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MytalktotheCaliforniaLibrary Assoc.
Libraries: Staying relevant in the Online Era Staying Relevant In the Online Age Shel Israel [email_address] http://globalneighbourhoods.net
US Libraries Alive & Well <ul><li>5x Amazon customers </li></ul><ul><li>$14b spent. More than running shoes </li></ul><ul><li>1 in 7 people in US have library cards </li></ul><ul><li>Passion about libraries </li></ul><ul><li>But there’s a cloud… </li></ul> US Libraries Alive & Well <ul><li>5x Amazon customers </li></ul><ul><li>$14b spent. More than running shoes </li></ul><ul><li>1 in 7 people in US have library cards </li></ul><ul><li>Passion about libraries </li></ul><ul><li>But there’s a cloud… </li></ul>
The Internet Cloud <ul><li>Hovering over institutions </li></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Traditional media </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Government </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Education </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Authority </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Libraries </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><li>Choice: change or be irrelevant </li></ul> The Internet Cloud <ul><li>Hovering over institutions </li></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Traditional media </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Government </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Education </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Authority </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><ul><ul><li>Libraries </li></ul></ul></ul><ul><li>Choice: change or be irrelevant </li></ul>
Issues Facing Libraries <ul><li>Youth disengaging </li></ul><ul><li>Misc. search easier than Dewey </li></ul><ul><li>Talented librarians leaving </li></ul><ul><li>Jurassic Park syndrome </li></ul><ul><li>Book scans </li></ul><ul><li>YouTube 125. NYT 1 </li></ul> Issues Facing Libraries <ul><li>Youth disengaging </li></ul><ul><li>Misc. search easier than Dewey </li></ul><ul><li>Talented librarians leaving </li></ul><ul><li>Jurassic Park syndrome </li></ul><ul><li>Book scans </li></ul><ul><li>YouTube 125. NYT 1 </li></ul>
The Internet… <ul><li>Is an infinite repository </li></ul><ul><li>Can extend every library bookshelf </li></ul><ul><li>You share knowledge & thought </li></ul><ul><li>Is very Inexpensive </li></ul><ul><li>Removes brick & mortar barriers </li></ul> The Internet… <ul><li>Is an infinite repository </li></ul><ul><li>Can extend every library bookshelf </li></ul><ul><li>You share knowledge & thought </li></ul><ul><li>Is very Inexpensive </li></ul><ul><li>Removes brick & mortar barriers </li></ul>
What is social media? <ul><li>An online space for conversations </li></ul><ul><li>2 guys at backyard fence </li></ul><ul><li>About conversations, not tech </li></ul><ul><li>2 yrs from blogs to warehouse </li></ul><ul><li>SAP Survey: youth driving change </li></ul> What is social media? <ul><li>An online space for conversations </li></ul><ul><li>2 guys at backyard fence </li></ul><ul><li>About conversations, not tech </li></ul><ul><li>2 yrs from blogs to warehouse </li></ul><ul><li>SAP Survey: youth driving change </li></ul>
A few blog stats <ul><li>12m US adult bloggers. 60m readers </li></ul><ul><li>150m American web users </li></ul><ul><li>89% of businesses see blog importance rising </li></ul><ul><li>6-12% of US blog s. </li></ul><ul><li>Over 1.4 million posts daily </li></ul><ul><li>22 of 100 top websites are blogs </li></ul><ul><li>37% began reading blogs in ‘05 & ‘06 </li></ul><ul><li>Blog readers average 23 hours weekly </li></ul> A few blog stats <ul><li>12m US adult bloggers. 60m readers </li></ul><ul><li>150m American web users </li></ul><ul><li>89% of businesses see blog importance rising </li></ul><ul><li>6-12% of US blog s. </li></ul><ul><li>Over 1.4 million posts daily </li></ul><ul><li>22 of 100 top websites are blogs </li></ul><ul><li>37% began reading blogs in ‘05 & ‘06 </li></ul><ul><li>Blog readers average 23 hours weekly </li></ul>
The Online Generation <ul><li>Freshmen younger than the Web </li></ul><ul><li>Online more than on TV </li></ul><ul><li>Peer influence rules </li></ul><ul><li>Teflon resistance to authority, marketing </li></ul><ul><li>Lifetime habits forming now </li></ul> The Online Generation <ul><li>Freshmen younger than the Web </li></ul><ul><li>Online more than on TV </li></ul><ul><li>Peer influence rules </li></ul><ul><li>Teflon resistance to authority, marketing </li></ul><ul><li>Lifetime habits forming now </li></ul>
Why Libraries are Still Vital <ul><li>Nothing beats face-to-face </li></ul><ul><li>Human guides v. Google bars </li></ul><ul><li>Computers lack common sense </li></ul><ul><li>Communities need a commons </li></ul><ul><li>Access for ‘left out’ people </li></ul><ul><li>Change needed soon </li></ul> Why Libraries are Still Vital <ul><li>Nothing beats face-to-face </li></ul><ul><li>Human guides v. Google bars </li></ul><ul><li>Computers lack common sense </li></ul><ul><li>Communities need a commons </li></ul><ul><li>Access for ‘left out’ people </li></ul><ul><li>Change needed soon </li></ul>
. To Engage the Online Generation <ul><li>Join their conversations </li></ul><ul><li>Use SM to keep locals current </li></ul><ul><li>Become expert resources on tools </li></ul><ul><li>Curate infinite bookshelves </li></ul>
. Libraries of the Future <ul><li>‘Community Livingrooms’ </li></ul><ul><li>Internet keyholes </li></ul><ul><li>Multimedia </li></ul><ul><li>Book-form agnostic </li></ul>
. Case Studies <ul><li>CSLibrary http:// cglibrary.org/polaris Casa Grandes Colo librarian. Twitters to engage in community conversations. 30% uptick in traffic, mostly young </li></ul><ul><li>LO-Fi Librarian http://www.lo-fi-librarian.co.uk (UK Law Librarian): Blogs, follows users on Facebook ‘not to look cool, but to deliver services, communicate with/users and raise her library's profile’ </li></ul>
. More Case Studies <ul><li>YALSA (Young Adult Librarian Services Association ( http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v =YCFHhfoj788 has a blog, follows tags for social networking posts, has a podcast, Twitters (@yalsa), and posts bookmarks at del.icio.us http:// del.icio.us/yalsa . Recently held panel talk on Second Life </li></ul><ul><li>The American Library Association lists their social networking tools on a wiki http://wikis.ala.org/readwriteconnect/index.php/Main_Page </li></ul><ul><li>Hennepin City (MN) Public Library, http://www.hclib.org/extranet uses blogging, podcasting, & MySpace accounts. They have a web-based catalog so patrons can add book reviews Amazon style. Users can search their catalog directly from Facebook. </li></ul>
. Social Media Can… <ul><li>Let friends share what they’re reading </li></ul><ul><li>Let readers review books for each other </li></ul><ul><li>Let community tell library what it wants </li></ul><ul><li>Help libraries stay relevant </li></ul>
. Blogging’s Power <ul><li>Tagging </li></ul><ul><li>Listen & respond </li></ul><ul><li>RSS so people keep current </li></ul><ul><li>Link to conversations </li></ul><ul><li>Twitter, mobile & microformats </li></ul>
. A global network of librarians <ul><li>Metcalfe’s Law </li></ul><ul><li>Meet others like yourself </li></ul><ul><li>Share you passion & authority </li></ul><ul><li>Learn about innovations elsewhere </li></ul><ul><li>Collaborate to solve problems </li></ul>
. Special Thanks <ul><li>To the 40 people who helped me on my blog & Facebook </li></ul><ul><li>Ivan Chew, Rambling Librarian —Singapore http://ramblinglibrarian.blogspot.com/2007/10/what-i-would-tell-librarians.html </li></ul><ul><li>Lo-Fi Librarian www.lo-fi-librarian.co.uk </li></ul><ul><li>Shawn Lea Everything and Nothing Blog </li></ul><ul><li>Rohit Bhargava Influential Marketing Blog </li></ul><ul><li>Randi Mason, MLS, PRSA </li></ul><ul><li>Connie Benson http://conniebensen.com </li></ul><ul><li>JustinThorp, http://drinkingoatmealstout.com </li></ul>