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Level Up! Engaging Students by Having Them Create a Digital Game

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Level Up! Engaging Students by Having Them Create a Digital Game

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  1. Level Up! Students Creating Digital Games ShellyTerrell.com Bit.ly/ELTLINKs Bit.ly/listen321 ShellyTerrell.com

  2. "Almost  all  crea-vity  involves  purposeful  play."     ~  Abraham  Maslow   World 1.1 by smcgee, Flickr

  3. Motivation through Games? P. Maglione, Slidesha.re/pmteenmotivation

  4. What can games be used for??

  5. •  List their favorite games? •  Write down the storyline? •  Create a walkthrough? Group 2 Week 2 by Kevin Jarrett, Flickr

  6. They will need to map out their ideas 28/366 by Clayton Cottingham, Flickr, CC

  7. ©Bernajean Porter, www.digitales.us?

  8. Generator.acmi.net.au/storyboard

  9. Character Texts? Popplet.com?

  10. Popplet.com?

  11. Which tool or app??

  12. Assess  your   situa-on!

  13. Zondle.com ? •  Create quiz games & phonics games •  Choose from a library of 1000s of questions •  Create your own

  14. GetKahoot.com ?

  15. GetKahoot.com ? •  Create trivia games •  Drag and drop •  Students prompted to make quiz for their peers to take •  Timed •  Leader board

  16. Classtools.net?

  17. Stencyl.com? Digitalplay.info/blog/2011/06/10/free-online-game-creator/

  18. Stencyl.com? •  Choose templates, such as mazes, pingpong, role- playing, aliens, and more Digitalplay.info/blog/2011/06/10/free-online-game-creator/

  19. Scratch.mit.edu?

  20. Scratch.mit.edu?

  21. Scratch.mit.edu?

  22. Adventuregamestudio.co.uk?

  23. Textadventures.co.uk/quest?

  24. Beta.sharendipity.com?

  25. Game Creation Apps? iPad Gaming by Michael Nugent, Flickr

  26. Tiny Tap Game Creation App? Features: •  Add own images or from a web search •  Record your own voice •  Record a question, an answer, a hint •  20 different soundtracks •  Track progress using the in-game scoring system •  Personalize pre-made games from the TinyTap store with narration and images http://www.tinytap.it/

  27. Game Press Free for iPad? -drag & drop - over 500 graphics, music, sound effects, particle effects -import your own pictures, graphics, animations, sound effects, music - create sound & special effects - physics engine for real world simulation

  28. Have them take each other’s games & assess them? NASA Visualization Explorer (iPad app) By NASA Goddard Photo and Video, Flickr

  29. Scratched.media.mit.edu/resources/rubric-assessing-scratch-projects-draft-0

  30. Have them design walkthroughs? Bit.ly/12I3epM?

  31. Embed on a Wiki or Blog? Dazenglish.wikispaces.com

  32. All resources bookmarked here, http://pear.ly/cd1wj

  33. ShellyTerrell.com Pear.ly/cd1wj Bit.ly/eltlinks

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