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This article explores the importance of social sustainability in the seafood industry and the need for ethical consumerism. It discusses the existing indicators for social sustainability in fisheries and suggests ways to gather necessary data efficiently.
Social Criteria for Ethical Seafood Kate Barclay Social and Political Change Group Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences University of Technology Sydney
The ‘Social’ in Sustainability • 1987 Brundtland Commission Report • 1992 AustGovt ESD policy • 1999 EPBC Act • Three pillars of sustainability – economic, environmental, social • Economic first, social last • 1997 Elkington ‘triple bottom line’ • Less established indicators for social factors, less data collected • Global Financial Crisis – more focus on the social
Indicators for Social Sustainability in Fisheries • 2000 Aust govt rolled out ESD principles into fisheries management • ‘The social’ still not being well understood or built into policy effectively • Social indicators for fisheries currently ‘under construction’ • FAO • RapFish • Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
Indicators for Social Sustainability in Fisheries • Schirmer & Casey (2005) : • 1) history of fishing • 2) social profile of fishing groups and the wider community • 3) quality of life • 4) social capital • 5) values and beliefs of fishing groups and the wider community • 6) spatial analysis of communities in relation to the fisheries resources they use. • How to gather necessary data in cost efficient manner?
Ethical Consumerism and Seafood • mid 1990s – sustainable seafood movement took off • 2000 Marine Stewardship Council • Consumer Guides - Monterrey Bay Aquarium, AMCS, Greenpeace • Issues • ‘Greenwash’ • Communicating complex information to consumers • The Myth of the Ethical Consumer (Devinneyetal 2010)
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