-district-region-national-neighbouring countries) (O4) • Capacity built (O5)

  7. Geographic focus

  8. Maize Rice Horticulture FTF Target Areas: Chronic Food Insecurity and Poverty with High-Growth Potential Arusha Kilimanjaro Manyara Tanga Zanzibar Dodoma Morogoro Dar Es Salaam Pwani Iringa Mbeya 8

  9. Crops and livestock • Maize in 3 zones (sorghum, millets, cassava, sweet potatoes, potatoes, rice); sunflower, simsim (cash crops) • Legumes: pigeon pea, groundnuts, cowpeas, beans, soybeans; (lablab) • Vegetables: tomatoes, onions, indigenous veg., garlic • Livestock: cattle (dairy); goats (dairy); poultry; (sheep, pig)

  10. Constraints: Crops: Gender • Information constraints: farmers, extension, seed companies, agro-dealers, social planners • Certified seed of improved varieties: availability, access and affordability/profitability, quality • Natural factors: infertile soils, erratic rainfall, pests and diseases, weeds (striga); inorganic fertilizers; irrigation • Extension personnel, methods (messages/media) • Mechanization: hand-hoe, ox plough, power tillers • Marketing: efficiency, bargaining power

  11. Constraints: Crops: Gender • Post-harvest management, value addition (storage, processing) • Credit: collateral • Transportation/access roads • Policies (marketing grades and standards, variety registration, foundation seed, input quality control, subsidies)

  12. Constraints: Livestock: Gender • Information constraints: farmers, extension, NGOs • Breeds: Access and affordability/profitability • Diseases (e.g. East Coast fever; tick-borne (cattle); worms, foot rot, mange (goats): Lack of dips, clinics • Lack of pasture/feed (drought season) • Marketing • Veterinary extension • Government policies (marketing, land use, land tenure)

  13. Research Framework: Build on-going: Many ..e.g. AEI Market Landscape Farm Genotype X Environment X Management

  14. Research: Build on-going • GIS mapping, baselines • Participatory evaluation of integrated best bets (RCT) • Evaluate VC innovations to support SI • Assess scalability • Capacity building: Farmers, extension, traders, government decision makers

  15. Inputs Characterization Outputs Up-scaling Value chains Production systems Outcomes: Change agents (researchers, extension, NGOs, farmers' groups, agribusiness firms, traders, government) Outcomes: Farmers Awareness, adoption, efficiency, productivity, profitability Impact: food security, incomes, nutrition, poverty, NRM Impact:aggregate area, yield, production, productivity, incomes, poverty Capacity built

  16. Hypotheses • Integrating research products and development interventions generates synergies among market access, on-farm productivity and NRM • Improves delivery of services to farmers • Increases adoption by farmers • Generates impact on outcomes of interest farm level (efficiency, yields, profits, NRM) • Generates impact on welfare (incomes, consumption, nutrition, health, gender, NRM) • Generates impact at aggregate level : spillovers

  17. Operationalization • Task forces • Research area: Diagnostics & characterization & gender; integration of components& gender; value chains & gender; scaling out & gender • Research issues: Maize-legumes-vegetables; +livestock-tree-fodder; NRM-plant health; Scaling out (Gender cross cutting) • Design in continental context

  18. Conclusions • Systems-based, multidisciplinary, multicentre, multi-stakeholder approach focusing on maize-legumes-livestock to improving livelihoods in FTF area • Research to test, address multiple, interacting, multilevel constraints building on-going activities • Innovative research methods (RCT) • Expected impacts at large scale through partnerships


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