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Learn how to optimize treatment for T2DM patients with basal insulin by adding prandial insulin or GLP-1 agonists. Understand challenges, benefits, and risks of combining different therapies.
Approaches to Intensifying Therapy in Patients Not At Goal on Basal Insulin
Sequential Insulin Strategies in T2D After Noninsulin Regimens
Scientific Rationale for Combining Basal Insulin with a GLP-1 agonist
Incretin-Based Therapy in Combination With Basal InsulinA Promising Tactic for the Treatment of Patients With T2DM • Consider non-insulin options with synergistic mechanisms of action and low hypoglycemia risk when intensifying regimens beyond basal insulin • DPP-4 inhibitors when A1C reductions of <1.0% are needed • GLP-1 receptor agonists when A1C reductions ≥1.0% are needed (and patients may benefit from possible weight loss) • Insulin doses may be able to be lowered or may need to be lowered • Target insulin deficiency and glucagon excess DPP-4=dipeptidyl peptidase-4; GLP-1=glucagon-like peptide-1; A1C=glycated hemoglobin; T2DM=type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Incretins in Type-2 Patients on Insulin My Experience: On basal, Reduce need for bolus insulin: If on no other Rx ~80% need bolus; With DPP-4 inh only ~50%need bolus; With GLP-1 RA only ~20% need bolus
DPP-4 Inhibitors in Combination with Insulin in T2DM—Systematic Review Trends in A1C Weight Change at Endpoint 6 arms of 5 RCTs published 2007-2011. Rizos EC, et al. Curr Vasc Pharmacol. 2012 Jun 22. [Epub ahead of print]. DPP-4=dipeptidyl peptidase-4; Alo=Alogliptin; mg=milligram; INS=insulin; A1C=glycated hemoglobin; Wt=weight; T2DM=type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors with insulinDPP-4 inhibitors prolong the half-life ofendogenous GLP-1, leading to enhancement ofglucose-dependent insulin secretion and adecrease in glucose-dependent glucagonsecretion [82]. Approved DPP-4 inhibitorsinclude sitagliptin, saxagliptin, linagliptin,vildagliptin (European Union only), andalogliptin. As a group, DPP-4 inhibitorsdecrease HbA1c levels, FPG, and PPG. They alsohave been shown to improve a surrogate ofb-cell function as determined by homeostaticmodel assessment-b (HOMA-b) [109–113]. Inclinical trials as monotherapy, placebocorrectedchanges in HbA1c of up to -0.94, -0.73, -0.69, and -0.90% have been reportedfor sitagliptin [114], saxagliptin [115],linagliptin [111], and vildagliptin [116],respectively. As add-on therapy in patientsinadequately controlled with metformin,maximum placebo-corrected changes in HbA1cfor sitagliptin, saxagliptin, linagliptin, andvildagliptin were -0.65% [109], -0.83% [110],-0.64% [113], and -1.1%, respectively [117].DPP-4 inhibitors when added to SU [112, 118,improved glycemic control relative to placeboor active control [112, 118–121]. DPP-4inhibitors also produced additional decreasesin HbA1c levels and other measures of glycemiain patients whose T2DM is inadequatelycontrolled with a combination of metforminand a SU [112, 119, 122] or with metformin andpioglitazone [123].Sitagliptin [124], saxagliptin [125],ildagliptin [126], alogliptin [127], orlinagliptin [128] added to insulin therapy (with or without metformin) produced greaterreductions in HbA1c (placebo-corrected values,-0.60, -0.41, -0.30, -0.58, and –0.65%,respectively) and PPG than insulin alone. Atstudy end, the increase in daily insulinrequirement was numerically lower in patientsreceiving a DPP-4 inhibitor versus placebo [125].Changes in body weight were similar betweenplacebo and DPP-4 inhibitor groups. Theincidence of hypoglycemia in patients receivinga DPP-4 inhibitor plus insulin versus insulinalone varied across the studies [124–127].Overall, DPP-4 inhibitors are weight neutraland pose a minimal risk of hypoglycemia whenin the incidence of hypoglycemia with DPP-4inhibitors, compared with placebo, have beenreported in some add-on studies with SU [112,119, 124]. In clinical trials, patients treated withDPP-4 inhibitors experienced a greaterincidence of upper respiratory tract infection,studies of 7,136 patients randomized to DPP-4inhibitors and 6,745 patients randomized toanother antidiabetes medication found thatDPP-4 inhibitors were not associated with anincreased risk for these infections, comparedwith the other medications [132]. There havebeen postmarketing reports [129, 130] andclinical study findings [131] of acutepancreatitis and hypersensitivity reactions(urticaria, angioedema, and localized skinfoliation) associated with the use of DPP-4nhibitors. Recently published articles have alsosuggested an association between pancreatitisand pancreatic cancer and DPP-4 inhibitors[107, 108].Analyses of major adverse cardiovascularevents occurring during the clinicaldevelopment of DPP-4 inhibitors havesuggested that these drugs do not increase therisk for cardiovascular events [133, 134] andmay potentially reduce the risk [135, 136].Moreover, a meta-analysis of 70 clinical trialsof DPP-4 inhibitors concluded that this class ofdrugs reduces the risk of cardiovascular events,morrtality [137]. Several long-term prospectivecardiovascular outcome trials with DPP-4inhibitors are ongoing [138, 139]. r
DPP-4 Inhibitors as Add-on Therapy to Basal Insulin (With or Without Oral Agents)