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Best hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan

Hair transplant clinic in Pakistan is treating male and female pattern baldness through FUE & FUT techniques at low cost. Call 923334309999

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Best hair transplant surgeon in Pakistan

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  1. Hair transplantation clinic Pakistan | Free consultation | Best surgeon Hair Transplantation Pakistan Hair transplant clinic in Pakistan is equipped with state of the art facilities. We have the best restoration surgeon in Lahore Pakistan at our clinic, he has 22 years experience, trained and qualified from King Edward Medical University and specialization from Rene Descartes University Paris France and second specialization from Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 France. BEST HAIR TRANSPLANT IN PAKISTAN Our clinic in Pakistan is equipped with state of the art facilities. We have the best hair restoration surgeon in Lahore Pakistan at our clinic, he has 22 years experience, trained and qualified from King Edward Medical University and specialization from Rene Descartes University Paris France and Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 France. Our clinic is offering best results in Pakistan and we strive to provide each individual with only the best in treatment, keeping them motivated to improve their appearance. Treatment for the infectious hair diseases and stem cell therapy to stop hair fall and regrowth are available at our clinic. Our patients came from all over the world and we value their trust and confidence on us for the last 22 years. We furthermore assure each patient that we will offer free of cost procedure or grafts if transplanted grafts will fail or did not grow provided patients follow our before and after procedure instructions properly. BOUT HAIR RESTORATION & REGROWTH Choose the best hair restoration clinic in Pakistan for your baldness treatment among male and female patients. We are offering state of the art techniques which are micro Fue and DHI methods for hair regrowth. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is the most experienced and foreign qualified surgeon in Lahore pakistan. He had performed more than 12000 procedures in his 22 years career successfully. Dr. Chaudhry did his specialization from France and studied at Rene Descartes University as well as Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 France. We are committed to providing quality care and results for the individual, while maintaining integrity in every aspect of our interaction with patients. Best Hair transplantation clinic in Pakistan Hair transplant in Pakistan is offered by one of the top clinics which give promising results. It is not a specific term, rather it is a general term that outlines a number of procedures used to grow hairs in that part of the body or scalp which is showing less growth and thinning . Various procedures include follicular unit transplantation, follicular unit extraction, laser and ARTAS robotic transplant. A lot of new techniques have been researched that can be used for baldness treatment which includes use of stem cells and plasma rich proteins to grow hairs. The cost of the procedure in Pakistan is economical and affordable. Among these procedures, FUT, FUE, ARTAS robotic, stem cell and direct implantation DHI are successfully performed in Pakistan. These processes are being used to solve medical as well as

  2. cosmetic issues. One out of two males in Pakistan face balding issues, out of which a great number of men exist who have just crossed their teenage years. The issue is also seen in females; however, the proportion of females as compared to males is low. This might be due to genetic dominance of DHT hormones in males. Types of hair transplantation in Pakistan The types of treatments include surgical and non-surgical approaches. Surgical approaches include FUE, FUT, stem cell and ARTAS hair restoration. They are invasive procedures, though the degree of invasiveness varies depending upon the choice of procedure and the numbers of grafts needed to be transplanted. As compared to non-surgical options, the surgical procedures are more successful. The basic approach includes the transfer of follicles from the donor area to a recipients’ area. The transplanted grafts shed and become the pioneers for new strands. The scars formed, healed in a few months. Pre and post treatment is required. Another approach to treat balding includes the non-surgical approaches. The cost of non-surgical procedure in Pakistan ranges from Rs. 5000 to 40,000. Non-surgical remedies include application of topical solutions such as minoxidil, using nutritional supplements containing vitamins and proteins and application of growth promoter oils on the scalp. These remedies are time taking but the results are promising. These techniques are efficient for the people who do not want to undergo any surgical procedure. They have proven efficacies. The medications can be used after proper consultation by a doctor. These mostly work by inhibiting the progression of thinning. Cost of hair transplant in Pakistan The cost varies depending on various factors such as the choice of procedure, the expenses in travelling and the amount spent in pre and post treatment medications. It also depends upon the availability of service and the skills and experience of the doctor. It might be possible that one surgical procedure is not suitable for a person depending upon the desired results. The details of these procedures, cost and ideal candidates would be discussed below. All the mentioned procedures for hair regrowth are surgical procedures; however, a number of non-surgical approaches are also available. One should search for the best Fue in Pakistan. Visit for clickhttps://www.hairtransplantationpakistan.com/

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