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People and Planet and good business. Bert-Ola Bergstrand. A short question. Is there any good business out there? And if so, what is a good business?. What will I tell?. Short background about me My interpretation on w hats going on out there
People and Planet and good business Bert-Ola Bergstrand
A short question Is there any good business out there? And if so, what is a good business?
What will I tell? • Short backgroundaboutme • My interpretation on whats going on outthere • Examples on Social Entrepreneurship (Sweden, and somemore..) • Reflectionaboutpast and the future
Bert-Ola Bergstrand • Company analysis at G. Uni. • Social Capital Forum • CSR Västsverige • Living Bridges Planet • Social Capital Markets • People and Planet Holding • All Win • HelsinkiSustainability Center
”The Social Wave” • Social Media • Social Innovation • Social Capital • Social Business • Social Investment • Social Change • …… • ……
Expressions on social change • Social Enterprise, Social Innovation, CSI, SharingEconomy • Social Currencies, CreativeCommons • Burning man, JellyWeek, • DreamiconValley, The Hub, Ontario state • SoCap, Sustainatopia, Rebuilt 21, FuturePerfect • Appreciativeinquire, The UnbossLeadership, • Happines Index, Blendedvalue, SROI, Sverigebarometern • B-Labs, GIIR • Mission Markets, Impact Exchange Asia, Social Venture Exchange
Platforms for supporting next generation business and resilient societies http://www.ogunte.com, http://www.socentix.com, http://www.volans.com/volans/., http://www.tallbergfoundation.org/, http://solabs.org/, http://www.hubbayarea.comhttp://www.ideasproject.com/index.jspa, http://www.unconvention.co.in/, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Social-Bancorp/183421055082853, http://groaction.com/, http://www.joyliving.net, http://www.biomen.org, http://the-hub.net/, http://www.williamjamesfoundation.org, http://www.sitawi.com.br, http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/sitawi-loan-fund-for-social-enterprises-in-brazil, http://www.socialcapitalmarkets.net, http://w1sd0m.net, http://www.globalsustainabilityjam.org/,, http://www.globalservicejam.org/, http://www.openworld.com/, http://factory.makesense.org/comingsoon, http://www.mygoodact.com/, http://www.makinglocalfoodwork.co.uk, http://thefinancelab.ning.com/, http://mindtimemaps.com, http://mindtime.com, http://www.wecreate.cc/, http://collabcafewelly.tumblr.com, http://nationbuilder.com/, http://wwww.socialenterpriseeurope.co.uk/, http://techaloo.com/, , www.relayfoundation.org, www.opencsr.com, http://www.goodfornothing.com/about/,http://www.opportunejobs.com, http://www.p-ced.com, http://www.seeditproject.com/, http://www.i-open.org/, http://www.co-society.com/about/our-story, http://www.kennisland.nl/en/, http://bundlr.com/b/education3, http://incentivize.us/, http://p2pfoundation.net/, http://www.sensorica.co/, http://www.jci.cc/guests/, http://www.harva.co.in/, http://www.gramweb.net/, http://solucionesverdes.co/, http://www.dreamacademia.at/, http://www.collectiveself.com/frequently-asked-questions/what-is-a-friendship-incubator, http://www.blue-planet-life.org/en/welcome.html, , http://globalimpactcollective.org/, http://www.leadersinstitute.com.au, http://www.rehan.com/, http://www.idec2013.org/http://www.mediapoint.md/, http://greensmyles.com/, http://www.bagosphere.com/, http://shapeshifters.net/, http://portal.educar.org/, http://www.coffeeshopgurus.com/, http://www.communityled.co.za/, http://www.lgtvp.com/, http://www.azimpremjifoundation.orghttp://dreamups.org/, http://producism.org/, http://metacurrency.org/, http://www.ingenesist.com/, http://p2pfoundation.net/, http://www.arthaplatform.com, http://www.eq-cap.com/, http://www.livingmandala.com, http://maximpact.com/, http://www.mindmeister.com/190131707/living-bridges-planet, http://reconomy.net/, http://www.akhuwat.org.pk/, https://www.coursera.org, ,http://www.iachievegroup.com/, http://pashafund.com/, http://dreamups.org, http://www.innovativepeople.eu/, http://www.fsg.org/, http://www.giftingprosperity.com/, http://trap.it/2cLMAE, http://about.me/reachscale.com, http://www.thecitizensmedia.com/, http://wechangeworlds.com/, http://www.coolmeia.org/, http://www.molequedeideias.net/, http://www.silo.is/3x11/, http://www.cloud9startups.com/, , http://iluvmyplanet.com/press.html, http://www.buckybox.com/, http://www.societal-innovation.org/, http://createachangenow.org/, http://defindia.net/, http://thealternative.in/, http://www.dreamitventures.com/, http://www.svx.ca/, http://jellyweek.tumblr.com/, http://funkybusinessberlin.de/index_en.html, http://www.uterus-myomatosus.net, http://www.WishesWell.com/invite, http://www.bankofideas.org.uk/, http://beyondsustainabilitymag.net/, http://socialforesight.net, http://thesociallab.dk/, http://www.jci.cc, , http://www.yesworld.org, http://seedfreedom.in/, http://www.partnershipforchange.net/, http://www.icaf.org, http://www.thinkimpact.com/, http://changeinc.tigweb.org/, http://www.sekem.com/, http://www.peers.org/, http://www.greenpag.es, http://www.fairtravel.com/, http://www.youcancook.org.uk/, http://backpackfarm.com, http://www.openworldcafe.com/, http://www.joyliving.no, , http://www.wessociety.com/, http://www.idea.com.gr/, http://www.betterworldbooks.com, http://www.makechange.tv, http://www.treeswaterpeople.org/, http://www.intolife.no/, http://www.terracycle.net/en-US/ , http://www.enspiral.com, http://www.purpose.com, http://www.luontoportti.com, , http://www.digitalgreen.org
Why these changes? • System problems – Health, Environment, Work, Education.. • Social Tech • Financial system Trust in institutions …Edelman Trust Barometer, World Value Survey
A new operating logic – The unlinear networked Society From an operating mode based on ”closed, selective and controlling mechanisms, to an open random and supportive mode” (T, Powers, Alan Moore, Marina Gorbis, John Hagel, Leif Edvinsson) Ex: - Risk is lower in distributed networks - Valuchain ”Prosument” - Transaction costs are lower Opens up for new business opportunities…
Logic of Business model Problem Social Enterprise Blended Value Social Enterprise Unemployment Economic Value Emission Ecological Value Social Exclusion Social Value
Examples on Social Entrepreneurship/Social Innovation Swedish Case • Health, Aging population….. • Exclusion • Localeconomies (Rural and Urban) Bergsjön 15 000 people 91 percentwithforeignbackground Highunemployment/Fewinvestments (Lots ofprojects!!
The first Community-based tourism network in Sweden, where guest meet the people of a metropolitan area. The aim is to use CBT for sustainable development in a so called disadvantage area creating conditions where people together with their own resources create services that brings income to the area. In the future we will see groups of local people and stakeholders who have developed enterprises, project and activities that gives jobsempowerment and space for social entrepreneurship.
Bed & Breakfast and holidayappartment • We will see: • Residents who offer “Home stay” B&B and Friends and family accommodations • Guest who visit and stay in the area, renting a Tikitut rum for a holiday or business trip. • Groups of local stakeholders who offers activities that are based on their own resources and the areas recourses We will see: Groups of local stakeholders who offers seminars and workshops about eg CBT, social entrepreneurship, the local area, personal storytelling etc. Local stakeholders who provide events for businesses Social entrepreneurship, seminars, activities
The important in this work is the co-production aspect. All services and activities are created together with the local stakeholders. A bottom up initiative for sustainable development. With the growing of the project local stakeholders and guest will name the demands that are in the area and the demands that the guest have. Together, also with the public and private sector, will the citizen develop and create services that answers to those demands.
A small village at the Arctic Circle in Sweden with a strong community spirit. Morethan 60 companies, 5 villageownedcompanies and 40 non profit organisations on 800 inhabitants. Here is someexamples
Lapland Vuollerim Welcomes You Nominated for Best Outdoor Product of the Year – 3 years in a row! Nomination to World Responsible Tourism Awards 2013 One example of the local grassroots initiatives to strength the local economy. The Blue Light Festival
From a grassroots initiative to a tourist company on export Polcirkeln 50 tourism activities and packages available for booking. Genuine everyday lifestyles activities together with the locals. A socially responsible business own by villagers. We reinvest 100% into the local economy and resources.
Guinness World Record 2013Through immense teamwork, the villagers managed 2.651 ice lanterns First week in Februaryeveryyear
Problems • Farmers have limited access to modern agriculture technologies(the ratio of farmers to agents is 2000: 1). • Decreased farmer yield and income. • Decreased farmer autonomy. • Opportunities • High mobile phone penetration in rural households. • Improving access to financial services • Enhancing access to markets • Provision of agricultural information. • Platforms connecting farmers, Agric NGOs, distributors
Solutions Offering improved information access and communication pathways for smallholder farmers and agricultural stakeholders.
Business Model • Half-yearly subscriptions from NGOs • Low-hanging fruit: NGOs reach large groups of farmers and IT staff require little training • Monthly subscriptions from Fish farmers • Monthly subscriptions from Nucleus Farmers • Monthly subscription from Agribusinesses
Other cases • http://mittliv.com/ (Integration) • http://adoptabee.se/blog/in-english/ (Environment) • AshokaYouthVentures (International program)
Reflections – Value - Communication Business Value - Income Value of: IdentityHappinessInspirationEthicsCommunity
Better World Books – Business model case http://www.betterworldbooks.com/
Blue Ventures • WHO: Blue Ventures is a UK non-profit social enterprise, $1.5M annual revenue, 30% annual growth • WHAT: innovate marine conservation with ecotourism, fisheries management, aquaculture and blue carbon in Madagascar and now also Belize, Fiji & Mauritius • Conservation Impact: established & replicating largest community-managed marine reserve in Indian Ocean • Social Impact: rural poor adopting new sustainable livelihoods: sea cucumbers, tourism
What rules will apply in the future? • Build local wealth and assets • Add more value than you extract • Share risk and return amongst investors, entrepreneurs and communities • Involve communities in design, governance and ownership of enterprises (Morgan Simon,Toniic Impact Investor Network)
The power of well-delivered data • Microfinance has grown into a multi-billion dollar asset class extending financial services to the world’s poor because sufficient data was made available to investors to unfold a new way to understand risk and opportunity • Well communicated data, science & stories will unleash pent up demand to accelerate investment and business practices.
Crowdsourcing for good Global JellyWeek – Working togheter on local issues around the world https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=201022410259825423682.0004ccb50b50bb9ca552b&msa=0&ll=15.284185,-63.984375&spn=140.717051,345.585938
Examples Geeks Gone Global http://geeksgoneglobal.com/outcomes/ EdgeRyders http://lote.edgeryders.eu/
Where do you find me? bert-ola.bergstrand@socialcapitalforum.se http://www.facebook.com/#!/bertola.bergstrand https://twitter.com/ContChange http://livingbridgesplanet.wordpress.com http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=78180374&trk=tab_pro