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Who Wants to Pass the ELPA?

Who Wants to Pass the ELPA?. We need 4 teams to compete. Number from 1 – 4 Sit in the four corners of the room Face the front. First Challenge. READING COMPREHENSION Each team will receive the same reading comprehension story.

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Who Wants to Pass the ELPA?

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  1. Who Wants to Pass the ELPA?

  2. We need 4 teams to compete • Number from 1 – 4 • Sit in the four corners of the room • Face the front

  3. First Challenge • READING COMPREHENSION • Each team will receive the same reading comprehension story. • We will then have two students face off to try and guess the correct answer. • Only one team member from each team can answer – no cheating or I will take away points!

  4. Practice: The name of the school is a) The School b) Leo Hayes c) Sackville High d) the place where you go to learn

  5. Jimmy’s Disappearance As you picture the setting of the story, the pier is probably located a) quite near some buildings where men repairs boats b) some distance away from any buildings c) next to a popular public beach d) near a busy town parking lot Answer: some distance away from any buildings

  6. Which sound would Sherry probably not hear? a) the cry of a seagull b) Jimmy’s laughter c) the conversation of the fishermen d) splashing water ANSWER: c) the conversation of the fisherman

  7. When Sherry first sees Jimmy, he is a) running along the pier b) sitting on the end of the pier c) fishing from the pier d) climbing back on the pier ANSWER: sitting on the end of the pier

  8. Sherry can see her uncle and the other fishermen a) quite clearly b) only for a moment c) not very clearly d) only every once in awhile ANSWER: not very clearly

  9. Jimmy “simply disappears” by a) hiding behind the wooden piles b) jumping in the water c) running past Sherry when she isn’t looking d) falling off the pier when he turns to look at Sherry ANSWER: falling off the pier when he turns to look at Sherry

  10. Sherry’s attempt to reach Jimmy fails because he: a) is swimming away b) is standing in the water c) has sunk to the bottom d) is at too great a distance Answer: d) is at too great a distance

  11. What one thing would Sherry not see in the water as she reaches out for Jimmy? • Jimmy’s tin pail sinking • Smooth rocks on the bottom • Floating seaweed • A rowboat beside the pier ANSWER: A rowboat

  12. In the last paragraph, the expression on Sherry’s face would most likely show • Great satisfaction • Fear and indecision • Anger and impatience • Total exhaustion ANSWER: b) Fear and indecision

  13. Challenge #2 PUNCTUATION

  14. Each team will need to punctuate various sentences. • In order to receive the point, you must punctuate the sentence perfectly – no mistakes. • This is a team effort, so all team members can contribute. • Good Luck

  15. 1st Team • My sweet younger sister wanted to go to the store but I didnt have time to take her. • I can hardly wait until january so I can go snowbaording with my friends jane and bill. • After I went to the dentist he told me to stop eatting candy and start brushing my teeth with sensodyne.

  16. 2nd Team • Whos in the bathroom. please come out hear. • You need to know how to read write edit and be creative in order to pass the ELPA. • Their are alot of boys in this class?

  17. 3rd Team • My hands are cold but I dont now wear my mittens are. • I love peanut butter. What about you john do you like it. • Weather or not you like school you still need to particpate and right exams.

  18. 4th Team • Its much easyer at devon middle school than it is at high school. • I put lettuce onions cucumbers and pickles on my sandwich but it stil didn’t taste very good • Who nose how to fix there own car.

  19. Challenge #3 Speed Thesis Statements

  20. You will need to select one person from your group for this challenge. We will play this challenge twice and a new person needs to be selected each time. You will be give two topics, you need to choose one and write a thesis statement that would be appropriate for the topic. You will have 30 seconds to do so, and then I will read all 4 thesis statements out loud and decide on who has written the best one.

  21. 1st Thesis Statement Challenge The TOPICS Why is there homelessness? How can you be a better student?

  22. 2nd Thesis Statement Challenge The TOPICS What is the best sport? Your favorite holiday.

  23. Challenge #4 Topic Sentences

  24. You will need to choose someone from your group for each of these challenges. • They will read a mixed up paragraph on the board and they will choose which sentence is the topic sentence from the paragraph. • Once they have made their choice they will write the answer on the paper provided. • Once everyone has their answer I will read them out loud, then say what the correct answer is.

  25. It melts in your mouth, especially on hot, sunny days. What could be better than sitting in the shade and eating ice cream with some friends? Eating ice cream is so delicious. My favorite kind is vanilla, although it is very plain it still incredibly tasty every time that I eat it. I can’t get enough.

  26. There are so many choices when it comes to cameras, especially if you go to a specialized camera store. You need to choose what type of display you would like as well as the magnification. You also need to consider the brand: there are types from Acer to Sony and beyond. It’s hard to buy a new camera. Don’t give up when you go into a store with a camera purchase on your mind.

  27. There is a lot of work that goes into them. You have to consider if you will use sequence, trim or beads. Dance costumes are difficult to make. When creating a dance costume, you have to have the idea already in your mind, or it will be difficult to create what you want. When you sit down to make a costume, give yourself lots of room so that it won’t be too difficult.

  28. Challenge #5 Choose the correct spelling

  29. Circle the correct spelling • There will be a series of words given. Only one of them is spelled correctly and is a real word. • Your job is to choose the right one. • You only get one chance.

  30. Decisiive • Decisive • Decieveve • Decisve • Dicisive • Decissive

  31. Custo • Cutom • Kustuhm • Custam • Cestem • Cestum • Custom • Cusom

  32. Terrain • Terian • Terian • Terain • Terran • Turrayn • Terrainn • Trayn

  33. Droudful • Droudfil • Draedfu • Dreadfull • Dreadul • Draedful • Deadful • Dreadful • Dredful

  34. Realy • Raluy • Rellay • Reelay • Reay • Relay • Rela • Rilay • realey

  35. Gracios • Gracuis • Gracious • Gracous • Grayhuhs • Grashuhs • gracuos • Gracius • gracuso

  36. Cept • Crapt • Cript • Crept • Crep • Cret • Crupt • Kreht

  37. Obsince • Abseence • Absance • Absence • Ubsunce • Absuns • Absencience • Abscents

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