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WELCOME NSF REVIEW October 23-25, 2001

WELCOME NSF REVIEW October 23-25, 2001. Division Overview. Organization Structure Funding Awards Visitors Research, Goals, and Activities. Understanding the Climate System.

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WELCOME NSF REVIEW October 23-25, 2001

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  1. WELCOME NSF REVIEWOctober 23-25, 2001

  2. Division Overview Organization Structure Funding Awards Visitors Research, Goals, and Activities

  3. Understanding the Climate System • CGD is an integrator for climate research within NCAR and outside of NCAR, at the national and international levels. • CGD will adopt a systems approach to climate research and explore, with our collaborators, a wide-ranging set of problems in order to understand issues of climate variability, climate predictability and climate change.

  4. CGD Division M. Blackmon, Director Information Systems Group L. Sitongia Geophysical Statistics Project D. Nychka CCSM Project Office J. Kiehl Climate Analysis Section K. Trenberth Climate Modeling Section J. Hack Climate Change Research Section W. Washington Oceanography Section P. Gent Ecosystem Dynamics and the Atmosphere D. Schimel Global Dynamics Section J. Tribbia CCSM Software Eng. Group T. Craig Names listed are the Group/Project Leader and the Section Heads

  5. Division Office Maurice Blackmon, Director Mike Moran, Division Administrator III Holly Howard, Division Administrator II JoAnne Martin, Adm. Asst. III Barb Vlasity, Adm. Asst. III Julia Kasid, Student Asst. I Information Systems Group Leonard Sitongia, Head Gaylynn Potemkin, Adm. Asst. II Kathy Fischer, Systems Adm. II Kim Nesnadny, Systems Adm. II Ligea Rice, Systems Adm. I Phoenix Kwan, Student Asst. II Nick Wehrheim, Student Asst. II

  6. New Hires Since 1995 Scientist IIScientist I Bill Collins Marika Holland Clara Deser Natalie Mahowald Tim Kittel Peter Thornton Bette Otto-Bliesner Project Scientist I Aiguo Dai Fabrizio Sassi

  7. Funding (1 of 3)

  8. Funding (2 of 3)

  9. FUNDING3 of 3CGD FY01 Funds - $12.5M

  10. RECENT AWARDS Clara Deser Meisinger Award, 1999, AMS Scott Doney Macelwane Award, 2000, AGU Jim Hurrell Meisinger Award, 2001, AMS Rol Madden Annual Meeting Award on Statistical International Climatology, 2001 and Charney Award, 2002, AMS Kevin Trenberth Charney Award, 2000, AMS

  11. CGD Has an Active Visitor Program FY: 97 98 99 00 01 ____________________________________________ Short Term 45 82 78 64 57 Long Term 20 9 11 11 10 ____________________________________________ Total 65 91 89 75 67

  12. Affiliate Scientists Leo Donner, Princeton Brian Farrell, HarvardFillipo Giorgi, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy Dale Haidvogel, RutgersAlbert Semtner, Jr., Naval Postgraduate School Bjorn Stevens, UCLACharles Zender, Univ. of CA at Irvine

  13. Goals Develop a comprehensive understanding of Earth’s Climate System, with the aid of models, observations and theory.

  14. Goals Provide community tools to further our understanding of Earth’s Climate System Atmosphere Sea Ice Land Ocean

  15. Modeling • CCSM • Component Models and Fully Coupled Model • Single Column Atmospheric Physics Model •Diagnostic Models • Model for Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry (MATCH) • Aerosol Data Assimilation •Simplified Mechanistic Models Saravanan’s Simplified Coupled Model Branstator’s Linearized CCM

  16. Future Goals in Modeling(1 of 2) • Comprehensive Diagnostics Capability • Continued Improvement of CCSM • Evolution to Earth System Model

  17. Future Goals in Modeling(2 of 2) Physical System Biogeochemical System Chemical System

  18. Analysis • Reanalysis Studies • Climate Diagnostic Studies • Global Data for Model Evaluation • Field Observations

  19. Future Goals in Analysis • Continued evaluation of analysis products • More integrated analysis of CCSM

  20. Theory • Physically Based Understanding of Modes of Variability • Understanding Predictability of Coupled Systems

  21. Future Goals in Theory • Predictability of Coupled System on Seasonal to Interannual time scales

  22. Tools Community Climate System Model – CCSM-2 Community Atmosphere Model – CAM-2 Community Land Model – CLM-2 Community Ocean Model – COM-2 Community Sea Ice Model – CSIM-2 Improved Coupler

  23. Built for vector/parallel computers Atmosphere: CCM3 Land: Land Surface Model Ocean component: Modular Ocean Model Gent-McWilliams K-Profile Parameterization Sea ice: cavitating fluid rheology, simple thermodynamics Built for scalar/parallel computers Atmosphere: CCM3 Land: Land Surface Model Ocean component: Parallel Ocean Program Horizontal Diffusion Philander-Pacanowski Sea ice: viscous-plastic rheology, simple thermodynamics CSM1 PCM1

  24. Merging of CSM and PCM • Agreement to use the same model components • CSM and PCM lab staff will develop a merged flux coupler that can use both sequential and parallel execution mode of components - ongoing team of NCAR and DOE laboratory involvement • NSF and DOE efforts may use different resolutions

  25. New Projects, Collaborators DOE Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing (SciDAC) DOE Laboratories (Los Alamos, Livermore, Oak Ridge, etc.) and NCAR will work on expanding the scientific scope and improving the software engineering of CCSM-2 NASA Earth System Modeling Framework NCAR’s SCD - Lead NCAR’s CGD and MMM, GFDL, NCEP, MIT, GSFC, Univ. of Michigan, ANL, LANL - Participants

  26. Minimum Advanced Research Computing System(Provided by SCD) + Negotiated capability commitments may require installation of additional capacity.

  27. Provided by SCD

  28. TOOLSIn order to improve our data analysis capability, for CGD and the Community, we have begun

  29. Scientific Data Processing and Visualization ProjectSylvia Murphy, Dennis Shea, Mary Haley (SCD), Mark Stevens Outline NCL Web visualization tool Diagnostic packages

  30. NCAR Command Language (NCL) netCDF, HDF, HDF-EOS, GRIB, CCM history tape IO in one line Suite of graphical templates designed for geophysical data 300+ data processing functions On-line tech support

  31. Submit Request Web Visualization Atmospheric Profiler Prototype for interactive web-graphics portal

  32. Presentations Division Overview-Blackmon CCSM-Kiehl Atmospheric Model and Related Issues-Hack Ocean and Sea Ice Modeling-Gent Biogeosciences-Doney, Bonan, Schimel Climate Predictability-Tribbia Climate Change Research-Washington, Meehl, Otto-Bliesner Climate Analysis-Trenberth Summary and Questions - Blackmon

  33. Mail Review Issues • CCSM - one of our major activities - Blackmon • Diagnostics and Validation - Kiehl, Tribbia, Trenberth • Regional Climate Modeling - Blackmon, Hack, and Tribbia • Priority Setting for CCSM Development - Kiehl • Plans and Activities of GDS - Tribbia • Interactions with MMM and ACD–Hack, Doney, Bonan, Schimel • Interactions with SCD on Data Bases - Trenberth • Interactions with NCEP - Tribbia • “Exclusivity” in CCSM’s Working Groups - Kiehl

  34. CCSM and Program Balance

  35. Regional Climate Modeling • Many direct and ongoing collaborative activities • Filippo Giorgi (NCAR Affiliate Scientist, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy) • Ruby Leung (PNNL) • John Roads (UCSD) • Roger Pielke (CSU) • Statistical downscaling activities • ACACIA • NCAR Workshops • dataset generation (e.g., VEMAP)

  36. The Community Climate System Model J. T. Kiehl CCSM Scientific Steering Committee, Chair

  37. Scientific Goals • Understand Mechanisms of Climate Variability • Study the Complexity of Earth’s Climate System • Understand Earth’s Climate History • Explore Earth’s Future Climate

  38. Outline of Presentation • CCSM Organizational Structure • Diagnostic Capabilities of CCSM • Recent Research with CCSM • Current Status of CCSM-2 • Future Research with CCSM

  39. Organizational Structure Facilitates • Strong Community Involvement • Science Exchange (e.g. Annual CCSM Workshop) • Integration of CGD Research

  40. NCAR Universities CCSM National Laboratories Private Sector

  41. www.ccsm.ucar.edu

  42. J. T. Kiehl, Chair M. Blackmon, NCAR B. Boville, NCAR P. Chang, Texas A&M R. Dickinson, Geog.Tech P. Gent, NCAR D. McKenna, NCAR R. Moritz, U.W. D. Randall, CSU CCSM Scientific Steering Committee

  43. CCSM Working Group Co-Chairs Land Modeling G. Bonan, NCAR P. Houser, GSFC Atmospheric Modeling J. Hack, NCAR D. Randall, CSU Ocean Modeling P. Gent, NCAR R. Smith, LANL Biogeochemistry S. Doney, NCAR I. Fung, U.C. Berkley Climate Change and Assessment W. Washington, NCAR G. Meehl, NCAR K. Taylor, LLNL/PCMDI Paleoclimate B. Otto-Bliesner, NCAR L. Sloan, U.C. Santa Cruz Polar Climate R. Moritz, U.W. E. Hunke, LANL Climate Variability J. Hurrell, NCAR M. Alexander, NOAA Software Engineering C. Deluca, NCAR/SCD T. Craig, NCAR R. Rood, GSFC

  44. Organization of Community Climate System Model CCSM Advisory Board CCSM SSC Atmosphere Model Working Group Biogeochemistry Working Group Climate Variability Working Group Climate Change and Assessment Working Group Software Engineering Working Group Paleoclimate Working Group Land Model Working Group Ocean Model Working Group Polar Climate Working Group

  45. CCSM Annual Workshop Participants

  46. Composition of 2001 CCSM Workshop Composition of 2001 Workshop 6 31 25 35

  47. NCAR Organizational Part ofCCSM Program Office J. Kiehl, Chair SSC* Coordinator L. Shiver, Administrator T. Craig, S.E. Group Manager CCSM Software Eng. Group *Scientific Steering Committee

  48. CCSM Development as an Integrator Climate Modeling Section sciences Biogeo Climate Change Research Section Oceanography Section Land Modeling sciences Biogeo

  49. CCSM Analysis as an Integrator Climate Analysis Section Climate Modeling Section Oceanography Section CCSM Simulations Global Dynamics Section Climate Change Research Section Land Modeling

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