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God's Compassion and Transformation in Scripture

Explore Genuine Conversion and True Unity in Christ through Biblical lessons that reveal God's heart towards sinners and the importance of spiritual transformation for believers. Discover the essence of mercy, grace, redemption, and forgiveness in Ephesians, along with the necessity of living a transformed life. Reflect on the significance of being a truly converted individual in God's eyes and the unity found in the Church of Christ despite man-made divisions. Let the teachings guide you towards a deeper understanding of God's love and the path to true unity in Christ.

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God's Compassion and Transformation in Scripture

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  1. FIRST PRINCIPLES OF THE ORACLES OF GOD Thematic Studies In Bible Basics

  2. Lesson 2 ÙGenuine Conversion • How God feels towards sinners…those who need to be “converted” • God has never at any time been under any obligation to save a sinner cp. Gen 6-9 • He would be well within His Divine right to just “wipe us out” cp. Ex 32:7-10 • Instead, He chooses to be compassionate

  3. Lesson 2 ÙGenuine Conversion • How God feels towards sinners…those who need to be “converted” • His word uses descriptive phrases that reveal His heart toward sinners…those who need to be “converted” ÙEx. Eph 1-2 Eph 2:4 MERCY LOVE

  4. Lesson 2 ÙGenuine Conversion • How God feels towards sinners…those who need to be “converted” • His word uses descriptive phrases that reveal His heart toward sinners…those who need to be “converted” ÙEx. Eph 1-2 Eph 2:7 GRACE KINDNESS

  5. Lesson 2 ÙGenuine Conversion • How God feels towards sinners…those who need to be “converted” • His word uses descriptive phrases that reveal His heart toward sinners…those who need to be “converted” ÙEx. Eph 1-2 Eph 1:7 REDEMPTION FORGIVENESS

  6. Lesson 2 ÙGenuine Conversion • Some Closing Thoughts… • Conversion is something for everyone to think about…both believers & unbelievers • Unbelievers should be taught they need to “turn to the Lord” Acts 11:21 1 Thess 1:9 • They are “dead in sin” and “without hope in the world” Eph 2:1-3, 12

  7. Lesson 2 ÙGenuine Conversion • Some Closing Thoughts… • Believers need to remember their past sinful condition Eph 2:12 • Their challenge will be not to return to the former way of life from which they “turned” • They need to live as a “transformed” person Rom 12:2

  8. The Believer’s Transformation Rom 12:2 • “Transformed” = origin of “metamorphosis” • Illustrates what we can become despite being guilty of sin in the past

  9. The Believer’s Transformation Rom 12:2 • Instead of “getting even” with someone like he used to do, now he refrains from personal vengeance, and he even prays for those who wrong him Mt 5:43-48 Rom 12:17-21 • Instead of worshiping at the “church of his choice,” he makes sure his religious service & worship meet with Divine approval Mt 7:21-23

  10. Lesson 2 ÙGenuine Conversion • Some Closing Thoughts… • A truly “converted” person realizes he has spent enough of his life in sinful ways God does not approve 1 Pet 4:2-3 • He understands he must live as a “changed” or “turned” or “converted” person Col 2:20 – 3:17

  11. Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • Easy observation to make…there is an absence of “religious unity” • Many churches teach opposing doctrines • “Searchers for truth” are frustrated, hindered • The only solution is to be what God wants • Only then can unity & fellowship occur cp. 1 Jn 1:1-3

  12. WRONG Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • Recognizing a failed approach… • Some saints want to convert family, friends • These “converts-to-be” are involved in human denominations • Therefore, some conclude we must learn all about these man-made religions so that we can teach our loved ones out of all that error

  13. Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • The right approach… • Yes, we need to convert lost souls Mt 28:18 • Instead of taking the time to study religious error, wouldn’t it be a better use of time to study truth • Once one knows truth, he can spot error…he’ll be able to teach those caught up in error

  14. Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • The Lord’s church exists in the midst of much religious error • The situation in the 1st century when Jesus founded His church • Still the situation today 2,000+ years later • All these man-made churches hinder true unity

  15. Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • The church of Christ • Founder: Jesus Christ Mt 16:18 • When: A.D. 30 in Jerusalem (Pentecost) • Followers: named “Christians” Acts 11:26 • “To give a command or admonition; to teach from heaven; to be divinely commanded; to receive a name; be called” Mt 2:12, 22 Rom 7:3 Heb 11:7

  16. Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • The church of Christ • The name “Christians” was not bestowed until after Acts 10…when Gentiles were included • Such illustrates the wisdom of God • No doubt, the Jews would have perverted this new identity cp. Acts 15:1

  17. Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • The church of Christ • The name of Christ is meaningful because it is the only name whereby man can gain his salvation Acts 4:12 • Therefore, the name “Christian” should be the only religious name man should want to wear • Yet, we see so much division

  18. Where's the "unity" with these churches? Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • A multiplicity of man-made churches Catholic Church Lutheran Church Methodist Church Presbyterian Church Mormon Church Episcopal Church “Jehovah’s Witnesses Baptist Church

  19. Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • Many downplay the different names worn, believing all are still “united” in Christ • Wearing different names also means men practice different things dictated by that name one wears • Thus, unity is not achieved

  20. Lesson 3 ÙTrue Unity In Christ • Consider Gamaliel’s advice in Acts 5:34-39 • He spoke to emphasize the possibility of the apostles’ preaching coming to nothing • We consider his words to emphasize that all men’s works (including religious) eventually come to naught Mt 15:3, 6, 7-9, 12-13 • Works must have Christ’s approval Mt 7:21-23

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