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MMG DEVICES AND DIRECT FIRE CONTROL MEASURES. AGENDA. Device description, capabilities, and distribution Fire commands, control, and distribution element numbering system specific commands Rates of Fire Scenarios and demonstration Weapons configuration M240B Questions
AGENDA • Device description, capabilities, and distribution • Fire commands, control, and distribution • element numbering system • specific commands • Rates of Fire • Scenarios and demonstration • Weapons configuration M240B • Questions • PE: Boresighting systems and devices
PURPOSE The purpose of the brief is to provide procedures for fire commands, control, and the distribution of fires to be developed by the battalions and to establish the standard for device mounting on the M240B MMG.
M145 Machine Gun Optic • Manufacture: • Hughes ELCAN Technologies • Description; • 3.4x Power Day Optic • Powered Retical • Anti-Fog • Weight; 1.5lbs • 1 Click W/E is 2.5mm • Power Source • 1ea Lithium Battery • 7 day usage at max setting FRONT REAR ROLES: • Long Range Area Target ID • Provide Telescopic Sight to MMG FOCUS: 1ea M240B
AN/PEQ-2A FOCUS KNOB • Manufacture: • Insight Technologies • Description; • IR Target Pointer, Illuminator, Aiming Light • CLS IIIa and CLS IIIb laser • Defined splash 1300m • Six Switch Positions • Off,AIM/LO, DUAL/LO, AIM/HI, DUAL(LO/HI), DUAL (HI,HI). • 1 Click W/E is 4mm • Weight; 7.5ozs ILLUMINATOR ADJ AIMING ADJ BUTTON SWITCH • Power Source • 2ea AA Batteries ROLES: • Active night engagement • Target Pointer • Area Illuminator FOCUS: 1ea M240B
LASER/DEVICE ZEROING • Manufacture: • Insight Technologies • Description; • Laser Borelight System • Provides NFZ Capability for iron sights, M68, M145, lasers, and TWS. • Mandrels fit 5.56mm, 7.62mm, and .50 cal • Weight 6.0 oz • Power Source • 1ea AA Battery ROLES: • Provide NFZ capability of small arms weapons and supporting devices FOCUS: • Initial 1ea IN CO and 1ea EN CO
FIRE COMMANDS FIRE COMMAND: Leaders use fire commands to direct and regulate the fires of their subordinate elements. During daylight hours leaders utilize tracers to designate initial sectors of fire and designate point targets for engaging. During hours of limited visibility leaders use lasers to passively designate initial sectors of fire to their subordinate elements and to designate point targets for engaging.
RATES OF FIRE • RATES OF FIRE: Leaders use ROFs to control their subordinates rates of fire during engagements. These commands are as follows: • WATCH AND SHOOT: tells the soldier to observe his designated sector of fire and engage enemy as they appear. • SUSTAINED: tells the soldier to go on at a sustained rate of fire within his designated sector. Defined AS: 100rnds per minute fired in 6-9rnd bursts with 4-5” interval. • RAPID: tells the soldier to go on at a rapid rate of fire within his designated sector. Defined AS: 200rnds per minute fired in 10-13rnd bursts with 2-3” interval. • CYCLIC: tells the soldier to go on at a cyclic rate of fire within his designated sector. Defined as 650-950rnds per minute. This rate is generally used in the defense, when resources allow. It is not a realistic or sustainable rate in the attack with basic load.
RATES OF FIRE (ROF) WATCH AND SHOOT TBD SUSTAINED 100rpm RAPID 200rpm CYCLIC 650-950rpm RAPID ROF: This command is used to order the maximum rate of controlled fireswithin sector and or at a designated sector. Identified as: as quickly as you can identify, acquire, and engage target. This ROF is generally used in preparation for the assault and not generally sustained longer than 30 seconds, 10-15. SUSTAIANED ROF: This command is used to order the doctrinal ROF, as above, and is defined as well aimed bursts at known and suspected targets. This command is used to suppress a target area or designated point target, and sustain fire superiority gained by rapid ROF. COMMAND ROF
FIRE DISTRIBUTION • FIRE DISTRIBUTION: Leaders use a numbering system, internal to the section or SBF, to distribute fires throughout the element and ensure the target area is serviced without producing overkill, e.g., “GUN #1 ON MY TRACER SUSTAINED.” • In a SBF the right gun is the #1 gun.
FIRE COMMANDS/DISTRIBUTION • DESIGNATE SECTORS: “GUN #1 on my tracer identify left limit.” G1; “identified.” GUN #1 on my tracer identify right limit.” G1; “identified’. “Gun #1 in your sector SUSTAINED.” • CENTER: used to identify an elements center sector of fire, generally used for an SBF position, e.g., “ section on my tracer center, GUN #1 LLOF, GUN #2 RLOF.” • SHIFT FIRE: “GUN #1 left limit shift fire left.” G1; “Shift fire BINGO.” NOTE: original LLOF now GUN #1’s RLOF.
FIRE COMMANDS/DISTRIBUTION • DESIGNATE POINT TARGET: SSG; “Gun #1 on my tracer identify aperture.” Gunner; “identified”. SSG; “Rapid.” • AT MY COMMAND: SSG; “Section #1 identify A2.” Gunner “identified” SSG; “Section #1 watch and shoot.” SSG; “Section #2 identify A3.” Gunner “identified” SSG; “Section #2 at my command RAPID.” • DESIGNATE SPECIFIC SYSTEM: “34 this is 36 at my command AT4 bunker #1.” “36 this 34 roger over” “34 this is 36 fire bunker #1.” “36 this is 34 AT4 out.” • BURN IT: Command used to illuminate a target area with an IR spotlight e.g., AC-130, IR spotlight, and or PEQ-2A.
AMMUNITION TTP • AMMUNITION: Team Leaders and above should fully upload their magazines with tracer in order to direct the fires of their subordinates. All soldiers should upload their first five rounds, in their magazine, with tracers to assist them in identifying a need to conduct tactical magazine change.
SCENERIO #1 SBF COS RLOF LLOF • SUPPORT BY FIRE • element occupies the SBF position and SSG designates sectors passively with lasers. • SSG: element on my laser center, “identified.” section #1 on my laser RLOF “identified.”, section #2 on my laser LLOF.” “identified.” “Section at my command sustained ROF.” “standing bye.” • SL#2 “gun #4 on my laser identify bunker #1.” “identified.” “At my command rapid. “G4standing bye.” • SL#2 “AT4 #2 on my laser identify bunker #1.” “identified.” “At my command AT4 bunker #1.” “AT4 standing bye.” LLOF RLOF LLOF RLOF 4 3 2 1 2 1
SCENERIO #2 MOUT • SUPPORT BY FIRE: AMOUT • element occupies the SBF position and SSG designates sectors passively with lasers. • SSG: ” section #1 on my laser identify A2.” “identified.”, “watch and shoot.” section #2 on my laser identify A3.” “identified.” “Section at my command sustained ROF.” “section #2, standing bye.” • section leaders assigns sectors of fire to their internal systems. • SL#1 “Gun #1 A21-A22 watch and shoot.” Gun #2 A23-A25 watch and shoot.” • SL#2 “Gun #3 identify A31 and A32.” “identified.” “At my command rapid.” “Gun#4 identify A33-A35.” “identified.” At my command sustained.” B C A3 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A2 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A12 A11 A13 A14 A1 A D
BORESIGHTING • Seat mandrel into weapon bore • Aim visible borelight laser at center of 10m target, on dot. • Rotate borelight clockwise and observe visible laser on target. • If laser remains center of dot then borelight is boresighted top the weapon. • If laser does not remain center of dot utilize elevation and windage knobs on LBS to adjust. • Boresighting borelight. • Place target at 2m note location of LBS splash. Rotate LBS 1/2 turn, note location of new LBS splash. • Adjust elevation and windage knobs to close LBS splash 1/2 distance. Repeat until splash remains center of dot during full rotation.