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Photosensors for xe scintillation readout. Joaquim M.F. dos Santos. GIAN- Atomic and Nuclear Instrumentation Group Instrumentation Center University of Coimbra. Electroluminescence yield 1. C.M.B. Monteiro et al., Phys. Lett. B 668 (2008) 167.
Photosensors for xescintillationreadout Joaquim M.F. dos Santos GIAN- Atomic and Nuclear InstrumentationGroup InstrumentationCenter University of Coimbra BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS
Electroluminescenceyield 1 C.M.B. Monteiro et al., Phys. Lett. B 668 (2008) 167 C.M.B. Monteiro et al., JINST 2 P05001 (2007) BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescenceyieldinxenon @ highpressure E.D.C Freitas et al., Phys. Lett. B (2009) , accepted for publication BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
(GEM) Electroluminescenceyieldinmicropatterndevices C.M.B. Monteiro et al., Phys. Lett. B 677 (2009) 133 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescenceyieldinmicropatterndevices BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescenceyieldinmicropatterndevices • Goodagreement • withformer • simulationwork • experimental data F.P. Santos et al., J. Appl. Phys. 27 (1994) 42 C.M.B. Monteiro et al., JINST 2 (2007) P05001 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescenceyieldinmicropatterndevices • Similar behavior as experimenta data • Smalldifferences are beingstudied BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
A simulation tool based on Magboltz / Garfield was developed to follow excited states produced in gas avalanches • Y was accessed in GEM (same behaviour as experimental data) • Nexc increases with p • Ne • Nexc>> Ne ( 1 order of magnitude) • -> Light is an addicional information which can be usefull • VUV fluctuations are not higher than charge fluctuations Electroluminescenceyieldinmicropatterndevices BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Charging-up in dielectric surface • Upgrade of Xe x-sections file is under development • (upto 24 different excited levels) • Other properties will be accessed • Light position distribution (isotropic emittion, atoms diffusion) • Light signal (cascade radiative decay processes between states) • Gas mixtures (Penning tranfers, . . . ) • Include B-field • Use neBEM • Interfacing with GEANT4 Electroluminescenceyieldinmicropatterndevices(Futurework) BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
API J.A.M. Lopes et al., IEEE TNS 48 (2001) 312 Electroluminescencereadout via LAAPd C.M.B. Monteiro et al., IEEE TNS 48 (2001) 1081 C.M.B. Monteiro et al., APB 81 (2005) 531 R. Chandrasekharan et al., NIM A 567 (2006) 45 R. Neilson et al. (EXO Collaboration), NIM A 608 (2009) 68 QE = 1.0 ± 0.2 (468 APDs tested) • RMD P. Shagin et al., J.Inst. 4 (2009) P01005 QE = 34% +/- 5% • Slightly modified standard APD • up to now not used for DUV • delivery time ~ 1 year for a several 1000, • well established production process • QE = 0.3+/- 0.06 ( verypreliminaryresults ) • IFAE ( Barcelona ) / Coimbra • Hamamatsu BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescencereadout via LAAPdExo data R. Neilson et al. (EXO Collaboration), NIM A 608 (2009) 68 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescencereadout via LAAPdExcessnoiseandgain vs temperature L.M.P. Fernandes et al., NIM A531 (2004) 566 J.A.M. Lopes et al., NIM A504 (2003) 331 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescencereadout via LAAPdMinimumdetectable # ofphotons C.M.B. Monteiro et al., Appl. Phys. B 81 (2005) 531 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescencereadout via LAAPdnon-linearity ; Amplitude inB-field L.M.P. Fernandes et al., NIM A 478 (2000) 395 L.M.P. Fernandes et al., NIM A 81 (2005) 531 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescencereadout via CsIphotocathodeoperationinliquidxenon • Performance of CsIphotocathodes in liquid Xe, Kr, and ArNucl. Instr. Meth. A 338 (1994) 328-335E. Aprile, A. Bolotnikov, D. Chen, R. Mukherjee, F. Xu, D.F. Anderson, V. Peskov ******************************************** • Detection of the primary scintillation light from dense Ar, Kr and Xe with novel photosensitive gaseous detectorsNucl. Instr. Meth. A 478 (2002) 377-383L. Periale, V. Peskov, P. Carlson, T. Francke, P. Pavlopoulos, P. Picchi, F. Pietropaolo • Photosensitive gaseous detectors for cryogenic temperature applicationsNucl. Instr. Meth. A 573 (2007) 302-305L. Periale, V. Peskov, C. Iacobaeus, B. Lund-Jensen, P. Picchi, F. Pietropaolo, I. Rodionov BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Electroluminescencereadout via CsIphotocathodegaseousphotomultipliers(integratedphotosensors) JFCA Veloso et al., IEEE TNS 43 (1996) 1232 JFCA Veloso et al., NIM A 422 (1999) 273 JFCA Veloso et al., NIM A 457 (2001) 253 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Thegpsc/msgchybrid detector JFCA Veloso et al., NIM A 457 (2001) 253 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Gpmsintegrated EDC Freitas et al., NIM A 580 (2007) 214 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Photoelectronbackscattering LCC Coelho et al., NIM A 581 (2007) 190 CDR Azevedo et al., to be published BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Thepacemconcept 1 FD Amaro et al., IEEE TNS 56 (2009) 1097 FD Amaro et al., J.Inst. 1 (2006) P08003 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
pacemwithfullibfsuppression FD Amaro et al., to be published • theMulti-Pacemcascade BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Csimulti-gemgaseousphotomultiplier A Bondar et al., NIM A 581 (2007) 241 BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Thethgemgaseousphotomultiplier BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Thethgemgaseousphotomultiplierne-basedmixtures(photoelectroncollectionefficiency)Thethgemgaseousphotomultiplierne-basedmixtures(photoelectroncollectionefficiency) J. Escada et al., J. Inst. 4 (2009) , in press BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Thethgemgaseousphotomultiplierne-basedmixtures C.D.R. Azevedo et al., J. Inst. 4 (2009) , in press BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos
Thethgemgaseousphotomultiplierne-basedmixtures(single-photondetectioncapability)Thethgemgaseousphotomultiplierne-basedmixtures(single-photondetectioncapability) Effective photon detection efficiency Present Optimal THGEM THGEM 0.12 0.20 0.13 0.22 0.12 0.21 0.14 0.23 C.D.R. Azevedo et al., J. Inst. 4 (2009) , in press BERKELEY, NOV 09 WORKSHOP ON XENON BASED DETECTORS JMF dos Santos