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Out of This World Learning!? Activities and Resources About Aliens and Planets Ghost Riders by RubyBlossom, Flickr ShellyTerrell.com Bit.ly/eltlinks
Are there things about the universe that will be forever beyond our grasp, but not beyond the grasp of some superior intelligence? ~ Richard Dawkins Boy starring at a rotating globe by Spreng Ben, Flickr
Movies TV Books Video Games
Can you name these famous aliens?? by Hey Paul by jbhalper by Elliott Brown by Mykl Roventine by Dystopos by JD Hancock All images from Flickr Creative Commons
Activity: Explore my Planet? • Students create planets in a shoebox • Students switch shoeboxes with a partner • The partner takes samples of the newly discovered planet, writes down observations in a chart and labels Lucy Ocean Diorama by Steve Polyak, Flickr
Activity: Create an alien planet? • Kids use playdoh or clay • They describe or write about the planet My PlayDoh Creation! An Owl by Mikenan1, Flickr
Activity: Build a UFO? War of the Worlds by Steve Jurvetson, Flickr
Activity: Create an Ad to Sell Your UFO? • Show students a few auto commercials • Students then create their own commercial to sell their newly designed UFO http://adsoftheworld.com/
Activity: Alien Abduction? • Pre-task- students come up with questions to ask a person who was abducted by aliens • Students watch a video about the Allgush Abduction & read the case study, http:// www.ufocasebook.com/vid/ vid1.html • Students recreate the interview using Go Animate, answering their own questions based on the reading War of the Worlds by Steve Jurvetson, Flickr
Create science fiction films and movie trailers?
Add Filters & a Soundtrack with Youtube Effects? Youtube.com/shellterrell
Create Effects with Free Apps? Quo Movie FX Action Movie FX
Use VidEditor Free App to Piece Together? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/video-editor-free/id450722848?mt=8
Use Walkthroughs? Bit.ly/12I3epM?
The Digits Fraction Blast IOS/Android? • The Digits is the greatest unknown rock band in the galaxy. Learn frac:ons through live ac:on video & games • Pavi, Gorgolax, & Ray Ray fight the evil Marvwell Doomfinger III who wants to use music to make the galaxy stupider. • Get achievements drawn by comic book ar:sts Watchthedigits.com
Symphony of Science • Youtube.com/user/ melodysheep • Check for transcripts & closed captions • Flip the class- add to a wiki, website or blog
Space Team Cooperative Game IOS/Android? Sleepingbeastgames.com/spaceteam/?
Game Press Free for iPad? -drag & drop - over 500 graphics, music, sound effects, particle effects -import your own pictures, graphics, animations, sound effects, music - create sound & special effects - physics engine for real world simulation
ShellyTerrell.com http://pear.ly/csxIT Bit.ly/eltlinks