Cn Bloggercon Eight Stories from the Social Media Global Report Shel Israel Writer. Speaker. Nice guy [email_address] GlobalNeighbourhoods.net Twitter.com/shelisrael
How I got here <ul><li>Some personal stuff </li></ul><ul><li>Naked Conversations </li></ul><ul><li>China 2.0 </li></ul><ul><li>Isaac Mao </li></ul> How I got here <ul><li>Some personal stuff </li></ul><ul><li>Naked Conversations </li></ul><ul><li>China 2.0 </li></ul><ul><li>Isaac Mao </li></ul>
Global Neighbourhoods <ul><li>SM is about conversations </li></ul><ul><li>2 friends talking </li></ul><ul><li>Geography less relevant </li></ul><ul><li>Build neighborhoods on interest </li></ul> Global Neighbourhoods <ul><li>SM is about conversations </li></ul><ul><li>2 friends talking </li></ul><ul><li>Geography less relevant </li></ul><ul><li>Build neighborhoods on interest </li></ul>
Social Media Global Report <ul><li>Follow SM </li></ul><ul><li>115 interviews </li></ul><ul><li>34 countries/5 continents </li></ul> Social Media Global Report <ul><li>Follow SM </li></ul><ul><li>115 interviews </li></ul><ul><li>34 countries/5 continents </li></ul>
US. China. Canada . Argentina. Brazil . Chile. Australia. Singapore. Cambodia. Japan. India . Russia . Estonia. Czech Republic . Ukraine . Croatia. Bulgaria. Poland. Rumania. Greece. Italy. Germany. France . Belgium. Spain . Scotland . Ireland. UK. South Africa. Kenya. Egypt. Saudi Arabia . Holland. Lebanon US. China. Canada . Argentina. Brazil . Chile. Australia. Singapore. Cambodia. Japan. India . Russia . Estonia. Czech Republic . Ukraine . Croatia. Bulgaria. Poland. Rumania. Greece. Italy. Germany. France . Belgium. Spain . Scotland . Ireland. UK. South Africa. Kenya. Egypt. Saudi Arabia . Holland. Lebanon
Isaac Mao, China Opened my eyes to China ‘ Hacking Harmony’ ‘ Sharism’ v. Communism Isaac Mao, China Opened my eyes to China ‘ Hacking Harmony’ ‘ Sharism’ v. Communism
Michael Dell, Dell Computer 2 billion people online by 2011 Conversations more valuable than ads. Social Media is cost effective Michael Dell, Dell Computer 2 billion people online by 2011 Conversations more valuable than ads. Social Media is cost effective
Laurel Papworth, Silkworm Saudi women like all women Anonymity Mutual support Jawad Boulos Queen Rania Laurel Papworth, Silkworm Saudi women like all women Anonymity Mutual support Jawad Boulos Queen Rania
. Francois Gossieaux, Beeline Labs People are tribal Communities change Communities scale
. Father Roderick, Amsterdam <ul><li>PoTzxccxT </li></ul>Very cool podcast Modern, human church People are different & alike
. Wael Abbas Egypt Citizen-Journalist Expose abuse on YouTube Telling truth is “seditious” YouTube take down ‘ I will be replaced’
. Ethan Bodnar, US Student <ul><li>‘ Why would I work for a company that won’t let me blog?’ </li></ul>
. Erik Hersman, Kenya Kenyans not warlike ‘ Ushahidi’ or ‘witness’ 100% mobile apps
. Basic lessons <ul><li>Youth is the killer app </li></ul><ul><li>Tools change. People stay the same </li></ul><ul><li>Conversations are revolutionary </li></ul><ul><li>Generosity wins </li></ul>
. China in Social Media <ul><li>1.2 > 25 million bloggers in 4 yrs </li></ul><ul><li>Meteoric Facebook growth </li></ul><ul><li>Twitter growing </li></ul><ul><li>Joining Global Neighborhoods </li></ul><ul><li>Starts social. Goes everywhere. </li></ul>
. Barriers: China & US <ul><li>Language </li></ul><ul><li>Mutual ignorance </li></ul><ul><li>Face-to-face difficult </li></ul><ul><li>SM next best thing </li></ul>
. My Ultimate Lesson <ul><li>We are all alike </li></ul>
. Shel Israel Writer. Speaker. Nice Guy Email: [email_address] Blog: globalneighbourhoods.net Twitter: shelisrael Friendfeed: shelisrael1 Flickr: shelisrael