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3.67. 3.33. 1.22. 1.11. 0.66. Off by a factor of 3 !!!!!. Could every known quark have a previously un-noticed 3 -fold degeneracy????. Baryon States. State Quark content Mass Spin p uud 938.272 MeV 1/2
3.67 3.33 1.22 1.11 0.66 Off by a factor of3!!!!! Could every known quark have a previously un-noticed 3-fold degeneracy????
Baryon States StateQuark contentMassSpin p uud 938.272MeV 1/2 n udd 939.565MeV 1/2 uds 1115.683MeV 1/2 +uus 1189.37 MeV 1/2 0uds 1192.632 MeV 1/2 -dds 1197.449 MeV 1/2 0uss 1314.9 MeV 1/2 -dss 1321.32 MeV 1/2 ++uuu1230. MeV 3/2 +uud 1231 MeV 3/2 0 udd 1233 MeV 3/2 -ddd1234 MeV 3/2 *+ uus 1382.8 MeV 3/2 *0 uds 1383.7 MeV 3/2 *- dds 1387.2 MeV 3/2 *0 uss 1531.80 MeV 3/2 *- dss 1535.0 MeV 3/2 -sss1672.45 MeV 3/2
U(1) introduced an interaction term:(qY g m Y )Am a charged current coupled to a vector field Yang-Mills extended this to SU(2)with an interaction term of: (qY gm tY ).Gm 2 · G each is a “vector” on “iso-space” Remember: SU(2) includes ALL POSSIBLE traceless HERMITIAN2x2 matrices the most GENERAL such matrix is a1 + a2 + a3 = a .t 1 0 0 -1 0 1 1 0 0 -i i0 · G • the G = (G1, G2, G3) are three independent • 4-vector fields, but together form an ISO-vector • transform under SU(2) the same way t does: U(· G)U† = U U†· UGU†
2 Under the SU(2) Iso-spin transformations: 1 2 recall it was from that we determined the correct transformation property of G U(· G)U† G / =RTG- Not a column vector in iso-space! Not a matrix! the 3 independent fields are isospin components which transform like under a basis transformation G must obey the same COMMUTATOR relations that does, i.e., they form an adjoint representation of (a set of functions isomorphic – mathematically equivalent to the matrices).
Generalizing YANG-MILLS L ~SFi mnFimn= ( ) . ( ) GAUGE FIELDS Fimn = mGin - n Gim - 2ge ijk GjmGkn c The exact form depends on the non-abelian nature of the generators (their commutator rules) because[ti,tj ] = ieijktk More generally Fimn = mGin - n Gim - 2gCijk GjmGkn c “structure constant” of SU(n)
So now, in the face of evidence that quarks carry some 3-fold degeneracy that needs to be explained LET’S TRY: SU(3) This time must be not only a Dirac spinoru(s)(p) but a 3-column vector in some NEW SPACE as well:
SU(3) will require introducing an interaction term: (g Y g m Y ) .Gm l1, l2, … l8 span the 8-dim space (the 8-independent parameters) of the 3x3 traceless, Hermitian generators of SU(3) Gmthe 8-independent VECTOR fields behave like the lioperators: 0 1 0 0 -i 0 1 0 0 l1= 1 0 0 l2=i0 0 l3= 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -i 0 0 0 l4= 0 0 0 l5=0 0 0 l6=0 0 1 -1 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 l7=0 0 -il8=1/ /30 1 0 0 i0 0 0 -2
Since we have the explicit matrix form of the i, its easy to check any of these! [i, j] = 2iC ijkk 8×8×8 different C ijk but only = 56 distinct combinations 8·7·6 3·2·1 (since exchanges/rearrangements are already defined) C jik = C ikj=-C ijk only 9 of these are non-zero (with only 3 different values!) C 123 = 1 C 147=C 246=C 257 =C 345= C 516= C 637=1/2 C 458 = C 678 = 3/2
SU(3) States If we write the 3COLOR states as 0 b = 0 1 1 g = 0 0 0 r = 1 0 Look at 1r= g changes r g charge 1g= r HEY!!!!! Electrons don’t change their charge when emitting/absorbing photons! but remember our “gluons” carry “charge” 0 1 0 0 -i 0 1 0 0 l1= 1 0 0 l2=i0 0 l3= 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -i 0 0 0 l4= 0 0 0 l5=0 0 0 l6=0 0 1 -1 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 l7=0 0 -il8=1/ /30 1 0 0 i0 0 0-2
SU(3) States If we write the 3COLOR states as 0 b = 0 1 1 g = 0 0 0 r = 1 0 1r= g 2r creates the same color exchange but with different coefficients: a change of phase 1g= r 3, 8: preserve/retain color but may change phase (still exchange/transfer energy & momentum - like s) 4b= 6b= g r 4, 5: 6, 7: 4g= 6r= b b 0 1 0 0 -i 0 1 0 0 l1= 1 0 0 l2=i0 0 l3= 0-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -i 0 0 0 l4= 0 0 0 l5=0 0 0 l6=0 0 1 -1 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 l7=0 0 -il8=1/ /30 1 0 0 i0 0 0-2
or 6b= r 6, 7: 6r= b How does this work? The gluons form a color OCTET (a multiplet of 8). How can you get an OCTET from a basis of 3?
In SU(3) the 3 fundamental COLOR “charges” (the basis set in the lowest order representation) can be combined in pairs of COLOR/antiCOLOR to give either a SINGLET or an OCTET x x = x xx x x 3 3 = 8 1 x x Must be color/anticolor states like rbrgbrbggrgb While the fundamental process of the “strong” force is q gq with a primitive vertex: q b r q Gm6or Gm7 Gm1 = (1/2 ) (rg + gr ) Gm2 = (-i/2 )(rg-gr ) rg or gr or inverting
6of the gluon fields areindependent linear combinationsof the simple gluon fields we enumerated Gm1 = (rg + gr)/2 Gm4 = (bg + gb)/2Gm6 = (rb + br)/2 Gm2=-i(rg - gr)/2 Gm5=-i(bg - gb)/2Gm7=-i(rb + br)/2 TheCOLOR SINGLETwould be1/3 ( rr + gg + bb ) However, just as we argued that (isospin) part of the deuteron’s wavefunction had to be anti-symmetric If the color singlet gluon existed it would be exchanged between color singlet (color-less?) states which as you’ll see momentarily would suggest a long range strong force between neutron and proton the (color) part of any baryon’s wavefunction has to be antisymmetric and that characteristic must not change when color is exchanged! …which simply does not exist …and as a color singlet it would be directly observable as a free particle.