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Today Relationships Family Structure 3 theories Extra Credit. Family. Paper 1 due November 5th (MW students) November 6th (TTH students). Finding your significant other 4 factors sociologists are interested in. 1. Propinquity = spatial nearness.
Today Relationships Family Structure 3 theories Extra Credit Family Paper 1 due November 5th (MW students) November 6th (TTH students)
Finding your significant other4 factors sociologists are interested in
2. Homogamy: tendency to chose a mate who is similar to you 3. Heterogamy: choosing a mate that is different than you hobbies, interests, education, personality, spending habits, age, political beliefs…
4. Endogamy: choosing a mate of the same racial, ethnic, or religious background 5. Exogamy: choosing a mate outside of your race, ethnicity, religion
Extra Credit Reflection Describe how you or someone you know (parents) found their significant other (must be a long term relationship,2 years or more). Describe propinquity, homogamy/heterogamy, endogamy/exogamy. Which applied to the situation and how? 1-2 pages. 1 point. Due Oct 31/Nov 1
Defining Family • Social institution found in every human society • Two or more people, who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption
Defining Family • Nuclear family: Parents and their children • Extended family: parents, children, other kin
What changes do you think have occurred in the structure of families in the United States since the 1950’s?
Has divorce increased, decreased, or stayed the same since the 1980’s?
Number of divorces per 1,000 married women, age 15 and older Source: The National Marriage Project, State of Our Unions, 2010.
Source: The National Marriage Project, State of Our Unions, 2010.
Pros and Cons of Changes in Family StructureAnswer questions in groups of 1-3
Changes in structures of U.S. families: 1. Delayed childbearing • Today 1 in 5 women are having their first baby after age 35 What are positive and negative aspects of this change?
Changes in U.S. family structures 14% of U.S. married couples never have children. Why? 2. Not having children • Expenses • Career focus • Unstable relationships • Inability to have children
Changes in U.S. family structures 59% of married U.S. couples depend on two incomes About one in five children is cared for in day care centers. What are positive and negative aspects of this change? Nannies have become popular among upper-middle class parents. What are positive and negative aspects of this change? 3. Increased employment of married mothers Cosby Show
4. Increase in the number of children being raised by grandparents Changes in U.S. family structures According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2002 report, there are more than 6.5 million children who are being raised by grandparents or other relatives instead of by their parents. What are positive and negative aspects of this change?
Changes in U.S. family structures Modern Family 5. Increased divorce and blended families
Changes in U.S. family structures 6. Increased single-parent families One on One (Single dad and teenage daughter)
Changes in U.S. family structures Friends 7. Older age at 1st marriage Sex and The City
Changes in structures of U.S. families: Older age at 1st marriage U.S. men and women are staying single longer
Changes in U.S. family structures The Willis Family from the TV Show The Jeffersons 8. Increased interracial families
Changes in U.S. family structures 9. Increased cohabitation-couple living together that is not married Grey’s Anatomy
Most unmarried partners: live in California, which accounts for 1 out of 8 of such households in the country. Alaska is number two. Least unmarried partners: The states with the lowest percentage of opposite-sex unmarried partners were Utah at 4% and Alabama5%
Changes in U.S. family structures 10. Less people getting married. Why? 1.Marriage must now compete with alternatives such as school career living with a partner having children outside of marriage self-fulfillment. 2. Most Americans still want to marry, but have less of a need to do so. 3. Most want children, but also value other uses of their time and money. 4. Many are indecisive about marriage, drawn by its promise of intimacy and fearful of its commitments and constraints.
Other changes U.S. family structure • Increased births to unmarried women • Fewer children with married parents • Increase in families with same-sex parents • Increase in families with adopted children
Has teenage pregnancy increased, decreased, or stayed the same since 1990’s?
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/hestats.htm
Structural Functionalist Perspective Family is back bone of society: • Replenishes population • Socializes children • Provides emotional and physical care • Traditional roles keep families together
Conflict Perspective Unequal power distribution in marriages • Why do women take their husbands last name? • Why do children take the father’s last name? • Traditional roles require “domestic slavery” of the wife-no income or status • Even today working women still do more of the housework
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective Social meanings connected to divorce, single parenthood, and cohabitation. • “Visitation rights” • “Single mom” • “Living in sin”
Parenting: Discipline Techniques 1. Be a positive role model. 2. Set rules and consequences. 3. Encourage and reward good behavior. 4. Create charts. 5. Give time-outs. 6. Spanking Which is best? Which is worst?
What did you underline and why • Do you agree with the author’s parenting style? Why or why not? • What parenting techniques do you think are best? Parenting Chua family From Ms. Chua's album: 'Mean me with Lulu in hotel room... with score taped to TV!'
Extra Credit • Take advantage of extra credit if: • You do not participate in whole class discussions • Did not score well on a test • Did not turn in every assignment • Have been late more than twice • Have been absent more than twice • Have texted in class
Extra CreditImportant Sociologists • 5 minute Power Point Presentation • Select a sociologist. Describe the following: brief background of their life, 2 major contributions to sociology, how is their work relevant today? • 4 points possible • Present next week • Choose the sociologist in class today by signing up • View sample on website
Extra Credit Extra Credit DVD Analysis Directions: 1. View any of the movies listed on website 2. Write 1-2 pages including: a. Summary of the movie b. Connection to sociology (what from class or text does it remind you of?) c. Your personal reflection 1 point possible each. (*Remember 5 points of extra credit are the maximum for the course, so you can do 5 movie reviews if you have no other extra credit)
Papers that earned 15/15: Followed the scoring rubric provided on the website and discussed in class Answered the question with specific detailed examples (from personal experience, research studies, history, news, world events) Did not have errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation Demonstrated a strong understanding of the concept Introduction had a strong, clear thesis previewing the 3 examples
Next class Read Ch 11: p 265, 270-280 Coming up soon A#8 Due: Read the article Misconceptions About Islam posted on the course website and type half a page to one page describing your personal reflection (What stood out to you most?) 5 points
Silent Dialogue Partner Activity Purpose of the activity: 1. Develop critical thinking skills (there is no right or wrong answer, no right or wrong question to pose). The goal is to ask your partner a question that will invite them to look at their own thoughts in a deeper manner 2. Allow shy/quiet students sharetheir thoughts 3. Allow students to be the ones asking the questions instead of the teacher 4. Allow students to get feedback from peers instead of the teacher 5. Allow the teacher to assess the background knowledge students have on the topic (what do you already know about changes in family structure?)
Partner activity • Answer the question above. Write NEATLY • Example: “One way I think families have changed since the 1950’s is ____” • 2. When you hear the buzzer, pass your paper to your partner • 3. Read their statement and write an OPEN-ENDED thought provoking question for your partner that requires them to think about the topic more deeply or look at it in a different way • 4. When you hear the buzzer, switch papers and respond to you partner’s question thoughtfully. • 5. When you hear the buzzer switch papers and read the response • Write your names on both papers, turn into red folder at the end of class for your participation points for today What changes do you think have occurred in the structure of families in the United States since the 1950’s?