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Music and the brain . Music and therapyMelodic Intonation Therapy (MIT)Aphasia, dyslexia, LLI, autism, schizophrenia Music and developmentBeneficial effects of musicLanguage and reading skillsEffects are inborn or result of training?. Multisensory integration in music. Audio-motor integration
1. Music and the brain:Multisensory integration in music production and perception HST 722 Student Topic Proposal
October 1, 2007
Miriam Makhlouf
2. Music and the brain Music and therapy
Melodic Intonation Therapy (MIT)
Aphasia, dyslexia, LLI, autism, schizophrenia
Music and development
Beneficial effects of music
Language and reading skills
Effects are inborn or result of training?
3. Multisensory integration in music Audio-motor integration
Auditory and motor systems in musicians
Schneider 2002
Audio-motor coordination
Baumann 2007
Human mirror neurons in audio-motor recognition
Lahav 2007
4. Discussion papers Baumann S, Koeneke S, Schmidt CF, Meyer M, Lutz K, Jancke L., “A network for audio-motor coordination in skilled pianists and non-musicians”, Brain Res. 2007 Aug 3;1161:65-78. Epub 2007 Jun 4.
Lahav A, Saltzman E, Schlaug G., “Action representation of sound: audiomotor recognition network while listening to newly acquired actions”, J Neurosci. 2007 Jan 10;27(2):308-14.
Schneider P, Scherg M, Dosch HG, Specht HJ, Gutschalk A, Rupp A. “Morphology of Heschl's gyrus reflects enhanced activation in the auditory cortex of musicians”, Nat Neurosci. 2002 Jul;5(7):688-94.
5. Background papers Norton A, Winner E, Cronin K, Overy K, Lee DJ, Schlaug G., “Are there pre-existing neural, cognitive, or motoric markers for musical ability?” Brain Cogn. 2005 Nov;59(2):124-34. Epub 2005 Jul 28.
Pizzamiglio L, Aprile T, Spitoni G, Pitzalis S, Bates E, D'Amico S, Di Russo F., “Separate neural systems for processing action- or non-action-related sounds”, Neuroimage. 2005 Feb 1;24(3):852-61. Epub 2004 Nov 24.
Shahin AJ, Roberts LE, Trainor LJ., “Enhancement of auditory cortical development by musical experience in children”, Neuroreport. 2004 Aug 26;15(12):1917-21.
Zatorre RJ., “Music and the brain”, Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2003 Nov;999:4-14.
6. Further reading Bayley, R., http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/grownups/children_learn/music/musicandlanguage/
Boso M, Emanuele E, Minazzi V, Abbamonte M, Politi P., “Effect of long-term interactive music therapy on behavior profile and musical skills in young adults with severe autism”, J Altern Complement Med. 2007 Sep;13(7):709-12.
Fudin R, Lembessis E., “The Mozart effect: questions about the seminal findings of Rauscher, Shaw, and colleagues”, Percept Mot Skills. 2004 Apr;98(2):389-405.
Gaab N, Gabrieli JD, Deutsch GK, Tallal P, Temple E. “Neural correlates of rapid auditory processing are disrupted in children with developmental dyslexia and ameliorated with training: An fMRI study”, Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2007;25(3-4):295-310.
Hutchinson S, Lee LH, Gaab N, Schlaug G., “Cerebellar volume of musicians”, Cereb Cortex. 2003 Sep;13(9):943-9.
Lavelle, P., “Music improves language and memory”, ABC Science Online, July 2003
Rauscher FH, Shaw GL, Ky KN., “Music and spatial task performance”, Nature. 1993 Oct 14;365(6447):611.
Shahin AJ, Roberts LE, Pantev C, Aziz M, Picton TW., “Enhanced anterior-temporal processing for complex tones in musicians”, Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 Jan;118(1):209-20. Epub 2006 Nov 13.
Tallal P, Gaab N., “Dynamic auditory processing, musical experience and language development”, Trends Neurosci. 2006 Jul;29(7):382-90.
Ulrich G, Houtmans T, Gold C., “The additional therapeutic effect of group music therapy for schizophrenic patients: a randomized study”, Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2007 Nov;116(5):362-70.
van Atteveldt NM, Formisano E, Blomert L, Goebel R., “The effect of temporal asynchrony on the multisensory integration of letters and speech sounds”, Cereb Cortex. 2007 Apr;17(4):962-74. Epub 2006 Jun 2.