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My books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://amazon.com/The-Goals-Challenge-Teachers-Transform/dp/0415735343 <br>Resources at http://ShellyTerrell.com/icebreakers
Get Them Learning with Digital Icebreakers ShellyTerrell.com/icebreakers iPhone Madness by Kid Perez, Flic.kr/p/6c1Gi6
The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human. - John Naisbitt Photo by pedrosimoes7, Flic.kr/p/fM3knT
Icebreakers … Encourage sharing Support collaboration Build relationships Help prevent bullying Get them moving
Cultivate relationships
Avatar introductions Voki.com Avatarmaker.abi-station.com BuddyPoke 3D Avatar Creator Tellagami.com
Guess what these emojis reveal about me!
Participant Map Thinglink.com/scene/469135908172464130
321 Introduction 3 Things we should know about you 2 Places you love to visit 1 Job you wish you had
About Me Poem with Word Clouds Tagxedo.com/app.html?player=http://www.tagxedo.com/gallery/iceskating.xap
“About Me” Word Cloud with Image Chef iOS App https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/imagechef/id330357169?l=en&mt=8
Digital Goal Collages/Vision Boards Buncee Canva Tackk Piktochart Biteslide Smore Glogster PicCollage ImageChef Muzy Goal Poster by EvelynGiggles, Flickr
“About Me” Pictionary Photo by flickingerbrad: Flic.kr/p/9CNngi
Get students moving!
You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation. - Plato
Get your friend to smile / laugh by taking creative selfies on her device!
Animalselfies.tumblr.com Youtu.be/QxblkYdWTfk
I Spy with my Device! Take a close up shot of an object for a peer to guess!
Animate a bucket list adventure! BuddyPoke 3D Avatar Creator IOS & Android App
Support collaboration Photo by John Barrie, Flic.kr/p/vvUTG
Mingle! Large Square Dance by rickpilot_2000, Flic.kr/p/99xxvw
Draw your favorite! Use a stylus Photo by MIKI Yoshihito (´・ω・), Flic.kr/p/b9aK74
ShellyTerrell.com/books Twitter.com/ShellTerrell Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell ShellyTerrell.com/icebreakers Gum.co/learn2go