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a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l. E - m o n i t o r i n g. p r o t e c t i o n. - w a t e r p o l l u t i o n. i n t h e L a k e. P O G O R I A. Table of contents. „ Water, you have no taste, you are indefinable, you are tasted without knowing you.
a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l E - m o n i t o r i n g p r o t e c t i o n - w a t e r p o l l u t i o n i n t h e L a k e P O G O R I A
„Water, you have no taste, you are indefinable, you are tasted without knowing you. You are not necessary for life but you are life itself.” (Saint-Exupéry) Table of contents
General information • There are four lakes connected with each other: - Pogoria I - Pogoria II - Pogoria III - Pogoria IV • These lakes are located in Dabrowa Gornicza Dąbrowski and they are ground waters reservoirs. They used to be former excavations of sand flooded with water. Most of these areas are protected as the wildlife parks. Table of contents
Lake Pogoria I • These grounds are next to the recreation centre of „Bankowa” steelworks. This area is situated on the shallow terrain overgrown with high reed. It is the home for the waterfowl and the spawning-ground of fish. Table of contents
Mlaki on lake Pogoria I • Mlaki is the Polish name for the area with groundwater leakage where there is usually a lot of peat and marsh and where many species of wetland vegetation exist. • These grounds cover the exploitative level of the sand- mine working of an 7 ha acreage which was not flooded with water. • In this area a lot of unique,protected plants can be found, for example, many species of sundew, hellaborine and orchids. Table of contents
Alpine asphodel Tofieldia calyculata heath-spotted orchid Dactylorhiza maculata English sundew Drosera anglica Table of contents
Thanks to the specific habitat conditions the following vertebrate species can hold their breeding cycles there: • a) amphibiens: • - grass frog • - moor frog • b) birds: • - blackbird • - song thrush • - chiffchaff • - blue tit • - great tit • - chaffinch • c) mammals: • - common shrew • - white-toothed shrew (that deserves particular attention because it lives here on the boarder of its ambit) Table of contents
moor frog Rana arvalis grass frog Rana temporaria Table of contents
Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris song thrush Turdus philomelos Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Table of contents
Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus Table of contents
common shrew Sorex araneus white-toothed shrew Crocidura leucodon Table of contents
Lake Pogoria II • It covers the area of an acreage of 40 ha. The purpose of protecting this area is preservation of some groups of plants and water-swamp wild fowl habitat. • On the area mentioned above, many plants and mushrooms under complete protection can be found: • - species of angelica • - yellow water-lily • - helleborine • - stinkhorn Table of contents
stinkhorn Mutinus ravenelii dark red helleborine Epipactis atrorubens Table of contents
Fauna in this area is represented by 84 species of vertebrata and 52 of them are under complete protection, 8 under hunting protection, 10 under fishing protection and 2 under seasonal protection. • In 1998 detailed wildlife valorization was carried out in order to extend the protection of these areas. This year another detailed wildlife valorizations are being carried out for the other areas. Table of contents
Ammonia in Lake Pogoria Ammonia found in drinking water has no direct relevance to health, but it may decrease the effectiveness of disinfection of water, contribute to the formation of nitrite, as well as cause changes in taste and smell of water. Table of contents
Nitrates in Lake Pogoria Higher concentrations of nitrates are harmful, especially in water used for drinking. There is a risk of human disease, called methaemoglobinemia. It means that haemoglobin is transformed into methaemoglobin which, in unlike haemoglobin, does not have the capacity to transfer oxygen. Not only can people be at the risk of the negative effects of the presence of nitrate in drinking water but cattle as well. Table of contents
Coli bacteria in Lake Pogoria The presence of coliform bacteria in the sample of water proves the contamination of fresh water with faeces, sewage, soil or putrid plant substances. The presence of coliform bacteria in the overall study may indicate the presence of pathogenic bacteria. Table of contents
BOD in Lake Pogoria BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) - the conventional indicator of the biological oxygen demand - the amount of oxygen required for oxidation of organic compounds by micro-organisms. BOD is an indicator of water purity and quality of treated waste water: the higher the value of BOD is, the more polluted the water is. Table of contents
Water temperature in Lake Pogoria Water temperature has a major impact on the coexistence of aquatic organisms, as well as physical processes, chemical and biological agents occurring in the water. The increase in temperature involves reducing the dissolved oxygen, accelerating the processes of nitrification and oxidation of ammonia to nitrates (III and V) which leads to a shortage of oxygen in the water. Table of contents
The rise in the temperature by 10 degree Celcius is almost twice the acceleration of chemical and biological reactions occurring in water. Higher temperature also increases the toxicity of many substances.
Clause • The project was realized with the financial support from the European Committee within Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme. • The contents of the programme or materials do not reflect the stand of the European Committee. • The publisher is responsible for the contents of all publications. • The European Committee bears no responsibility for the use of this information in any way. Tableofcontents
The presentation is made: • Monika Szmit • Monika Lech • Dominika Skóra Table of contents
Table of contents • 1. Quotation v • 2. General information about Lake Pogoria v • 3. Lake Pogoria I v • 4. Młaki nad Pogorią I v • 5. Lake Pogoria II v • 6.Ammonia in the Lake Pogoriav • 7.Nitrates in the Lake Pogoriav • 8.Coli bacteria in the Lake Pogoriav • 9.BOD in the Lake Pogoriav • 10. Water temperature in the Lake Pogoriav • 11. Clause v