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Explore the hardships and resilience of Londoners during the Nazi bombings in World War II. Discover how the Royal Air Force and citizens came together to endure and fight against the enemy.
New Horizon English Unit ten Section A Reports on Britain Under the Bombs
Section A Reports on Britain Under the Bombs Text Study Pre-readingActivities Writing Skills Summary
Background Information Listening Writing Summary Text Home Pre-reading Activities
Writing Summary Text Home World War II World War II, also called the Second World War, was a conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939 to 1945. The principal parties were the Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan, and the Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and China. The war ended with the victory being won by the allied nations in 1945.
Writing Summary Text Home The war was in many aspects a continuation of the conflicts left unsettled by World War I. The 40-50 million deaths in World War II make it the bloodiest conflict as well as the largest war in history. .
Writing Summary Text Home The system (CBS for short)(http://www.cbs.com) made media history beginning in the late 1920s. William Paley put money into the Columbia Broadcasting System, which was then a small, struggling radio network, in 1928. In 1971 it adopted the name CBS, Inc. In 1995 CBS, Inc. was bought by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, which changed the name in 1997 to the CBS Corporation.
Writing Summary Text Home Nazis refer to members of the National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945. The Nazis believed that the German race was better than all others and therefore would one day rule the world. They also had a violent hatred of Jews that led to the establishment of Concentration Camps (i.e., Death Prisons) and to the Holocaust.
Writing Summary Text Home Hermann Goering was born in Bavaria. Trained for an army career, Goering received his assignment in 1912 and served with distinction during World War I. Later, Goering met Adolf Hitler and joined the small National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party in 1922. Since then, Goering worked tirelessly as Hitler’s most loyal supporter. He was the most popular of the Nazi leaders, not only with the German people but also with the representatives and agents of foreign powers. After Hitler’s suicide, he surrendered himself to the Americans. He was sentenced to be hanged, but instead he drank some poison and died in his prison room at Nuremberg the night he was given his death sentence.
Writing Summary Text Home Royal Air Force (RAF for short) is the youngest of the three British armed services, charged with the air defense of the United Kingdom and fulfillment of international defense commitments.
Writing Summary Text Home Home Guard: usually a military organization of citizens with limited military training for emergency service, usually for local defense. During World War II the Home Guard was established in the UK.
Writing Summary Text Home The system (CBS for short)(http://www.cbs.com) made media history beginning in the late 1920s. William Paley put money into the Columbia Broadcasting System, which was then a small, struggling radio network, in 1928. In 1971 it adopted the name CBS, Inc. In 1995 CBS, Inc. was bought by the Westinghouse Electric Corporation, which changed the name in 1997 to the CBS Corporation.
Writing Summary Text Home Pre-reading Activities — Listen and Answer First Listening Please listen to a short passage about London under the Nazi bombs carefully and prepare to answer the following questions. Second Listening Listen to the passage again and answer the following questions according to what you hear. The last question is open-ended and may have different answers.
Writing Summary Text Home Questions 1. Why was life in London filled with hardships and sorrow during World War Ⅱ? 2. What did the people of the city have to do in order to live through the hardships? 3. Do you think the English people ever considered giving up? Why or why not?
复合听写 视频讨论 Writing Summary Text Home Keys • Because Hitler’s Nazi air force was bombing London repeatedly. • They had to pull together and help one another.
Writing Summary Text Home Text During World War II, life in London was filled with hardships and sorrow because Hitler’s Nazi air force was bombing the city repeatedly. The people of the city had to pull together and help one another to live through the hardships. Britain’s Royal Air Force, though small in number of pilots ,was heroic to meet and fight against the Nazi airplanes. The citizens on the ground worked bravely and with determination to rescue the wounded, put out the fires, and dig out the buried. Men, women, and children stood firm, ready to resist to the end.
Writing Summary Text Home More Questions 1. Do you know anything about World War II? 2. What is your views on war? 3. Do you think a lasting world peace is possible? Give your reason.
1 3 Writing Summary Pre-reading Home Text Study New Words Structure & Main Ideas 2 Text Reading
Writing Summary Pre-reading Home New Words and Expressions Word Using Structure Text Reading
1. survival n. state of continuing to live or exist; surviving 幸存,残存 e.g. Writing Summary Pre-reading Home I. Word Using • Survivals of ancient customs • 遗传下来的古代风俗 • the survival of the fittest • 适者生存
1. survivev. to continue to live 幸存 Translation Key 他竟能从这么严重的车祸中逃生真是个奇迹。 It is really a wonder that he survived such a terrible road accident.
2. endure vt. ① bear (pain, suffering, etc.) calmly for a long time 经受,忍受,容忍 Translation Key e.g. I can't endure loud music. 我不能忍受音量大的音乐声。 . 我们不得不在机场忍受航班9个小时的延误。 We had to endure a nine-hour delay at the airport.
② last for a long time 持续, 持久 Key Translation e.g. Their friendship endured lifelong. 他们的友谊持续了一生。 His fame will endure forever. 他的名望将永垂不朽。
3. raidn. [C] a sudden surprise attack突袭,袭击 Key Translation 我们对敌人发起了突袭。 We made a raid on the enemy.
vt. suddenly attack a place突袭,袭击 Translation Key 这些战士袭击了敌人营地。 The soldiers raided the enemy camp.
4. cast v. put, cause or direct (a look, thought , feeling or opinion) 将(光线,影子目光 等)投射到, 将(思想、感情)加于 e.g. phase Her arrival cast a shadow over the party.她的到来给晚会投下了不愉快的阴影。 • to cast shadow over/upon 给······投下阴影 • cast a spell on sb/sth 对…施魔法 • cast sb/sth aside 抛弃丢弃 • cast doubt on 引起对…….的怀疑, 使人怀疑
n.[C] all the actors in a play, etc. (影、剧)全体演员 e.g. The film has a strong cast that includes several big names. 该影片演员阵容强大, 包括好几位大腕。
e.g. 5.surrendervi.① admit defeat and stop fighting 投降,自首 They would rather die than surrender. 他们宁死不降.
e.g. ② give sth. to sb. else because one is forced to 交出,放弃 • You must surrender your old passport when applying for a new one. 你申请新护照时, 必须交出旧护照。
6. agonyn. [U, C]great pain Translation Key e.g. The people who had been hurt in the bomb explosion lay wailing in agony. 在炸弹爆炸中受伤的人们躺在那里,痛苦地嚎啕着。 她在努力着作出决定,内心十分痛苦。 She was in agony trying to make a decision.
7. historic a. important in history 强调的是具有历史意义和在历史上有名。 Compare e.g. a historic event/speech/place 有历史的事件/演说/地方 This is a document of historic significance. 这是一篇具有历史意义的文件。 historical:a. belong to history, having to do with history 历史上发生过的;强调的是在过去真正存在过或与历史的相关性 historical accounts: 历史记载 a historical event/person 历史事件/历史人物 historical studies 历史研究
8. spit v. send (liquid or sth. Else )out from the mouth e.g. He spat at his enemies boldly. 他无畏地朝敌人吐口水。
e.g. n.口水,唾液 She used a little spit on a cloth to wipe the mirror clean.
9. crashn. [C] (usu. sing.) (loud noise made by a) violent fall, blow or break 坠落(声),打击或破裂(所发的响声) key e.g. Translation The flower bottle landed on the floor with a crash. 花瓶砰的一声掉在了地板上。 他的话被一声雷响所淹没。 His words were drowned in a crash of thunder.
v.① make a sudden loud noise 发出巨响 e.g. Without warning, the door crashed open. 门哗啦一声开了,之前什么也没觉察到。
② have an accident, esp. one which damages a vehicle (使)猛撞,(使)撞毁 e.g. The plane crashed into the mountainside. 飞机坠毁在山坡上。.
10. resolution: n. ① [U] the quality of being firm 坚决,坚定,决心 e.g. She didn’t like the young man since he lacked resolution. 她不喜欢这个年轻人, 因为他缺乏毅力 a New Year resolution 新年的决心 show great resolution 表示极大的决心 a man of great resolution 极其果断的人
② [U] solution 解决,解答 e.g. The lawyer’s advice led to the resolution of this problem. 律师的建议帮助解决了这个问题。
11. smashv. (cause sth. to) be broken violently into pieces 打碎,打破,粉碎 e.g. The lock was rusty, so we had to smash it to open the door. 锁生锈了,我们不得不把门砸开。
12. rescue vt. save or bring away sb./sth. from danger 救出,解救; Translation key e.g. We rescued the boy who fell into the river. 我们救起了掉进河里的小孩。 在房子坍塌之前,消防队员把他从屋里救了出来。 Firemen rescued him from the house before it broke down
n. [C, U] the action of saving someone or something from danger. 营救,解救 e.g. come to one’s rescue A rescue team
13. decenta. socially acceptable or good 得体的,正派的 e.g. decent behavior 正当的行为 a decent house 一所像样的房子。
14. drive…sb/sth off defeat or beat back (an enemy or an attack) 击退, 赶走 e.g. They united and drove the invader off. 他们团结起来, 把入侵者赶了出去。
15. in broad daylight openly; in the full light of day 光天化日之下; 公开地 Translation Key e.g. 这位上了年纪的女士在 光天化日之下遇到袭击,却没有一个人帮助她。 The old lady was attacked in the broad daylight and nobody helped her. 几个劫匪光天化日之下抢劫了银行。 A few bad guys robbed city bank in broad daylight.
16. carry on continue doing sth. 继续 Translation Key e.g. 交谈时在友好的气氛中进行的 The conversation was carried on in a friendly atmosphere. 虽然困难重重,但我会把这个工作干下去。 I shall try to carry on the work in spite of difficulties.
17. on the air on radio or television 开始广播(或电视转播) expressions e.g. 那个广播剧还在播送吗? Is that radio show still on the air?. Off the air停止广播 Return to the air恢复广播
18. bring under control manage to control over 控制,使就范 Translation Key e.g. It was several hours before the fire was brought under control. 几个小时以后火势才得到控制。 别担心, 一切都在控制之中。 Don’t worry—everything has been brought under control.
19. keep sb. from doing sth prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止 Key Translation e.g. Nothing can keep us from taking further steps to reduce smoking. 什么也阻止不了我们采取进一步的措施来减少抽烟。 别因为我而妨碍你外出。 Don't let me keep you from going out.
20. watch for look attentively for sth. 留意,当心 Key Translation e.g. Watch for thieves at the railway station. 留神火车站里的小偷。 注意你的吃相。 Watch for your table manner.
21. mark down write down 记下来,写下来 e.g. I’m a little forgetful, so I have to mark these things down. 我有点健忘, 因此我得把这些事记下来。