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Landscape and climate II.

Discover the contrasting landscapes and climates of Canada's seven regions. From the industrial heartland of the Great Lakes to the rich fishing areas of the Atlantic Provinces, explore the beauty and uniqueness of each region. Learn about the Arctic's extreme weather conditions and the historical significance of the first European settlers in the Appalachian Region.

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Landscape and climate II.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Landscape and climate II. Gymnázium a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky Zlín

  2. Canada • canbedividedintosevenregions • eachwith a very differentlandscape and climate

  3. 5. The Great Lakes • a small region • theindustrialheartlandofCanada • this region isthesugarmaple country • producingalsograpes, peaches, pears and otherfruits

  4. 6. The Atlantic Provinces • Appalachian Region • the first place to be settled by Europeans • wheat fields • the richest fishing areas in the world

  5. View from the slopes of Back Allegheny Mountain, looking east, in the Appalachian Mountains

  6. 7. The Arctic • many places can be reached by road • most places have electricity, stores and health services • during the short summer, the temperature can reach 30 degrees C • the winters are long, bitterly cold, dark

  7. Photos of The Arctic

  8. Which region is the heartland of industry? • In which region were the first Europeans?

  9. The Great Lakes • TheAtlanticProvinces

  10. http://Appalachion Region-video

  11. Zdroje: • http://clipart.com • http://google.com • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=OOOGuKa_HLc

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