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Introduction to Political Sciences by Joseph Marko

Political Sciences. Political Theory? Areas- Political Theories and History of Ideas- Comparative Government and Politics- International Relations? Approaches- Normative - ontological- Empirical - analytical- De-constructive - neo-institutional. Marko. Political Sciences. ? Methods:

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Introduction to Political Sciences by Joseph Marko

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    1. Introduction to Political Sciences by Joseph Marko

    2. Political Sciences Political Theory • Areas - Political Theories and History of Ideas - Comparative Government and Politics - International Relations • Approaches - Normative - ontological - Empirical - analytical - De-constructive - neo-institutional

    3. Political Sciences • Methods: Qualitative, Quantitative, Comparative - Historic and institutional studies - Behavioural analyses - Rational choice theory - Discourse analyses • History - Philosophy: Aristotle, Plato Rawls, Habermas - Sociology: Durkheim, Weber Parsons, Luhmann - Economy: Schumpeter, Downs

    4. Political Theory and Approaches • Normative - ontological approach - The „essence“ of democracy, people, nation -- Ethno-nationalism and primordial theories • Empirical-analytical approach - H. Laski: Who does what, how and why ? -- Behaviourism -- Functionalism -- Systems theory

    5. Political Theory and Approaches Behaviorism: - Basic „units“: actors – action/behavior - process - method: empirical analysis: observation of „facts“: identification of „patterns“ : causal explanation of these patterns

    6. Political Theory and Approaches Functionalism and Systems theory - Basic units: Social system/environment; subunits of the social system; - method: empirical analysis: (first generation: Parsons) observation: how do these subunits contribute to the survival of the social system with regard to the challenges which come from the environment ?

    7. Political Theory and Approaches - Necessary functions: AGIL adaptation, goal-attainment, integration, latency-maintenance; underlying premise: function follows structure (=institutional set-up); - (Second generation: Luhmann): search for functional equivalents: structure follows function ! Which institutional elements can fulfill the same requirements=function ? - this enables comparison !

    8. Political Theory and Approaches David Easton‘s Model

    9. Political Theory and Approaches De-constructive – neo-institutional approach: - History: normative versus empirical approaches: mutually exclusive !? - The problem with the normative-ontological approach: „essentialization“ or „naturalization“ of social facts : - the necessity to de-construct these processes of „naturalization“ : „race“ is not a natural given, but a „social construction of reality“ (Heller, Berger/Luckman)

    10. Political Theory and Approaches „The social construction of reality“: - epistemological level: identity/difference - normative level: equality/inequality - empirical level: inclusion/exclusion Institution-building: - Actors A + B: mutual expectations – regular cooperation; they make this cooperation binding = „treaty“; based on such a treaty new social units are formed: individuals form „legal entities“, e.x. company, which starts to „act“ like an individual (company is now „reality“ as an institution based on a legal fiction)

    11. History of Ideas and Ideologies • Ideologies - Anarchism - Christian social thought - Communism/ Socialism: New Left - Conservatism - Fascism/ Nazism: New Right - Liberalism: Communitarianism - Nationalism: Ethno-nationalism - Multi-culturalism - Racism - Religious Fundamentalism

    13. Lib. Comm. CSL Cons. Coll

    14. Political Sciences • Key concepts - Models of integration: -- State Political system Politics -- Government Governance -- Power: Sovereignty, Legitimacy -- Democracy: • Liberal - social • Formal - substantive • Equality - Difference -- Civic culture: Parochial - Participatory

    15. Political Sciences • Key Concepts - Models of Conflict -- Revolution, Reform, Transition -- Class conflict -- Elite Theories -- Pluralism

    16. Political Sciences • Levels - National: Centralisation - Decentralisation/ Devolution - Sub-national: Federalism, Regionalism, Local self-gvt. - Transnational: CBC - Meta-national: Regional cooperation of states: CoE, NAFTA - Supra-national: Delegation of powers to newly formed institutions with autonomous decision-making power - International: IOs, inter-governmental cooperation - Global: TNCs, inter-dependence, competition, de-regulation - Utopia: World economy World state ?

    17. Political Sciences Comparative Government • Forms of Government - Aristotle‘s scheme of classification - Autocratic - democratic regimes - Weak/ failed states: State and nation-building - good governance Based on comparison of constitutions and institutions • Comparative Politics - Parties, interest organisations (Neo-Corporatism) - Civil society, political culture Actors and process oriented comparision Marko

    18. Political Sciences Aristotle‘s system of classification

    19. Political Sciences

    20. Political Sciences • Totalitarianism - 1925: Mussolini „Stato totalitario“ - 1957 C.J.Friedrich/ Z. Brzezinski -- State ideology -- One party monopoly -- Terrorist secret police -- Monopoly on information -- Monopoly on weapons -- Centrally planned economy

    21. Political Sciences • Transition to Democracy - Phases -- Liberalisation -- Revolution -- Consolidation - Areas: Politics - Economics - Culture (simultaneous) - Sustainability: -- Constitutions and Institutions -- Representative structures: parties, interest organisations -- Political culture: Media, education system - SEE: Failed states, reconstruction and reconciliation

    22. Majority - Consensus Government

    23. Political Sciences International Relations Part I • Actors - States - Peoples (liberation movements) - International Organisations - INGOs - TNCs - Individuals • Processes: Conflict - Cooperation - Integration

    24. Political Sciences • Principles and Problems - States: -- Sovereign equality -- Prohibition of use of force -- Non-intervention - Peoples: -- Self-determination versus Sovereignty: Territorial integrity: Secession ? - Human and Minority Rights -- Humanitarian Intervention ?

    27. Political Sciences „People“: A) Legal fiction: Preamble US Constitution: „We, the people….“ = legal principle expressing popular sovereignty legitimizing democratic state organization; People = all citizens of a given state : ethnically indifferent; fundamental right: individual equality before the law

    28. Political Sciences „People“ B) Cultural concept: German philosophy (Herder, Fichte) „A people is composed of all persons speaking the same language“ – legal principle: nationality principle: „all peoples have the right to form their own state“;

    29. Political Sciences „Nation“: Two concepts ! A) State-nation: no ethnic groups are recognised ! Strict separation: public – private (laicitč); reservation with regard to Article 27 ICCPR; B) Nation-state: recognition and institutionalisation of ethnic diversity: „creates“ distinction (ethnic) majority – minority: Is there a need for minority protection ?

    30. Political Sciences „Self-determination of peoples“ Legal sources: UN-Charter, Articles 1 of ICCPR and ICESCR; Friendly Relations Declaration of UN-GA 1970; Is there a „right“ to secession ? „National“ self-determination or „political“ self-determination ?

    31. Political Sciences Friendly Relations Declaration: „The establishment of a sovereign and independent State, the free association or integration with an independent State or the emergence into any other political status freely determined by a people constitute modes of implementing the right to self-determination by that people. Every State has the duty to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples … in the elaboration of the present principle…In their actions against, and resistance to such forcible action … such peoples are entitled to seek and to receive support in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter. …

    32. Political Sciences Nothing in the forgoing paragraphs shall be construed as authorizing or encouraging any action which would dismember or impair, totally or in part, the territorial integrity or political unity of sovereing and independent States conducting themselves in compliance with the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples … and thus possessed of a government representing to the whole people belonging to the territory without distinction as to race, creed, or color.“ positivistic position: no „right“ to secession or intervention; Contextual, functionalist position: „remedial“ secession, „humanitarian“ intervention is „ultima ratio“: limitations: threat of international peace, clear responsibility, UNSC is blocked, proportionality ;

    33. Political Sciences Human Rights - History: 1679 Habeas Corpus, 1689 Bill of Rights; 1776 Virginia Bill of Rights 1789 French Declaration of Rights of Men 1791 American Bill of Rights 1867 Austrian „Staatsgrundgesetz“ 1936 „Stalin“ constitution: socio- economic rights

    34. Political Sciences After WWII UN-development 1945: UN-Charter 1948 GA Universal Declaration of Human Rights; 1966 ICCPR + ICESCR, CERD 1979 CEDAW 1989 Convention on the Rights of Children Problems: universal ?, effectivity ?

    35. Political Sciences European level Council of Europe mechanisms: European Convention on Human Rights 1950: Enforcement mechanism: ECtHR; Problems: no guarantee of socio-economic rights?, effectivity Other regions: American Convention on Human Rights 1969 Banjul Charta 1981 Cairo Declaration on Islamic Human Rights 1981

    36. Political Sciences Minority Rights Protection Functional prerequisites: Existence – Identity – Equality - Participation Global level: Article 27 ICCPR; European level: Council of Europe: - ECHR: Article 14: non-discrimination; after 1989: 12th Protocol failed; - European Language Charter for Regional and Minority Languages 1992; Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities 1995;

    37. Political Sciences OSCE: Charter of Paris 1990; High Commissioner on National Minorities 1992; Recommendations: The Hague (Education Rights, 1996), Oslo (Linguistic Rights, 1998), Lund (Effective Participation in Public Life, 1999), Policing in Multi-Ethnic Societies (2006), Bozen-Bolzano (Kin-states, 2008). Problems: - The inter-relationship of minority protection and conflict-managment; - Migration and the need for integration of „new“ minorities;

    38. Political Sciences • Structures - 1945 - 1989: Bi-polar -- East-West-Conflict: 2 Superpowers and military and economic blocs -- North-South-Conflict -- Cooperation in universal and regional organisations: UN, IMF, Worldbank, GATT; CoE, CSCE, EFTA -- European Integration

    39. Political Sciences • Structures - 1989 - : Asymmetric multi-polar: -- US - EU, Russia, China, Japan, India -- War and Peace: Civil wars - Humanitarian Intervention, International Terrorism -- Development: UN-Millenium goals -- Environment

    44. Political Sciences • Trends - Peace: From peace-keeping to peace-making and post-conflict peace-building: „Empire lite“: BiH, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq - Economy: -- Globalisation -- Under-development: Aid, growth, sustainable development - Constitutionalisation: UN-Reform, ICTY, ICC

    45. Political Sciences European Integration • Historical background: WW II, Marshall-Plan, East-West - conflict: Soviet bloc: COMECON 1949 • Economic Integration: Supranationalism and re-action - 1952: European Coal and Steel Community - 1958: European Economic Community (EEC) EURATOM - 1960: EFTA

    46. Political Sciences • Widening: - 1963: Association agreement with Turkey - 1973: GB, Denmark, Ireland - 1981: Greece - 1986: Portugal and Spain - 1995: Austria, Finland, Sweden - 2004: Eastern Enlargement (10 countries) - 2007: Bulgaria, Romania • Left-overs: - Western Balkans (Croatia, BiH, S+M, FYROM, Albania) - Turkey: The eternal candidate ? • New Neighbourhood policy: East and South

    47. Political Sciences • Deepening and Constitutionalisation: - 1968: Customs Union fully operational - 1986: Single European Act: Single Market until 1992 - 1993: Maastricht Treaty -- European Union -- Economic and Monetary Union until 2002 -- Three-Pillar-Structure: EU, CFSP, JHA - 1997: Amsterdam Treaty - 2000: Nice Treaty: Charta of Fundamental Rights - 2004: Constitution-Treaty: Ratification failure

    48. Political Sciences • Theories of European Integration - Federalism - Neo-functionalism - Inter-governmentalism - Supra-nationalism - Multi-level governance

    49. Political Sciences

    50. Political Sciences MLG EU is no „state“ ? (Federalism) EU is no „market“ EU is not reduced to intergovernmental negotiations

    51. Political Sciences MLG - no longer state centered, but actor oriented: - main concern of analysis: decision-making process, not why does European integration happen

    52. Political Sciences MLG - from „government“ to „governance“: focus no longer on law-based institutions and hierarchies, but on informal networks and processes - from „representative“ to „participatory“ democracy

    53. Political Sciences MLG - EU-law approach and „Governance approach compared: EU-law: direct effect, supremacy; MS is „black box“; loss of competences compensated through institutional participation; explanation in terms of separation of powers model (vertical, horizontal)

    54. Political Sciences MLG - European Governance (White Book 2001): - EU closer to the citizens - more efficiency - re-inforce democracy - consolidate legitimacy

    55. Political Sciences MLG Principles: Subsidiarity, Proportionality, Participation; Methods: Mainstreaming; Regulatory Impact Assessment; Open Method of Co-ordination; Geographical decentralisation involving regional/local players in designing and applying European standards and policies

    56. Political Sciences MLG Geographical decentralisation through Systematic dialogue with associations of local authorities Target-based agreements and contracts between Commission and regions Creating a framework for transnational and interregional co-operation among regional and local actors

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